Pregnant Meghan says she and Harry are eager to become parents


Meghan Markle wore a tight dress showing her baby bump today and said that she and Prince Harry were eager to be parents, saying: "We are ready! We are excited to join the club. "

The royal couple has already stormed Australia as it embarked on its first ever international tour to New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga over the next 16 days.

Meghan and Harry set off a whirlwind announcing that they have their first child just hours after landing in Sydney.

They had announced to the Queen and the rest of the royal family their good news at the wedding at Princess Eugénie's castle on Friday, before boarding for a commercial flight to Australia via Singapore during of the weekend.

The Duke and Duchess were greeted by a huge crowd wanting to see them and congratulate them for their baby, who will occupy seventh place in the throne and is expected to travel in late April of next year.

Today – the first full day of their tour – has ended with a reception in Sydney in the great house of the Admiralty, which overlooks the city's opera, where Meghan has stated that she and her husband were "enthusiastic" to become parents.

Meghan, who was wearing butterfly earrings and a gold bracelet belonging to Harry's mother, Diana, spoke to Australian television personality Eddie Woo, 33, at a reception and from a conversation turned to parenting.

When he said that his own children, ages five, seven and ten, needed "a lot of energy," she replied, "We are ready! We are excited to join the club. "

Harry then told the guests: "Thanks for the incredibly warm welcome and the chance to meet as many Australians from all walks of life. And we really could not find a better place to announce the next baby, be it a boy or a girl.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle meet Findlay Blue, four, and Dasha Gallagher, six, after the official opening of the Taronga Institute of Science and Learning at Sydney's Taronga Zoo today. 39; hui.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle meet Findlay Blue, four, and Dasha Gallagher, six, after the official opening of the Taronga Institute of Science and Learning at Sydney's Taronga Zoo today. 39; hui.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle meet Findlay Blue, four, and Dasha Gallagher, six, after the official opening of the Taronga Institute of Science and Learning at Sydney's Taronga Zoo today. 39; hui.

Insiders said Prince Harry was "happier than he ever was," while he and Meghan were preparing to become parents next spring. The couple is seen handing a stuffed baby kangaroo by Governor General Sir Peter Cosgrove (photo).

Insiders said Prince Harry was "happier than he ever was," while he and Meghan were preparing to become parents next spring. The couple is seen handing a stuffed baby kangaroo by Governor General Sir Peter Cosgrove (photo).

Insiders said Prince Harry was "happier than he ever was," while he and Meghan were preparing to become parents next spring. The couple is seen handing a stuffed baby kangaroo by Governor General Sir Peter Cosgrove (photo).

Earlier in the day, the Duke and Duchess got their hands on the lawns of the Admiralty House, which overlooks the Sydney Opera House, and Meghan wore a white dress that sported her little baby bump .

Earlier in the day, the Duke and Duchess got their hands on the lawns of the Admiralty House, which overlooks the Sydney Opera House, and Meghan wore a white dress that sported her little baby bump .

Earlier in the day, the Duke and Duchess got their hands on the lawns of the Admiralty House, which overlooks the Sydney Opera House, and Meghan wore a white dress that sported her little baby bump .

Meghan has been entertained with Australian singer Missy Higgins, accompanied by her nine-week-old baby Lunar, who slept well during the afternoon reception on the first day of her royal tour.

Meghan has been entertained with Australian singer Missy Higgins, accompanied by her nine-week-old baby Lunar, who slept well during the afternoon reception on the first day of her royal tour.

Meghan has been entertained with Australian singer Missy Higgins, accompanied by her nine-week-old baby Lunar, who slept well during the afternoon reception on the first day of her royal tour.

Harry and Meghan greet the royal fanatic and widow of war, Daphne Dunne, on arrival for a public stroll at the Sydney Opera House. Mrs. Dunne, 98, was nicknamed "The Favorite Australian" Prince Harry. The Duke of Sussex stopped to have a long conversation with her during her trips to Australia in 2015 and 2017.

Harry and Meghan greet the royal fanatic and widow of war, Daphne Dunne, on arrival for a public stroll at the Sydney Opera House. Mrs. Dunne, 98, was nicknamed "The Favorite Australian" Prince Harry. The Duke of Sussex stopped to have a long conversation with her during her trips to Australia in 2015 and 2017.

Harry and Meghan greet the royal fanatic and widow of war, Daphne Dunne, on arrival for a public stroll at the Sydney Opera House. Mrs. Dunne, 98, was nicknamed "The Favorite Australian" Prince Harry. The Duke of Sussex stopped to have a long conversation with her during her trips to Australia in 2015 and 2017.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex met another Meghan and Harry today - the koalas bears that bear their name at the Sydney Taronga Zoo

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex met another Meghan and Harry today - the koalas bears that bear their name at the Sydney Taronga Zoo

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex met another Meghan and Harry today – the koalas bears that bear their name at the Sydney Taronga Zoo

Meghan, who sometimes wore a trench coat despite temperatures reaching 24 ° C, also spoke to Australian singer Missy Higgins and complimented her nine-week-old baby Lunar, who slept well during a reception. l & # 39; afternoon.

It came at the end of an extraordinary day when thousands of people went to see the couple on the other side of Sydney and congratulated them with Meghan to tell the crowd, "Which period exciting. I have been so happy.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex came out for their first official engagements in Sydney – less than 24 hours after arriving in Australia and revelation of their news about their baby.

