Poll: Dems have a slim lead in Senate races in Arizona and Nevada


A poll released Wednesday showed Democratic Senate candidates had a head in Arizona and Nevada, two states where Democrats have the best chance of winning seats.

A CNN survey revealed that Rep. Kyrsten Sinema (Arizona) had a 4-point advantage over Rep. Martha McSallyMartha Elizabeth McSallyPavlich: Arizona Does Not Deserve Sinema's Night Health Care – Presented by Purdue Pharma – Idaho GOP Governor Supports Medicaid Expansion | ObamaCare registration is not expected to increase next year | Pfizer chief expects drug prices to return to normal »House battlefield expands | Trump double on immigration | GOP campaign leader reprimands Steve King | The Clinton team calm the 2020 speech | Sanders will not promise to sit in the Senate for a full term MORE (R-Ariz.) In the race to replace Sen who is retiring Jeff FlakeJeffrey (Jeff) Lane Cononway's husband thinks Trump's birthright proposal is "unconstitutional" Flake: Trump "can not and should not" give up birthright citizenship Poll: Sinema leads McSally's 6 points in the Arizona Senate race PLUS (R). A separate survey of CNN showed that Rep. Jacky RosenJacklyn (Jacky) Sheryl RosenThe Morning's Morning – Presented by PhRMA – Tensions Are Dissolving In Washington After A Bomb Alert The Hill & # 39; s Morning – Presented By PhRMA – Concerns Are Growing Faced With Political Violence In Mid-Term Countdown to Elections: Bomb Attacks Threaten New Violence in Politics | The race in Texas becomes a zero point in the battle of health care | Florida tests Trump's influence | The racial animus goes to the forefront of the mid-term battle | Trump will gather in Wisconsin tonight MORE (D-Nev.) Sen. Dean HellerDean Arthur HellerPoll: Cruz dominated by O & # 39; Rourke reduced to 5 points The biggest winner of the elections? The polarization in America The Hill & # 39; s Morning Report – Presented by PhRMA – The tensions reign in Washington after the terror of a bomb MORE (R-Nev.) By 3 points.

In Nevada, a democratic state Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonAvenatti says the FBI told him that he was being targeted by an alleged courier bomber Countdown to the elections: a week after mid-term | The battlefield of the house is enlarging | Trump double on immigration | GOP campaign leader reprimands Steve King | The Clinton team calm the 2020 speech | Sanders will not promise to sit in the Senate for a full term. Silence of 'the agns': the deafening quiet of the FISA court and John Roberts PLUS Barely won in the presidential election of 2016, Rosen is at the top of the ranking of registered voters, with 48 to 45% of the vote. The survey has a margin of error of 4.2 percentage points.

The Nevada poll polled 807 registered voters from October 24 to 29.

Seventy-eight percent of the electors surveyed said they made a decision as to who they plan to vote on November 6th, while 20% said they could change their minds before voting .

An average of the other polls in the Nevada race shows Heller leading with 1.7 points.

In Arizona, where voters have not elected a Democrat in the Senate for 30 years, Sinema is at the head of the McSally group, with 51% to 47%. This margin is down from September, while Sinema led by 7 points in a CNN poll.

Eighty-six percent of respondents said their decision was taken in the race, while 13% said they could still change their decision, according to the latest poll.

An average RealClearPolitics of all the polls of the race shows Sinema leading by less than a point.

The CNN survey in Arizona polled 867 registered voters from October 24 to 29, with a margin of error of 4 percentage points.

Both races are likely to play a decisive role in determining control of the Senate. To win a majority, Democrats should probably win both states and keep all their current seats on polling day.

Cook's non-partisan political report called the two races a "draw" and attracted personalities from each party. President TrumpDonald John Trump, activists ask Washington officials to rename the street in front of the Saudi Arabian Embassy after Khashoggi On five occasions of the final debate in the Senate of Indiana, Avenatti said the FBI He had informed that he was targeted by a bomb attack against an email. Rallies were held in Arizona and Nevada earlier this month. He traveled to Nevada several times to support Heller.

Former president Barack ObamaBarack Hussein Obama said the FBI had told him that he was targeted by the alleged terrorist Watters: "No one blames Obama for his" anti-police speech "when cops were shot dead under his tenure. voters in the medium term: "Your voice can determine the character of our country" MORE and former vice president Joe BidenJoseph (Joe) Robinette BidenAvenatti says the FBI told him that he was being targeted by an alleged courier bomber Countdown to the elections: a week after mid-session | The battlefield of the house is enlarging | Trump double on immigration | GOP campaign leader reprimands Steve King | The Clinton team calm the 2020 speech | Sanders Will Not Promise to Serve Biden Full Senate Mandate: "We Must Recognize That Words Matter" as a Result of Violence MORE puzzled for Rosen in Nevada earlier this month. Obama did not visit Arizona, but approved Sinema.

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