Police investigate whether two murders at Rogers Park are related


Police were investigating whether, according to authorities, mortal fire in Rogers Park from an elderly man walking his dogs and a man on the lakefront trail at a distance of one day are somehow related.

"The way these two men were killed is similar," said Chicago police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi. "The detectives are working aggressively to see if there are any similarities between the shootings."

Most recently, Eliyahu Moscowitz, aged 24, was found shot in the head, near the left ear, in block 1100 of West Lunt Avenue, just south of Loyola Park, around 22:20. Monday, the police said. A witness found him lying on the way and called the police.

The investigators did not have a description of the shooter, but watched videos of several surveillance cameras in the area, police said.

The shooting occurred approximately 800 meters from the spot where Willard D. Watts, 73, was shot dead Sunday while he was walking his dogs near his home in the 1400 block. from West Sherwin Avenue to Rogers Park, according to the police.

An armed man dressed in black and wearing a ski mask approached Watts and shot him in the head, police said. He died a few steps from his home, where he lived with her husband and mother-in-law. Nobody was in custody.

Guglielmi said on Tuesday that detectives were looking around the neighborhood and watching surveillance footage, including POD cameras from the city, looking for clues about the murders. Officers from the North Zone Saturation Team will also be added to regular patrols in the area.

"People will notice an increased police presence," Guglielmi said.

The police were testing ballistic evidence retrieved from both crime scenes to see if the same gun had been used during the killings. Guglielmi said the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives was also informed of the killings.

The investigators "hope to have the results of a ballistic test (sic) later today," Ald. Joe Moore, 49th, wrote in a statement on Facebook.

Reverend John Elleson of Lakewood Chapel said that he had gone to both neighborhoods to help people cope. On Monday evening, he prayed near the place where Moscowicz was found.

"He is lying there with the rain falling and if it was my son or my relative, I would just like someone to be with them during this time, then it's sad", said Elleson. "I find that my heart is breaking with this gentleman, that's all."

WGN-TV has contributed

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