POLL: Large lead pencil Cuomo before primary


ALBANY – A new poll predicts Governor Andrew M. Cuomo will head for a massive victory in Thursday's Democratic primary.

According to a poll released Monday by the Siena Research Institute, outgoing president Cynthia Nixon is leading 63 to 22 percent of potential candidates. The 41 percentage point margin is the governor's main lead in the Siena governors poll this summer, which has consistently found Nixon to lag behind by about 30 percentage points.

Read the full survey on Capitol Confidential.

"Cuomo has widened its two-to-one lead in July and now looks set to overwhelm Nixon in Thursday's Democratic primary," said Steve Greenberg, a Siena pollster, in a statement.

"Although the Nixon campaign has spoken of increased participation among new, younger and more progressive voters, it does not appear that it will help, although an increase in participation among these groups is occurring. ", did he declare. "Cuomo has a lead of more than two to one, 59-28%, with voters under 35 and an even greater lead among self-declared Liberals, 65-24%."

Cuomo's performance is tied with his performance in the tripartite Democratic primary four years ago, when he garnered 62.9 percent of the vote.

The Nixon campaign argued that the poll, because of the date on which it was conducted, disregarded the late opening of the Mario Cuomo Bridge and the controversy surrounding a mail sent by the Democratic Party of the State. They also said that the survey did not adequately consider their constituents.

The poll said the four-way race for the Democratic nomination is still at stake, as 30 percent of Democratic voters are still undecided about their choice. The race is complicated by the fact that no candidates are well known to voters.

Sean Patrick Maloney (United States) and Letitia James (New York City lawyer) are 25% and 24% respectively, but Zephyr Teachout is still in the pack at 18%. Leecia Eve is almost a non-factor in the poll, with only 3%.

James is 38% of the voters in New York City, 20 points higher than Maloney, who leads a similar number (34% to 14%) in the suburbs. Teachout is in second place in the state, at 25%, with 32% of Maloney.

An additional analysis for the AG race is on Capitol Confidential.

Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul has a 22-point lead over New York City Councilor Jumaane Williams in her bid for a second term, but 35 percent of voters are still undecided about the lieutenant governor's primary.

More than half of the voters do not have any opinion on one or the other of the candidates in the race.

The sample consisted of 509 Democratic voters likely to have been interviewed between 4 and 7 September and had a margin of error of 4.3 percentage points.

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