Pompeo: Trump could hold second meeting with North Korean Kim Jong Un in near future


The Trump administration is working on a second summit between President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, state secretary Mike Pompeo said.

"There is still a bit of work to do to ensure that conditions are good and that both leaders are able to make substantial progress," said Pompeo in an interview with Fox News. "I hope that I will be back in Pyongyang before too long to progress further. And if so, I hope that President Kim and President Trump will have the chance to meet in the near future. "

Last month, Secretary Pompeo canceled what would have been his fourth trip to Pyongyang, due to insufficient progress by North Korea in dismantling its nuclear weapons program. This week, the State Department revealed that Kim had accepted the "denuclearization of North Korea, which should end in January 2021".

The secretary has refused to set a deadline for what the United States wants North Korea to accomplish by the end of the year.

Next week, Pompeo and President Trump will travel to New York for the UN General Assembly. This morning, the President tweeted, "I will chair the United Nations Security Council meeting on Iran next week!"

The Trump administration reinstates the sanctions once lifted as part of the Iran-nuclear deal. In May, the United States left the market. Germany, France and Britain are trying to maintain this agreement, encouraging and helping its companies to work with the company. Iran despite US sanctions.

Pompeo said these efforts would be ineffective.

"If you're just looking at the traffic, that's a way. People are leaving Iran, including European companies, "he said. "I am confident that we will ultimately be effective in enforcing the sanctions that President Trump has asked us to reimpose."

The secretary has also forecast continued pressure on Venezuela and the economic and humanitarian crisis in this country.

"I think you will see in the coming days a series of actions that continue to increase the level of pressure against Venezuelan leaders who are working directly against the best interests of the Venezuelan people," said Pompeo. "We are determined to ensure that the Venezuelan people have their say."

Pompeo declined to say whether the administration would impose more sanctions on the administration of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro or whether the Trump administration believes Maduro should step down.

"Anyway, this is the result that will be chosen by the Venezuelan people, and I think it understands that Maduro has not taken care to ensure that the interest of the Venezuelan people is really reflected in its public policy ". he said.

Pompeo also said the State Department continues to urge Turkey to release US pastor Andrew Brunson and that there are "high-frequency, multi-level conversations" between the two countries.

"Can not comment on any particular details, only this: we have made it clear that Pastor Brunson and the other people whom the Turkish government holds for no reason to have detained must return home," he said.

On the domestic front, Pompeo said the US is focused on fighting attempts to intervene in elections, particularly from Russia, China, North Korea, Iran and non-state parties. state.

"I think we are in a place," said Pompeo, "that we have never been before in terms of preparation."

Rich Edson is Washington correspondent for Fox News Channel. Prior to that, he was a correspondent for Fox Business Network in Washington.

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