Poster from Daredevil Season 3 Covers Easter Egg from Avengers Tower


Avengers Tower is visible in the background of the new Daredevil Season 3 displays, however, this is nothing more than a fun Easter egg for fans with sharp eyes. As is the case with all Netflix series from Marvel, Daredevil will not openly reference events in MCU movies. Daredevil Season 3 should also take place before Thanos's finger Avengers: Infinity Warjust like the second seasons of Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron fist.

At this point in the MCU's calendar, the Earth's most powerful heroes have long since abandoned the Avengers and Manhattan Tower. They left NYC to build a Stark complex in the state of New York, their new base at the end of Avengers: the era of Ultron. In Spider-Man: Homecoming (which was set roughly in the fall of 2016), Tony Stark sold his arc-powered landmark to an unknown buyer, and was being released by Happy Hogan.

Related: The MCU continues to avoid NYC – and it's a good thing

In the poster accompanying the Daredevil Season 3, trailer and release date, the Avengers Tower can be spotted just above the left shoulder of the devil's kitchen from hell. It is interesting to note that the famous "A" logo stays on the side of the tower in the poster; either the new owner chose to keep the logo, or a nod to the fans, confirming that the uniquely shaped skyscraper is indeed the former home of the most powerful heroes on Earth. The Avengers left Manhattan a few weeks later Daredevil Season 1 was premiered in April 2015 and since then defenders have become protectors of NYC. See the Easter egg in the Daredevil Season 3 displays below.

Some fans have asked Marvel TV not to show or mention Avengers Tower in the Netflix series. The shows only briefly mention the Battle of New York ( "L & # 39; incident") and they did everything possible not to show the most notable reminder of the existence of the most powerful heroes of the Earth, even in aerial shots of the city. Still, the tower remains clearly part of NYC's skyline, as the poster reminds fans.

TV Marvel head Jeph Loeb has long touted his slogan that "Everything is connected" and television series are indeed part of the MCU, although the films never recognize the existence of the television series or its heroes. Loeb refers to the geography of the city to explain why the Avengers Tower has never been seen in New York-based shows:

I think it's much more than we look at it from the point of view of "where are we?" Where we sit now, I can see the Empire State Building, but if we were sitting 30 blocks that way I could not see the Empire State Building, that does not mean it does not exist, it just means we can not see where we are from.

Loeb's explanation has merit. The Avengers Tower is located in the eastern part of the city, not far from Midtown and Grand Central Station. Daredevil and the excavations of Hell's Kitchen by Jessica Jones are a little further north on the west side, Harlem's Luke Cage is in the northern part of the island above Central Park, and the Iron Fist's Chinatown base is in the center. It is true that the Avengers Tower is not easily visible at the street level from these neighborhoods, but Loeb's excuses weaken since the defenders have often operated in Manhattan, crossed the street. East River up in Brooklyn, watched newscasts on television, and the myriad of other ways the tower could be viewed and referenced in different series.

Avoiding the Avengers Tower, we see that Marvel TV shows exist in a bubble within the MCU and are not really part of the grand universe. This situation will only get worse when Marvel movie characters like Loki and Scarlet Witch will have their own television series as part of the Disney streaming service. From here, the Defenders could be even more in the shadow of the Avengers, barely connected to the main MCU by words and Easter eggs.

Next: Marvel's new TV series can solve fundamental MCU problems

Daredevil season 3 premiere on October 19, 2018 on Netflix.

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Marvel TV is even less important for the MCU now

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