Popular Artificial Sweeteners Are Toxic to Intestinal Bacteria: Study


Another study revealed potential harmful effects on intestinal bacteria caused by artificial sweeteners. These products are designed to replace sugar and are often used by diabetics or low-carb dieters to reduce their blood sugar to a minimum. Unfortunately, many of these popular sweeteners may also be toxic to intestinal bacteria and it is not necessary to take large doses to achieve this effect.

The latest research on the subject comes from Ben Gurion Negev University and Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. According to the findings of the study, popular sweeteners such as aspartame and sucralose can have a toxic effect on intestinal bacteria, potentially leading to health problems.

The researchers examined a total of six artificial sweeteners, as well as 10 sports supplements containing these sweeteners. Exposed to artificial sweetness levels of 1 mg / ml, the researchers found that intestinal bacteria became toxic, opening the door to a host of problems related to disrupted intestinal bacteria.

Humans contain a variety of intestinal flora and more and more research suggests that these can have a positive or negative effect on health. Various factors influence the levels of bacteria in the gut, including factors that can not be controlled, such as genes, and others, such as diet and the environment.

This is not the first study to find evidence between the toxicity of intestinal bacteria and artificial sweeteners. A few years ago, a team of Israeli researchers tested three popular sweeteners and discovered that they could affect the bacteria that contribute to obesity.

SOURCE: Medical Xpress

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