Meghan Markle's sister, Samantha will not be happy & # 39; if their father never sees the baby

Samantha Markle warned that she "would not be happy" if her half-sister, the Duchess of Sussex, did not include their father in the baby's life.

Samantha Markle warned that she "would not be happy" if her half-sister, the Duchess of Sussex, did not include their father in the baby's life.

Samantha Markle warned that she "would not be happy" if her half-sister, the Duchess of Sussex, did not include their father in the baby's life.

The half-sister separated from the Duchess of Sussex spoke about the royal baby that she hopes to reconcile with her family.

Samantha Markle continued her antics as she was photographed yesterday buying a congratulatory card on the couple.

But the 53-year-old woman warned that she "would not be happy" if Meghan did not include her father in the baby's life.

Samantha Markle, 53, who shares the same father as Meghan, Thomas Markle, has not seen her sister or talked to her sister for more than a decade and was not invited to the royal wedding in May.

Markle, also known as Samantha Grant, has been discriminating between the launch of evil attacks and Meghan's praise on social media.

She released her fury after the marriage, accusing the duchess on Twitter of hypocrisy and being cold and inhuman in the treatment of her father.

But she also apologized to Meghan on live television during an appearance on Jeremy Vine on the 5th, stating, "I'd like things to be different".

She now told the Sun that she hoped the baby would bring her family closer.

She said: "I hope that for the baby, the family, the world and my father, leaving him out of the statement was not intentional.

"I hope my father is included and at the right time. If it is excluded, I will not be happy. It is in the baby's best interest that my father be included.

"A baby changes everything and softens everyone. I only hope that there will be an adjustment or a way to include it. & # 39;

Meghan wore a slinky white dress from Australian designer Karen Gee who showed her her growing baby bump.

Just minutes after announcing details of the Duchess's outfit, the brand's website collapsed and the piece was sold when the effect "Meghan" was acquired in Australia.

The khaki green dress Brandon Maxwell that she wore in the afternoons was recently featured on the Brandon Maxwell Spring 2019 parade priced at $ 2,555 (£ 1385).

First this morning, at Admiralty House, they received Ugg boots and a stuffed kangaroo with a joey in Governor General Sussex's pouch Sir Peter Cosgrove and Meghan said, "Our first gift for baby ".

They then met with four-year-old Findlay Blue and six-year-old Dasha Gallagher after the Taronga Zoo's Taronga Science and Learning Institute officially opened.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex concluded the first day of their royal visit with a reception hosted by the Governor General of Australia, Sir Peter Cosgrove, and his wife, Lady Cosgrove.

The royal couple was the guest of honor at the afternoon party at Admiralty House, Sydney, where guests from various sectors, including charity, local businesses , arts, sports and entertainment, gathered in one of the official reception halls of the residence to have a drink or a sofa.

Upon arrival, the Duchess and Prince Harry were escorted by Lady Cosgrove to the top of the room while Governor General Cosgrove went to a lectern to share his remarks.

"You are almost a son of Australia," he said of Prince Harry's many visits to the country. "Your connection with the people of this nation is very special." Turning to Meghan, he added, "And now we have you here so that we can also adopt you."

Referring to the couple's visit to the Taronga Zoo earlier in the day, the Governor General joked: [both] arrived in the study earlier, I had to check there was no bandages or cuts.

Prince Harry then rose to say to the guests, "Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, it is a pleasure to be back in Australia," he said.

"We are delighted to be here and very impressed to see you serving beer and tea at an afternoon reception, in pure Australian style."

"You will also notice that we had a roof on our boat earlier after the heavy rains of last year and thankfully, the Sydney sun is shining today. Thank you so much for organizing the weather.

Thanks for the incredibly warm welcome and the chance to meet as many Australians from all walks of life. And we really could not find a better place to announce the next baby, be it a boy or a girl.

Meghan puts her head on Prince Harry's shoulder as the game ends Tuesday afternoon

Meghan puts her head on Prince Harry's shoulder as the game ends Tuesday afternoon

Meghan puts her head on Prince Harry's shoulder as the game ends Tuesday afternoon

Photo of the royal couple descending the steps of the iconic Sydney Opera House to talk to fans waiting outside

Photo of the royal couple descending the steps of the iconic Sydney Opera House to talk to fans waiting outside

Photo of the royal couple descending the steps of the iconic Sydney Opera House to talk to fans waiting outside

Meghan and Harry seemed in a good mood as they welcomed a crowd of fans during their first official engagements of their Australian tour.

Meghan and Harry seemed in a good mood as they welcomed a crowd of fans during their first official engagements of their Australian tour.

