Pollyanna Macintosh, a star of "Walking Dead" leave the yesteryear behind her in season 9


The artist formerly known as Jadis on The dead who walk is officially gone by Anne now, according to the actor who plays it. Speak on the phone for Bustle, The dead who walk Star Pollyanna McIntosh explained what Anne brings to the group in Season 9, how she is able to redeem herself, and some clues about new threats coming up. Each person's skills are put to good use when survivors try to build a new world.

"The ladies are back," sings McIntosh, speaking of the trailer for female characters in season 9. "It sounds a lot like a fresh start in so many ways," she says. "But of course, there is always a danger around the corner."

Formerly may have betrayed Rick Grimes and his group of heroes more than once, but Anne turns a new page while the Scavengers are assimilated to other communities. "We find it [in Season 9] she says. Be helpful, feel that she has her place there and keep the memory of everything that has happened to her. And it's not super simple, really? You know, trying to find your place in a chosen family is not easy when you just have a huge wave of grief. "

One of the best revelations about Anne's character in Season 8 is that she is an artist who has created paintings and sculptures in her home. In season 9, she is able to use it to get in touch with the "good guys", so to speak – for example, using her Smithsonian knowledge in the first to help the group secure old-fashioned material .

Jackson Lee Davis / The Walking Dead

"It's really an important part of his personality and strength," McIntosh says of Anne's talents and artistic knowledge. "One of her strengths, I am very happy to see that she has not abandoned this despite the loss of her community, so she is always there to be with this new group, she uses her art of advantageously for them, which interests me a lot. "

That said, Negan is not dead – and conflicts with Negan are therefore not solved forever. "I think she's feeling that they've settled their stuff," McIntosh says of the complex relationship between his character and the villain of previous seasons. "It's part of what she's leaving behind, really."

Gene / AMC page

Anne could also resume her role as leader. At the end of season 8, Maggie was seen conspiring with Jesus and Daryl to take Rick Grimes in one way or another. If any of these three does not fill this power vacuum, Anne could do it.

"I think she was an excellent leader of scavengers and that she would make an excellent leader from another group if she wished, I do not need to talk anymore." Alpha, which is great, a lot of I would become Alpha … But I do not know, do you think these guys would have it as a leader? It killed a lot of their people. "

Who knew that art and history of art could play an important role in the apocalypse? Even if you try to revive civilization from scratch, Anne's skills become even more essential. Formerly was a good leader for the war. It is now enough for fans to see how Anne can adapt to peace – as short as it is – and if others accept it as one of theirs.

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