Police said that the suspect in the shooting of newsrooms was "not a threat" in 2013


ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) – The man accused of killing five people in a Maryland newspaper was the subject of an investigation five years ago for a dam threatening tweets against staff but detective According to a police report released on Friday, the newspaper was afraid of "putting a stick in a hive".

The 2013 police report added to the emerging image. Jarrod W. Ramos, 38, a former information technology employee and longtime vindictive of The Capital of Annapolis, has been charged with five counts of first-degree murder in one of the most serious attacks. murderers against journalists from American history.

Ramos barricaded the back door of the office to prevent anyone from escaping and drove methodically into the newsroom on Thursday with a 12-gauge shotgun, shot down a victim trying to slip in the back.

Three th "Comrade was there to kill as many people as he could," said Anne Arundel County Police Chief Timothy Altomare.

Ramos, shaved close with long hair on his shoulders, was deprived of bail in a short court appearance, assisted by video, attentively observing but saying nothing.

The authorities stated that he was "uncooperative" with the interrogators. He was placed under suicidal supervision in prison. His public defenders had no comment

The charges are punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment without the possibility of parole. Maryland does not have the death penalty.

The bloodshed first raised fears that the recent wave of political attacks against "fake media" has exploded into violence. But according to all the testimonies, Ramos had a specific long-standing grievance against the newspaper.

President Donald Trump, who regularly calls reporters "liars" and "enemies of the people," said, "Journalists, like all Americans, should be free from the fear of being violently attacked. doing their job. "

Ramos had filed a defamation suit against the newspaper in 2012 after publishing an article complaining the plaintiff of harassing a woman. A judge later declared it unfounded. Ramos had repeatedly targeted staff members with edgy and profane tweets.

"There is clearly a story out there," says the chief of police

Ramos has launched so many attacks on social media that the editor Tom Marquardt retired. 196519002] Altomare revealed Friday that a detective has investigated these concerns, holding a conference call with a lawyer for the publishing house, a former correspondent and the newspaper's publisher.

The police report said that the lawyer was producing a wealth of tweets made mention of blood in the water, hell reporter, hitman, open season, happy that he was not there. There will be no lethal rampage, murder career. "

Detective, Michael Praley, said in the report that he" did not believe Mr. Ramos was a threat to employees, "noting that Ramos had not tried to enter in the building and had not sent "direct and threatening correspondence. "

" To date, the capital will not pursue any fees, "Praley wrote." It has been described as putting a stick in a hive that the representatives of Capital Newspaper do not want to make. "

Marquardt, the former publisher, said that he had spoken with the newspaper's lawyers to seek a restraining order. "

" We decided to take the party to put down, "he said Friday.

Later, in 2015, Ramos tweeted that he would like the newspaper to stop publishing., but "it would be nicer" to see two of his reporters "stop breathing."

Then Ramos "remained silent" for more than two years, says Marquardt.

"This led us to believe that he had moved on, but for some reason he decided to resurrect his problem with The Capital yesterday, "said the former editor." We do not know why. "

The chief of police said q new posts had been created just before the killings but the authorities did not know them before.

Few details have been published about Ramos. is single, does not have children and lives in an apartment in Laurel, Maryland. He was employed by a computer contractor for the Bureau of Labor Statistics from the US Department of Labor from 2007 to 2014. A shotgun shot that broke the glass entrance of the open newsroom. Ramos carefully planned the attack, using "a tactical approach to hunt down and kill the innocent," said Attorney Wes Adams. He says the shooter also had an escape plan, but that he would not elaborate.

Journalists crawled under the desks and searched for other hiding places, describing agonizing minutes of terror when they heard the shooter's footsteps and repeated explosions. He was huddled, trying not to breathe, trying not to make any noise, and he shot me all around me, "said photographer Paul Gillespie, who plunged under an office, to the Baltimore Sun newspaper [19659002] Gillespie says that he heard a colleague yelling, "No!" A gun explosion followed, he heard another colleague's voice, then another shot.

Some 300 Officers arrived and began to jam Ramos within two minutes, a quick response that "saves" lives, said Altomare Ramos was hidden under a desk and did not exchange fire with the police. [19659002] Ramos was identified with the help of facial recognition technology, because of what the police chief claimed to be a delay … Police denied information that Ramos had mutilated the fingertips to counteract his identification.

Two officials told the Associate ated Press Thursday night, according to preliminary information, that the shooter had deliberately damaged his fingers. "Shotgun was legally bought about a year ago despite his guilty plea in the harassment case. He also carried smoke grenades, the authorities said.

Investigators review Ramos' publications on social media and search his apartment, where Altomare said he found evidence of planning the attack. The chef did not give details.

Among those killed was 59-year-old Rob Hiaasen, deputy editor of the newspaper and brother of the novelist Carl Hiaasen. Gerald Fischman, publisher of the editorial page, Wendi Winters, special projects editor, John McNamara, journalist, and Rebecca Smith, commercial assistant

The city of Annapolis announced Friday night a vigil for victims on a plaza public near the State House. ] ____

By BRIAN WITTE, Associated Press

Associate Press Writers Eric Tucker in Washington; Michael Balsamo in Los Angeles; Michael Kunzelman in Annapolis; and Sarah Rankin and Denise Lavoie in Richmond, Virginia, contributed to this story, as did the AP News Research Center in New York.

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