Meghan and Harry seemed in a good mood as they welcomed a crowd of fans during their first official engagements of their Australian tour.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are on their 16-day official fall tour to cities in Australia, Fiji, Tonga and New Zealand. Meghan shakes hands with one of the thousands of royal fans at the Sydney Opera House

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are on their 16-day official fall tour to cities in Australia, Fiji, Tonga and New Zealand. Meghan shakes hands with one of the thousands of royal fans at the Sydney Opera House

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are on their 16-day official fall tour to cities in Australia, Fiji, Tonga and New Zealand. Meghan shakes hands with one of the thousands of royal fans at the Sydney Opera House

The Duke of Sussex shakes hands with one of the thousands of royal fans who gathered at the Sydney Opera House on Tuesday

The Duke of Sussex shakes hands with one of the thousands of royal fans who gathered at the Sydney Opera House on Tuesday

The Duke of Sussex shakes hands with one of the thousands of royal fans who gathered at the Sydney Opera House on Tuesday

The future mother and future father greet thousands of royal fans coming to Sydney for the second day of their Australian tour

The future mother and future father greet thousands of royal fans coming to Sydney for the second day of their Australian tour

Mother and future father: Harry and Meghan greet the crowd in Sydney

Mother and future father: Harry and Meghan greet the crowd in Sydney

The future mother and future father greet thousands of royal fans coming to Sydney for the second day of their Australian tour

The Duchess of Sussex is seen at a meeting people walk to the Sydney Opera House on Tuesday in Sydney

The Duchess of Sussex is seen at a meeting people walk to the Sydney Opera House on Tuesday in Sydney

The Duchess of Sussex is seen at a meeting people walk to the Sydney Opera House on Tuesday in Sydney

In addition to thanking the Australian government for its support of this year's Invictus Games, the Duke also thanked the Cosgrove for their hospitality and for welcoming the couple to their "beautiful" home. "We invite all our friends in Sydney to visit us," he joked.

Meet the other Meghan and Harry! The duchess can not hide her happiness while she is initiated to koalas so much, so sweet & # 39;

Prince Harry and his wife the Duchess of Sussex meet Meghan and Harry the Koalas

Prince Harry and his wife the Duchess of Sussex meet Meghan and Harry the Koalas

Prince Harry and his wife the Duchess of Sussex meet Meghan and Harry the Koalas

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex met today with another Meghan and Harry – the Koala bears who bear their name in Sydney.

The couple was seen cooing in front of a koala at the Australian Zoo, just hours after announcing that they were expecting their first child.

Meghan seemed shocked to learn that the baby Koala had received his name, while another bears the name of the prince.

The couple, who announced that he was expecting his first baby a few hours earlier, was invited to pet two koalas and their joeys, named in their honor after the royal wedding in May.

The duchess called the animals "so, so sweet".

While the Duke seemed to be careful not to reveal the sex of their future child during his speech, he had to stop and pause while talking about the baby. "We could not really think of a better place to announce this, uh, future … baby, whether it's a boy or a girl, so thank you very much," he says.

He added, "It's great to be back in Australia. And more, this is my wife's first visit here. So I'm very happy to show him your amazing country, maybe not the Kangaroo Flats military training area in Darwin! & # 39;

After brief remarks, the couple split up to meet some of the guests at the reception. The Duchess walked alongside Lady Cosgrove and met for the first time the 33-year-old mathematician and TV personality Eddie Woo, who immediately connected with the king after talking about his children.

"Our kids are five, seven and ten years old and it takes a lot of energy," he said. His wife Michelle added, "There is no rest but it is so rewarding." Meghan burst out laughing: "We are ready! We are excited to join the club. & # 39;

Woo, a math teacher who discovered fame on YouTube before appearing in several Australian television shows, believes it's important to teach kids money from a very young age and to prepare them for the financial challenges of life. He spoke publicly about "smart" money collection for kids.

Meghan also spoke with Tim Conolan, the 2014 Australian Laureate, who founded TLC For Kids, an organization that supports all hospitalized children, regardless of their illness.

Hearing that charity has helped more than 850,000 children since 1998, Meghan commented, "Wow. It's so important and it's really amazing what you do.

Conolan spoke about the charity's expansion in New Zealand and said he would like to focus on the UK. "I would love to know more about it," Meghan commented before nodding when the former motivational speaker suggested he organize a meeting.

In the third group, Meghan met singer-songwriter Missy Higgins and her partner Dan Lee, who recently welcomed their second child, daughter Luna. "You look amazing," Meghan remarked when Higgins, 35, revealed that the sleeping newborn was only nine weeks old. She is so kind, so cute. Look at the & # 39;

Before moving on, the singer had a tip to give the future duchess: "Love every moment because time passes so quickly. That's really the case.

Other guests at the event included Richard Harris, doctor and diver who participated in the rescue of Thai Cave, the Aboriginal model Samatha Harris and Dean Della, youth director of Prince & # 39; s Trust Australia.

Meghan and Harry enjoyed a mesmerizing performance from one of the best Australian dance companies today.

Prince Harry is photographed taking a photo with a member of the crowd during the royal march in Sydney

Prince Harry is photographed taking a photo with a member of the crowd during the royal march in Sydney

Prince Harry is photographed taking a photo with a member of the crowd during the royal march in Sydney

The Duchess of Sussex (photo of Tuesday) told a nine-year-old girl that she looked like her when she was a little girl

The Duchess of Sussex (photo of Tuesday) told a nine-year-old girl that she looked like her when she was a little girl

Meghan talks with a nine-year-old girl telling her that she looked like her when she was her age

Meghan talks with a nine-year-old girl telling her that she looked like her when she was her age

The Duchess of Sussex (photo of Tuesday) told a nine-year-old girl that she looked like her when she was a little girl

Meghan is seen with gifts that she was given when she and Prince Harry started Tuesday the Australian tour in Sydney

Meghan is seen with gifts that she was given when she and Prince Harry started Tuesday the Australian tour in Sydney

Meghan is seen with gifts that she was given when she and Prince Harry started Tuesday the Australian tour in Sydney

Hundreds of fans waved placards with affectionate messages as the royal couple crossed the crowd.

