Post Malone video playing with the world's most haunted object, signs of a curse


Post Malone

Messing with Evil Spirit on video !!!

Now, the cursed plane and the car understand each other

9/16/2018 1:00 AM PDT


Post Malone oughta know – if you dance with the devil, you'll be cursed, and this super-scary video explains why his life looks like "Final destination" recently.

Months before Post's private jet crashed, his Rolls-Royce fell and armed scammers targeted him … the rapper was with the star of "Ghost Adventures" Zak Bagans and something called the most haunted object in the world. What could go wrong, right?

Zak tells us that the meeting took place in June at his haunted museum. The object is called the dybbuk box. Dybbuk is Yiddish for "malicious spirit" and the box inspired the horror film "The Possession". Sooo … totally cool.

After beating beers, Zak says he removed his protective case and for the first time felt he had to touch it. He says that Post was panicked – you can see it in the video – and did not want any part of the box.

he Probably no doubt, Shoulda stayed in the freakin 'room, but did not do it … and when Zak touched the box, Post touched Zak's shoulder. Bagans says this is enough to trigger a curse, and that explains why Post shouted and pulled Zak out of the room.

Anyway, Zak believes that this is absolutely what lies behind the chain of incidents of the post-La blaze emergency landing, the scary car accident and the home invasion.

Post told us that he thought God could hate him, but our advice is to fire the dybbuk, my brother.

Or hire an exorcist. Again, what could go wrong?

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