Police search for gunman after two men shot dead separately in Chicago


Police are reinforcing its presence in Chicago's Rogers Park neighborhood after two men were shot dead one day later, apparently by the same gunman wearing a mask on the first shot, authorities said.

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Police have determined that the Sunday and Monday murders were committed with the same weapon and probably the same individual, the authorities said. The investigators beg the public to help find the suspect.

During the first attack, a man was walking his dog on Sunday when a suspect wearing a mask approached and shot him, police said. The victim, 73-year-old Douglass Watts, was shot in the head, reported ABC TV's Chicago TV channel WLS-TV.

The next day, a few steps away, Eliyahu Moscowitz, 24, was shot in the head, according to WLS.

The shooting appeared to be random, the police said, adding that nothing had been taken away from one or the other victim and that the mobile was not clear.

"Nothing leads us to believe that these two individuals are related in any way," police said on Tuesday.

Police were still watching the surveillance video of Monday's murder, authorities said Tuesday. It was therefore difficult to know if the suspect wore a mask during the second murder.

PHOTO: The masked shooter seems to target random people in a neighborhood that has suffered two fatal shootings in two days, police said.Chicago Police Department
The masked gunman appears to be targeting random people in a neighborhood that has suffered two fatal shootings in two days, police said.

"Today, we mourn the loss of two Rogers Park residents," said Mayor Rahm Emanuel at a press conference held on Tuesday. "Two men, of different ages and backgrounds, whose lives ended with the same firearm Deaths were foolish and tragic As a city, our hearts go especially to their families, whose lives was torn apart. "

The pastor of Lakewood Chapel, John Elleson, who saw the body of Moscowitz after the shooting, told WLS: "He is lying there with the rain falling in. And if it was my son or my relative, I would just like someone to be with them during this time …. I just find my heart breaking. "

The Chicago Office of the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) said it will "use all available resources" to help solve the murders.

"Your safety is our main concern," tweeted the ATF Chicago. "If you know something, say something."

Emanuel said the residents of Rogers Park were strong and resilient and assured them, "your city is with you".

"The person or persons responsible will be brought to justice," police said at Tuesday's press conference. "There is someone out there who knows who this person is, what it is like a family member, a friend, an a loved one we trust, we need you to do what's necessary and call the police. "

Anyone with information can call the police at (312) 744-8200.

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