Hundreds of fans waved placards with affectionate messages as the royal couple crossed the crowd.

Hundreds of fans waved placards with affectionate messages as the royal couple crossed the crowd.

The royal couple was immediately attracted by the fan Sethunya (center) when she spotted her shirt "Girls can do anything"

The royal couple was immediately attracted by the fan Sethunya (center) when she spotted her shirt "Girls can do anything"

The royal couple was immediately attracted by the fan Sethunya (center) when she spotted her shirt "Girls can do anything"

Outside the city's iconic opera Tuesday afternoon, a crowd of supporters gathered to congratulate the future father and mother

Outside the city's iconic opera Tuesday afternoon, a crowd of supporters gathered to congratulate the future father and mother

Outside the city's iconic opera Tuesday afternoon, a crowd of supporters gathered to congratulate the future father and mother

Photo of the Duchess of Sussex greeting members of the public during a visit to the Sydney Opera House on Tuesday

Photo of the Duchess of Sussex greeting members of the public during a visit to the Sydney Opera House on Tuesday

Photo of the Duchess of Sussex greeting members of the public during a visit to the Sydney Opera House on Tuesday

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have welcomed thousands of royal adoring fans on the second day of their historic Australian tour

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have welcomed thousands of royal adoring fans on the second day of their historic Australian tour

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have welcomed thousands of royal adoring fans on the second day of their historic Australian tour

Sethunya Gibbons (second from right) realized two dreams when Prince Harry asked her if she would like to participate in a selfie with his wife Meghan.

Sethunya Gibbons (second from right) realized two dreams when Prince Harry asked her if she would like to participate in a selfie with his wife Meghan.

Sethunya Gibbons (second from right) realized two dreams when Prince Harry asked her if she would like to participate in a selfie with his wife Meghan.

Inside the iconic Sydney Opera House, the couple embarked on a rehearsal for Bangarra Dance, Australia's leading dance company Aboroginal and Torres Strait Islander.

& # 39; Our first baby gift! & # 39; Meghan and pregnant Harry are presented with a toy kangaroo and Uggs

The Duchess of Sussex also received a stuffed kangaroo and a baby joey a few hours after the royal couple had announced that they were expecting their first child.

The Duchess of Sussex also received a stuffed kangaroo and a baby joey a few hours after the royal couple had announced that they were expecting their first child.

The Duchess of Sussex also received a stuffed kangaroo and a baby joey a few hours after the royal couple had announced that they were expecting their first child.

On their first royal visit to the country, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle received unique Australian gifts and the expectant mother exclaimed, "Our first baby present."

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex looked forward to receiving them by the Governor General of Australia at his Sydney residence on Tuesday morning.

The couple received a kangaroo and joey from His Excellency the Honorable Sir Peter Cosgrove and his wife, Lady Cosgrove.

& # 39; Our first baby gift! & # 39; Meghan, who wore an ivory Karen Gee dress, said, while Harry received a pair of Ugg boots, which he described as "awesome".

They also each received an Akubra, but the couple refused to wear the wide-brimmed hats made in Australia, which were offered as a wedding gift.

They entered the first representation "Black" which represents the ocher color of the clay in which the dancers would normally be painted.

A group of male dancers performed a powerful dance where they were raised on everyone's shoulders.

Harry really took part in the performance: stomping and nodding.

Another dance was "white" with dancers, again to symbolize the painting worn and the connection to the Australian land.

Meghan spoke with Bangarra director Philippe Magid, who told him the scenes.

The final scene, "The Call," concerned the cleansing of someone's sorrow.

18 dancers belong to the company and they all talked with Meghan and Harry after the show.

Laura Hough, 41, Executive Director of Bangarra Dance:

"We are the only dance company with this type of training based on 65,000 years of history.

"It was important for the Duke and Duchess to come and recognize the culture of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.

"All of our dancers come from all over Australia, but they are of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander origin.

"Aboriginal culture is based on values, respect, reciprocity and a sustainable life."

President Michael McDaniel addressed the couple: "Stop for a moment and throw your mind on the first owners of this land.

"We tell stories that enrich our country and draw our tradition of 2000 generations.

"We share this with the community and the world.

The Bangarra Dance Theater is in its 29th year.

"We are striving to create a more inclusive culture based on Aboriginal culture.

"I hope you were moved, I know you were moved by your comments and that you have an idea of ​​the spirit."

The couple then left the rehearsal space to walk outside the Opera House.

Heidi Carfax-Foster, 44, who was there with his children Layla, 13, Indiah, 10, and Archie, 8, was one of the first to talk to the couple during their walk. "They were very eager to chat," she said.

"I told him:" Congratulations, buddy. " He looked absolutely stupefied. He said "Thank you very much."

Archie gave them a drawing that he had made of Harry and Meghan. & # 39; she said: & # 39; It's so beautiful. You made a drawing of us. She says, "Harry, look at this picture!"

