Pompeo strongly opposes Russian claims on Crimea and Ukraine, but has trouble explaining Trump


(Associated Press)

President Trump has extended his invitation to Russian President Vladimir Putin to come to Washington until next year, after Republican leaders of Congress opposed a visit initially scheduled for this fall, at the time of the mid-term election.

Putin never responded to the announcement of the administration last week that, according to Trump 's leadership, "plans were underway" for an autumn welcome; a Russian official pointed to the controversy in the United States to explain the hesitation. On Wednesday, President John Bolton's national security advisor issued a statement on the change of plans, citing the use of the special advocate Robert S. Mueller III in Russia – and not for political reasons –

believes that the next bilateral meeting with President Putin should take place after the end of the witch hunt in Russia, so that we agreed that it will be after the first of the year ", said Bolton

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