Postpartum depression related to women's pain after childbirth


Pain at birth has been associated with postpartum depression. The results of a new study, however, suggest that the pain in question is that felt by the mother after delivery and not that felt during labor and delivery.

Previous research has shown that pain at birth can increase the risk of postpartum depression in women. Nevertheless, he did not specify which part of the work process is the source of the problem.

The researchers of the new study, presented at the 2018 Anesthesiology Meeting, distinguished postpartum pain from that associated with labor and delivery and identified it as a risk factor significant of postpartum depression.

In this study, which involved more than 4,300 new mothers, Jie Zhou of Brigham and Women's Hospital and her colleagues reviewed women's pain scores from the start of work to discharge from hospital.

The researchers then compared the pain scores to the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) scores one week after delivery.

They found that postpartum depression was significantly related to higher postpartum pain scores.

Participants with postpartum depression also had more complaints about pain during recovery and often needed additional medications.

Women who suffered from postpartum depression were also more likely to have delivered by caesarean section and had more reports of insufficient control of postpartum pain.

A woman gives birth to a baby boy.

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The researchers said they believe there is a need for more help for new mothers to manage pain after delivery.

"Although ibuprofen and analog analgesics are considered adequate for pain control after delivery, some women clearly need additional help to manage the pain," Zhou said. in a press release issued by EurekAlert.

"We need to do a better job of identifying people who are at risk for postpartum pain and ensuring they have adequate postpartum care."

according to Mayo Clinicmothers with postpartum depression may experience severe mood swings and depression, loss of appetite, difficulty in bonding with the baby, excessive crying, difficulty, or excessive sleep, irritability, anger and overwhelming fatigue.

Overweight or obese women with a history of depression, anxiety, or chronic pain who had a tear in the perineum, and who had smaller babies and lower Apgar scores, were at higher risk postpartum depression.

Experts recommend that people with postpartum depression seek treatment.

"Without treatment, postpartum depression can last for months or even years. In addition to affecting the mother's health, this can impair her ability to communicate with her baby and take care of her baby and can cause sleep, feeding and baby behavior problems to the baby. as he grows up, "National Institute of Mental Health. Information Resource Center Advised.

Figures from US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that about one in nine women suffers from postpartum depression.

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