James Campton, 16, who was one of the many teens in the crowd who had jumped out of school to see them, was so upset to meet the couple that he burst into tears.

& # 39; she said & # 39; What is your name? & # 39; I said "I'm James." And I just cried in front of her. They were so beautiful. I shook both their hands.

"You do not get it once in a million years. I skipped school for the day – and I met Harry and Meghan! It's absolutely great. They are so incredible – that's why I am overwhelmed by emotions. & # 39;

Abbey van Vuuren, 37, was with her children Madeline, six, and Poppy, four, who offered Harry and Meghan Possum Magic, a book that their mother read to them when they were very small. & # 39; she said: & # 39; This is the first book we have received for the baby. & # 39;

Another group of 15-year-old schoolgirls skipped school for the day – and even made a poster to proclaim it. Emerson Yee, qui a brandi une affiche disant "J'ai abandonné la fréquentation scolaire parfaite pour te voir", a déclaré: "Ils ont tous deux déclaré qu'ils aimaient mon affiche – mais ils m'ont dit de ne plus jamais manquer l'école!"

Son amie Lulu Hogan a déclaré: "Meghan était l'être humain le plus doux!"

Ils étaient accompagnés de leur amie Tara Keogh, qui portait une affiche disant «Félicitations pour bébé Sussex» et suggérant qu'ils l'appelaient Tara.

«Je suis un peu dépassée, dit-elle. 'J'ai commencé à pleurer.

'Elle a regardé mon affiche et j'ai dit que mon nom était Tara. Elle a dit: "Je vais le garder à l'esprit." Elle était si gentille. Elle était vraiment authentique.

Après un début de temps humide et venteux à Sydney, le soleil était au rendez-vous pour la première promenade publique du duc et de la duchesse de Sussex depuis qu'ils ont révélé qu'un bébé royal était en route.

Environ deux mille personnes se sont engouffrées sur la promenade en dehors du célèbre opéra de Sydney, alors que les sympathisants royaux se rassemblaient enthousiastes pour entrevoir le couple royal.

Un peu avant 13 heures, Harry et Meghan passèrent plus de temps que prévu à leur réunion de 20 minutes pour saluer les habitants incroyablement excités car la fièvre infantile royale semblait avoir déjà atteint le stade de fièvre dans la ville.

Mais leur attention a été consacrée à un fan spécial qui a volé un baiser au prince Harry à plusieurs reprises.

Daphne Dunne, 98 ans, a été surnommée "l'Australien préféré" du prince Harry. Le duc de Sussex s'est arrêté pour s'entretenir longuement avec elle lors de ses voyages en 2015 et en 2017 en Australie.

La famille royale monta à bord d'un transfert d'eau - l'amiral Hudson battant pavillon blanc de la marine australienne - après la visite du zoo de Taronga pour une traversée du port de l'opéra de Sydney en 20 minutes

La famille royale monta à bord d'un transfert d'eau - l'amiral Hudson battant pavillon blanc de la marine australienne - après la visite du zoo de Taronga pour une traversée du port de l'opéra de Sydney en 20 minutes

La famille royale monta à bord d'un transfert d'eau – l'amiral Hudson battant pavillon blanc de la marine australienne – après la visite du zoo de Taronga pour une traversée du port de l'opéra de Sydney en 20 minutes

Après leur visite au zoo, le couple a emprunté une passerelle vers le port de Sydney pour prendre un bateau en direction des marches de Man O'War, point de débarquement des flottes britannique et australienne depuis 150 ans.

Après leur visite au zoo, le couple a emprunté une passerelle vers le port de Sydney pour prendre un bateau en direction des marches de Man O'War, point de débarquement des flottes britannique et australienne depuis 150 ans.

Après leur visite au zoo, le couple a emprunté une passerelle vers le port de Sydney pour prendre un bateau en direction des marches de Man O'War, point de débarquement des flottes britannique et australienne depuis 150 ans.

Le duc et la duchesse de Sussex sont sortis aujourd'hui en Australie pour la première journée d'engagements de leur tournée, qui a coïncidé avec l'annonce par Meghan qu'elle était enceinte. On a vu Meghan porter les boucles d'oreilles et le bracelet papillon de Diana alors qu'elle et Harry se dirigeaient vers les marches de Man O'War pour prendre un bateau pour traverser le port de Sydney.

Le duc et la duchesse de Sussex sont sortis aujourd'hui en Australie pour la première journée d'engagements de leur tournée, qui a coïncidé avec l'annonce par Meghan qu'elle était enceinte. On a vu Meghan porter les boucles d'oreilles et le bracelet papillon de Diana alors qu'elle et Harry se dirigeaient vers les marches de Man O'War pour prendre un bateau pour traverser le port de Sydney.

Le duc et la duchesse de Sussex sont sortis aujourd'hui en Australie pour la première journée d'engagements de leur tournée, qui a coïncidé avec l'annonce par Meghan qu'elle était enceinte. On a vu Meghan porter les boucles d'oreilles et le bracelet papillon de Diana alors qu'elle et Harry se dirigeaient vers les marches de Man O'War pour prendre un bateau pour traverser le port de Sydney.

