Polish Pakistani team found fake data and wasting vaccines


A team of Pakistan polio vaccinators was caught mocking data and wasting polio vaccines here, the police said on Monday.

Confirming the incident, Supplementary Deputy Commissioner (ADC), Asif Rahim, said the services of the 11-member team had been terminated, reports Dawn News.

"We decided to punish severely because it was not tolerable.This was not just a mistake or mistake.Because of what the team did, many children n & # 39; 39; have not been vaccinated, which may also delay the achievement of the goal of the eradication of the virus. " country, "he said.

A polio program official said Saturday that a team from the World Health Organization had surprised Sabzi Mandi Mor's nominated vaccinators at the permanent transit point (PTP).

They would spread two drops of vaccine on the ground for each false name they would enter in the data relating to vaccinated children.

Pakistan is one of the three countries in the world where wild poliovirus transmission is ongoing, alongside Afghanistan and Nigeria.



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