Prankster calls the president, and the White House puts him all the way


The President of the United States, one of the most protected peoples of the planet and among the least accessible to the public, seems to be a long-term target for a joker visitor who seeks to have fun .

But President Trump, who likes to make his own phone calls and prefers spontaneity to protocol, is a different breed. So on Wednesday, when a radio-shock and a comedian dialed the White House standard imitating an assistant to the US senator, he found himself between laughter and jokes with his producer – forwarded to Mr. Trump on Air Force One.

The result was an impromptu six-minute conversation on immigration and the Supreme Court between the president and radio host and comedian John Melendez, known to his listeners as "Stuttering John."

"Are you ready for the call?", Asked a White House mobile communications officer for Mr. Melendez before linking him to Mr. Trump.He was the question came a few minutes after Mr. Melendez and his producer were able to be heard in his podcast to discuss what they said were the president's masturbation habits and know how to reload their beers while waiting to be Connected to the Leader of the Free World

To Mr. Trump's knowledge, he was receiving an appeal from Senator Robert Menendez, New Jersey Democrat, who appeared to have an urgent legislative matter to raise

"Congratulations on everything – we are proud of you, "Mr. Trump said by way of salvation, apparently referring to Mr. Menendez's recent acquittal on corruption charges and a subsequent decision of the Department of Justice not to prosecute him. Others. "You have went through a difficult and difficult situation, and I do not think it's a very fair situation. "

He actually spoke with Mr. Melendez, who had called the White House standard, assigned a British accent and s & # 39; 39 is identified as Sean Moore ("SEAN, like Sean Connery, and Moore, like Roger Moore"), an assistant to Mr. Menendez who, he claimed, really needed to talk to Mr. Trump.

White House officials did not respond Friday to requests for comment on how the jester had been allowed to pass through the president. But Mr. Melendez's podcast on blasphemy indicates that the process was surprisingly easy.

The White House operator can be heard telling Melendez that the president was in Fargo, N.-D., and inaccessible. But when Mr. Melendez insisted that Mr. Trump had said that he would talk to Mr. Menendez, the operator, reluctantly, said that she would try to connect him

"I do not know how I'm going to do that," the operator said with a heavy sigh. She suggested that she would contact Mr. Trump's assistant, but then decided to try to convey the "call through" signal, a reference to the White House Communications Agency , originally known as White House Signal Corps.

The next audible voice is the signal agent, who can be heard telling Mr. Melendez that the president was on stage at his rally in Fargo, and should call back.

When he was a private citizen, Mr. Trump often used Howard Stern's radio-shock program, the same one that made Stuttering John, Mr. Stern's sidekick, famous for more than a year. 15 years old, who was engaged in savory jokes. But Mr. Melendez was clearly shocked by the president's willingness to take his call in this case

"I do not even think they'll call me," Melendez told his producer at one point, while there while he waited for the call of Mr. Trump

The White House operator reminded Mr. Melendez at one point to check that he was the one he claimed to be, asking him if he was calling from a cell phone and why he appeared to be from a California area code. Introducing himself as Mr. Moore, the senator's assistant, Mr. Melendez said that he was on vacation.

Later, Mr. Melendez said that he had received a call from Jared Kushner, the president's son-in-law and senior advisor, organizing a reminder time for him and the president and asking what topic he would like to discuss with Mr. Trump.

When a mobile communications officer called back and put Mr. Trump online, Mr. Melendez played the role of Senator Although his voice is nothing like that of Mr. Menendez. But he went on to talk to Mr. Trump about what he should say to his New Jersey voters about the Trump administration's immigration policies that led to the separation of families from New Jersey. migrants on the south-western border. tell them that you will make things happen? Asked Melendez. Trump responded, as he has already done, that he would like to pass a broad immigration bill that he said would be good for both parties.

"I would like to make the solution wider rather than the smaller solution. Mr. Trump said. "We must have security at the border – we must have it."

Melendez then raised the retirement of Justice Anthony M. Kennedy of the Supreme Court, and asked if Mr. Trump would consider appointing a moderate rather than a conservative.

"I've got a big list of people, Bob, and we're going to take a look at it," Mr. Trump replied, adding that he hoped to make a selection in 12 to 14 days. On Friday, he confirmed the calendar publicly and told reporters to wait for an announcement on July 9.

The joke did not become public until Thursday afternoon, after Mr. Melendez posted the news on Twitter . "Plug in on my new podcast where I joke call the president and he calls me Air Force One!" Wrote Mr. Melendez. Shortly after, he tweeted the audio. "I do not find it surprising that the media do not learn that I totally cheated on the president and that I contacted him" in less than 2 hours. "While he was on Air Force One, " Mr. Melendez wrote Thursday night .

The Daily Mail finally noticed Friday, followed quickly by BuzzFeed News, and soon history had generated a chyron on CNN : "Who's Calling?"

A version of this article is printed on in Page A 17 of the New York Edition with the title: Prank Caller For President & # 39 ;; "Well, I'll make you go" . Order Reprints | Paper of today | Subscribe

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