Meghan et Harry discutent alors qu'ils regardent la danse moderne à l'intérieur de l'Opéra de Sydney le premier jour complet de leur tournée australienne

Meghan et Harry discutent alors qu'ils regardent la danse moderne à l'intérieur de l'Opéra de Sydney le premier jour complet de leur tournée australienne

Meghan et Harry discutent alors qu'ils regardent la danse moderne à l'intérieur de l'Opéra de Sydney le premier jour complet de leur tournée australienne

Le couple royal a assisté à une répétition à l'Opéra House of Spirit de Sydney 2018 par le Bangarra Dance Theatre, une compagnie de danse moderne de renommée internationale, aborigène et Torres Strait Islander.

Le couple royal a assisté à une répétition à l'Opéra House of Spirit de Sydney 2018 par le Bangarra Dance Theatre, une compagnie de danse moderne de renommée internationale, aborigène et Torres Strait Islander.

Le couple royal a assisté à une répétition à l'Opéra House of Spirit de Sydney 2018 par le Bangarra Dance Theatre, une compagnie de danse moderne de renommée internationale, aborigène et Torres Strait Islander.

Bangarra fait une tournée de leurs spectacles de danse à travers l’Australie et a également joué à Londres et à New York

Bangarra fait une tournée de leurs spectacles de danse à travers l’Australie et a également joué à Londres et à New York

Bangarra fait une tournée de leurs spectacles de danse à travers l’Australie et a également joué à Londres et à New York

Après l'avoir vue dans la foule, le duc, 34 ans, s'est précipité vers elle et s'est agenouillé devant elle alors qu'elle était assise dans son fauteuil roulant avant de la serrer dans ses bras.

"Il ne pouvait pas être plus heureux": le prince Harry est une "épave émotionnelle mais dans le bon sens"

Fou de joie: Meghan arrive à Sydney hier avant l'annonce de sa grossesse annoncée aujourd'hui

Fou de joie: Meghan arrive à Sydney hier avant l'annonce de sa grossesse annoncée aujourd'hui

Fou de joie: Meghan arrive à Sydney hier avant l'annonce de sa grossesse annoncée aujourd'hui

Prince Harry is ‘happier than he has ever been’ as he and Meghan prepare to become parents next spring.

He has been an ‘emotional wreck – but in a good way!’ since discovering the Duchess of Sussex is pregnant, one source said last night.

‘It is something he has wanted for a long time and he couldn’t be happier. He is so protective of her,’ the source added.

The news was announced by Kensington Palace after the smiling couple arrived in Sydney for the start of a gruelling 16-day tour of Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga.

They insisted on going ahead with the trip in spite of Foreign Office advice to pregnant women about the risk of the Zika virus.

There is no vaccination to prevent infection by the virus, which causes foetuses to develop severe deformities, but the couple will still travel to Fiji and Tonga next week.

Meghan, 37, is understood to have just had her 12-week scan. It means she is already in her second trimester, when the risk of miscarriage is deemed to lessen considerably.

The couple excitedly told the rest of the Royal Family last Friday when they saw them at Princess Eugenie’s wedding.

It sets the seal on a whirlwind year for Harry, 34, who has made no secret of his desire to start a family.

After Harry popped the question at the end of last year, they married in May and just two months later, toward the end of July, conceived their first child.

In the middle of that month, they were on a ‘mini-moon’ royal tour to Dublin, their first trip together as a married couple.

And on August 4, they were partying at the wedding of Harry’s best friend Charlie Van Straubenzee.

As they clasped hands Harry, 34, said: 'I was looking for you earlier and hoped you'd be here, it's so good to see you again.'

Harry immediately looked round his shoulder and scanned the crowd for his wife, keen to introduce her to his special fan.

Soon enough, the Duchess – who had been warmly greeted by hundreds of well wishers congratulating the couple on her pregnancy – approached Ms Dunne, knelt down and hugged her.

War widow Daphne's first husband, Lieutenant Albert Chowne, died aged 25 in 1945 during an attack on a Japanese machine gun post in Papua New Guinea.

He was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross which Mrs Dunne was wearing when she first met Prince Harry.

Meghan said: 'I'm so glad I got to meet you. Harry has told me all about you and your special bond, it's so lovely you came to see us, thank you.'

Daphne said: 'It was lovely to meet the Duchess Meghan. Harry is a wonderful man and I'm so happy he had found happiness, they both deserved the absolute world together.'

Asked if this time was the most special meeting her hero Harry, Daphne said: 'We'll it was certainly different. He's married now for a start and he looks very happy. I am over the moon for him. She is a wonderful girl.

'I congratulated them on their baby and said I wished them all the happiness they deserve.'

Before leaving, Meghan told her: 'Hopefully next time we'll have our little one with us.' Other editable locals included sisters Hannah and Francesca Francis, 12 and 10, said they were 'super excited' to meet the Royal couple outside the Opera House.

The schoolgirls said they had waited for three hours to just catch a glimpse of the royal couple and 'couldn't believe it' when the royal couple came over to speak to them.

Hannah said: 'I told my sister we would see Meghan today but I couldn't believe it when she came over to speak to us.

'She was so nice and friendly and she is so pretty. She was so nice to us and said thank you for coming down to meet her.'

Francesca said: 'We were both super excited to meet Harry and Meghan I just can't believe we did.

'Our friends are going on be so jealous, we're going to be taking about this forever.'

