Postpartum depression may be related to the mother's pain after childbirth, new research suggests


Most people are well aware of the fact that it is painful to give birth, but few of them are aware of the pain that can result from it. Often, new mothers do not feel prepared to manage pain levels after work and the delivery process. Now, studies show that there is a need to help mothers recover. According to new research, postpartum depression may be related to the mother's pain after childbirth.

A variety of things can cause pain after childbirth. For those who have had a vaginal delivery, they may have vaginal pain, loss, pain in the background, pee problems and other problems described by WebMD. The point of sale also noted that during convalescence after a cesarean section, sufferers may experience pain after pain, vaginal discharge and other problems.

Postpartum depression (DPP) is another thing that new moms can face. It should not be confused with the "baby blues," which can include mood swings, tears and anxiety, as the Mayo Clinic noted. Instead, postpartum depression is usually more severe and lasts longer.

There can often be a stigma around postpartum depression, which makes it difficult for people to obtain a specific diagnosis or treatment. Understanding postpartum depression and its evolution is key to managing it, and new studies make it much easier.


In the past, pain during childbirth has been associated with postpartum depression. Now, however, researchers are beginning to examine the impact of this pain after delivery can have on new mothers. In a new research presented at the meeting of ANESTHESIOLOGY® 2018, researchers presented data indicating its possible links with postpartum depression.

For the study, researchers received pain scores (from onset of work on discharge from hospital) of 4,327 new mothers who delivered vaginally or by caesarean section, as reported by Eurek! Alert, and compared these scores to those of the mother. Score of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) one week after delivery.

They found that postpartum depression was more common among mothers with higher postpartum pain scores. According to Eurek! Alert, mothers with postpartum depression "presented more pain complaints during their recovery and often needed additional pain medications." Women in the postpartum depression group were more likely to have birth by caesarean section, control of postpartum pain. "

This study is the first to truly differentiate postpartum pain from that felt during labor and delivery. Jie Zhou, lead author of the study, said, according to Eurek! Alert:

"For many years we were concerned about how to manage the pain of work, but the pain associated with recovery after work and delivery is often overlooked … While ibuprofen and medications Similar painkillers are considered adequate for pain control after delivery, some women clearly need help We need to do a better job to identify people at risk of suffering postpartum pain and ensure that they receive adequate postpartum care. "

Eliminating the stigma associated with postpartum depression and pain related to childbirth can help new mothers feel more comfortable asking for help. But it is also up to health professionals to identify people at risk and help them.

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