Poll: Blackburn GOP Group Leads Senate of Tennessee


The race in the Tennessee Senate between Rep. Marsha BlackburnMarsha BlackburnDemocrats are unlikely to win the Senate in November Cornyn Cornyn: "All the money in the world" will not help O & # Rourke to go to Texas Gillibrand supports Manchin, Bredesen despite his support for Kavanaugh PLUS (Br.) And former governor Phil Bredesen (D) is on the brink of a dead wave just three weeks from mid-2018.

Blackburn has a 3-point lead over Breseden in the race for GOP Sen, who is retiring. Bob CorkerRobert (Bob) Phillips CorkerThe Senator: Congress will take action following the death of Saudi journalist Democrats accuse Trump of causing the deaths of alleged "dishonest killers" who blamed the missing journalist. MORE, according to a new poll released Wednesday by Reuters.

The Reuters / Ipsos / University of Virginia poll found that Blackburn held between 47 and 44% of the votes among likely voters, just ahead of the margin of error of 2.5 points from the poll, which means the race is practically tied.

This comes from a recent Fox News poll that showed Blackburn with a 5-point lead.

Democrats see the state as a privileged opportunity to acquire a seat in order to resume the upper house at mid-session.

Democrats must win two seats to overthrow the Senate, but they face a tough card where they defend 10 seats in states won by President TrumpDonald John TrumpThe five takeaways of Cruz, the debate between O & # 39; Rourke and Arpaio sues defamation against New York Times Christine Lagarde IMF delays her trip to the Middle East MORE in 2016.

Blackburn is closely linked to Trump, who organized a rally for her earlier this month.

Breseden has maintained a centrist stance and is one of the few Democrats to publicly declare that he would have voted for the confirmation of Brett KavanaughBrett Michael KavanaughGraham: I hope Dems will be right about his driving around Kavanaugh Live coverage: Cruz confronts O 'Rourke in Texas debating the debate A Saudi mystery marks a gap between Trump and GOP. at the Supreme Court.

Tennessee has not elected a Democratic senator since 1990.

An average of RealClearPolitics polls shows that Blackburn has a 5.5 point lead.

"It has become a republican state," political scientist Larry Sabato of the University of Virginia told Reuters. "It is so difficult for a Democrat to gather a majority across the state."

The survey polled 1,108 likely voters between October 4 and 11.

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