Britain's Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, and his wife Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, are seen meeting Ruby a mother Koala who gave birth to koala joey Meghan, named after Her Royal Highness

Britain's Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, and his wife Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, are seen meeting Ruby a mother Koala who gave birth to koala joey Meghan, named after Her Royal Highness

Britain's Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, and his wife Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, are seen meeting Ruby a mother Koala who gave birth to koala joey Meghan, named after Her Royal Highness

Prince Harry and his wife the Duchess of Sussex announced on Monday morning they are expecting their first child

Prince Harry and his wife the Duchess of Sussex announced on Monday morning they are expecting their first child

Prince Harry and his wife the Duchess of Sussex announced on Monday morning they are expecting their first child

Britain's Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, and his wife Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex met the tiny bears named after them when they married in May

Britain's Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, and his wife Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex met the tiny bears named after them when they married in May

Britain's Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, and his wife Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex met the tiny bears named after them when they married in May

Up close and personal: The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were spotted stroking the bears at the Taronga Zoo

Up close and personal: The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were spotted stroking the bears at the Taronga Zoo

Up close and personal: The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were spotted stroking the bears at the Taronga Zoo

The Duke spoke of the importance of zoos, telling donors, zoo staff and 20 volunteers aged 13-19 from Youth at the Zoo programme: 'Zoos in the 21st century, they have to modernise with everything else that's going on around them

The Duke spoke of the importance of zoos, telling donors, zoo staff and 20 volunteers aged 13-19 from Youth at the Zoo programme: 'Zoos in the 21st century, they have to modernise with everything else that's going on around them

The Duke spoke of the importance of zoos, telling donors, zoo staff and 20 volunteers aged 13-19 from Youth at the Zoo programme: 'Zoos in the 21st century, they have to modernise with everything else that's going on around them

The ten-month old joeys were wedding gifts from the people of NSW for the couple, who got married in May - and just announced they were expecting their own baby

The ten-month old joeys were wedding gifts from the people of NSW for the couple, who got married in May - and just announced they were expecting their own baby

The ten-month old joeys were wedding gifts from the people of NSW for the couple, who got married in May – and just announced they were expecting their own baby

Meghan, showing just a hint of a baby bump, cooed at the koalas before stroking them, saying: 'Sweet, cute' as keeper Suzie MacNamara explained how the animals are threatened in the wild

Meghan, showing just a hint of a baby bump, cooed at the koalas before stroking them, saying: 'Sweet, cute' as keeper Suzie MacNamara explained how the animals are threatened in the wild

Meghan, showing just a hint of a baby bump, cooed at the koalas before stroking them, saying: 'Sweet, cute' as keeper Suzie MacNamara explained how the animals are threatened in the wild

In front of hundreds of Taronga staff, donors, young volunteers and NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian (second from left), Meghan used golden scissors to cut a line of green tape to open the centre

In front of hundreds of Taronga staff, donors, young volunteers and NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian (second from left), Meghan used golden scissors to cut a line of green tape to open the centre

In front of hundreds of Taronga staff, donors, young volunteers and NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian (second from left), Meghan used golden scissors to cut a line of green tape to open the centre

After the short tour, the Duke and Duchess went to unveil a plaque commentating the opening of a research centre

After the short tour, the Duke and Duchess went to unveil a plaque commentating the opening of a research centre

After the short tour, the Duke and Duchess went to unveil a plaque commentating the opening of a research centre

The couple was presented with a koala toy for their new baby - a hastily arranged surprise for the couple after the news of their pregnancy yesterday

The couple was presented with a koala toy for their new baby - a hastily arranged surprise for the couple after the news of their pregnancy yesterday

The couple was presented with a koala toy for their new baby – a hastily arranged surprise for the couple after the news of their pregnancy yesterday

Prince Harry - who has previously met koalas - was a tad more irreverent during the meeting

Prince Harry - who has previously met koalas - was a tad more irreverent during the meeting

Prince Harry – who has previously met koalas – was a tad more irreverent during the meeting

The then walked to the new Taronga Institute of Science and Learning holding hands, inspecting quokkas and wallabies before heading into the koala enclosure

The then walked to the new Taronga Institute of Science and Learning holding hands, inspecting quokkas and wallabies before heading into the koala enclosure

The then walked to the new Taronga Institute of Science and Learning holding hands, inspecting quokkas and wallabies before heading into the koala enclosure

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been introduced to their koala namesakes and a 'stud' of a short-legged echidna, as they admired the 'so cute' wildlife of Taronga Zoo.

The couple, who announced they are expecting their first baby yesterday, were invited to stroke two koalas and their joeys, who were named Harry and Meghan in honour of the royal wedding in May.

The Duchess called the animals 'so, so sweet', shyly touching a koala named Ruby who sat sleepily on a lower branch in the small, open enclosure.

The Duke was more forthcoming, reaching to pet the koala with the encouragement of keepers, and admiring their healthy coats and quizzing keeper Suzie MacNamara about their diet and sleeping habits.

The couple were also shown wallabies and quokkas in their enclosures, leaning on the zoo's low fences to admire them and watch them being fed.

Accompanied by the premier of New South Wales Gladys Berejiklian, they spent around five minutes with the koalas, Ruby and Wattle, whose joeys were named Meghan and Harry as a wedding gift from the people of the region.

