Poll finds Alabama among the largest states in America


(PR) – "Fat" is becoming the new standard in America. According to the most recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than seven in ten American adults aged 20 years and over are overweight or obese. Rates are lower in children and adolescents, but they have increased dramatically in recent decades.

To determine where obesity and overweight persisted most dangerously, WalletHub compared the 50 states and the District of Columbia on 25 key indicators. The data sets range from the obese and overweight population to the consumption of sugary drinks among teens to the health care costs associated with obesity.

Biggest states in the United States
1. Mississippi
2. West Virginia
3. Arkansas
4. Kentucky
5. Tennessee
6. Louisiana
7. Alabama
8. South Carolina
9. Oklahoma
10. Texas

Leanest states in the United States
46. ​​California
47. District of Columbia
48. Massachusetts
49. Hawaii
50. Utah
51. Colorado

Read the full ranking survey of other states and how WalletHub determined these rankings.

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