In a private moment away from the cameras, they couple were also given a stuffed toy version of the animal in celebration of their baby news.

In a research laboratory at the zoo, they were also introduced to Lynx, a short-legged echidna being studied

Dr Phoebe Meagher, research and pathology coordinator, told the couple that the animal is the 'star' of their recent project, which helps tackle the illegal wildlife trade.

Showing them the ID tags, Michelle Shaw, wildlife nutritionist, said he is a breeding male, joking: 'He's kind of a stud, he's had two babies.'

The Duke seemed concerned about the animal's wellbeing in a room full of cameras, asking of its nose: 'The snot, is that a good thing or stress?'

'It's ok, he's drooling out of excitement,' the scientists told him. 'And he's just been fed.'

After being invited to pet the echidna, the Duchess tentatively stroked its spines, which are used to track the animals and monitor their diet.

The scientific research will allow those tackling the illegal wildlife trade to better pinpoint where animals are coming from.

'Oh well done,' said the Duchess, hearing about the research of the four female scientists. 'Congratulations, that's really impressive.'

After the short tour, the Duke and Duchess went to unveil a plaque commentating the opening of a research centre.

The Duchess of Sussex told koala keeper Suzie, who have her a toy one today, that she would put the cuddly toy 'in the nursery'.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex took to the water to see spectacular Sydney by boat.

Prince Harry and Meghan climbed aboard a water transfer – Admiral Hudson flying the White ensign of the Royal Australian Navy – after the visit to Taronga Zoo for a 20 minute crossing of the harbour to the Sydney Opera house.

The Duchess seemed very taken by the cuddly furballs and listened intently before asking if she could stroke them

The Duchess seemed very taken by the cuddly furballs and listened intently before asking if she could stroke them

The Duchess seemed very taken by the cuddly furballs and listened intently before asking if she could stroke them

After being invited to pet the echidna, the Duchess tentatively stroked its spines, which are used to track the animals and monitor their diet

After being invited to pet the echidna, the Duchess tentatively stroked its spines, which are used to track the animals and monitor their diet

After being invited to pet the echidna, the Duchess tentatively stroked its spines, which are used to track the animals and monitor their diet

The scientific research will allow those tackling the illegal wildlife trade to better pinpoint where animals are coming from

The scientific research will allow those tackling the illegal wildlife trade to better pinpoint where animals are coming from

The scientific research will allow those tackling the illegal wildlife trade to better pinpoint where animals are coming from

The royal couple – wearing sun glasses on a glorious sunny day – disembarked at Man O'War Steps, the landing point for British and Australian fleets for 150 years.

Several police patrol boats with armed police on board patrolled the harbour as the royal pair took in the views of the city from their vessel.

At the Opera House thousands of royal fans waited for the couple to carry out their first walkabout.

The Duke and Duchess were presented with traditional flowers and platypus pins as they opened the Taronga Institute of Science and Learning.

As Finley Blue, four, and Sasha Gallagher, six, presented the bouquets to Meghan, Harry joked 'Oh, you're giving them both to her.'

The Duke spoke of the importance of zoos, telling donors, zoo staff and 20 volunteers aged 13-19 from Youth at the Zoo programme: 'Zoos in the 21st century, they have to modernise with everything else that's going on around them.

'Taronga Zoo seems to be leading the way. Zoos across the world, those that are still going, who have still got the funding, have got a lot to learn from a place like this.'

Before the ribbon cutting, Meghan appeared to realise she was still holding her coat and moved towards an aide to take it as a member of the crowd shouted 'I'll look after it!'

As Cameron Kerr, director of the Taronga Conservation Socety, gave the couple the platypus pins, which are the logo of the zoo, he spoke of how zoologists originally thought the mammal was 'a joke' when it was first brought to the UK.

He said: 'When the first people from England came to Australia and sent one back to a British museum, they rejected it and said they are making fun of us. They've sown a couple of different animals together.'

  The couple were formally welcomed to Australia by his Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove and his wife, Lady Cosgrove, on the lawns of the historic building, which offers spectacular views across Sydney Harbour

  The couple were formally welcomed to Australia by his Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove and his wife, Lady Cosgrove, on the lawns of the historic building, which offers spectacular views across Sydney Harbour

The couple were formally welcomed to Australia by his Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove and his wife, Lady Cosgrove, on the lawns of the historic building, which offers spectacular views across Sydney Harbour

Meghan and Harry who married in St George's Chapel in Windsor Castle in May of this year were hand in hand when they met with Australia's Governor General Peter Cosgrove and wife Lynne Cosgrove at Admiralty House

Meghan and Harry who married in St George's Chapel in Windsor Castle in May of this year were hand in hand when they met with Australia's Governor General Peter Cosgrove and wife Lynne Cosgrove at Admiralty House

Meghan and Harry who married in St George's Chapel in Windsor Castle in May of this year were hand in hand when they met with Australia's Governor General Peter Cosgrove and wife Lynne Cosgrove at Admiralty House

Pregnant Meghan took in the views of the Sydney Opera House just hours after arriving in the country, while the news broke at home she and Prince Harry will be parents in the European spring of 2019

Pregnant Meghan took in the views of the Sydney Opera House just hours after arriving in the country, while the news broke at home she and Prince Harry will be parents in the European spring of 2019

Pregnant Meghan took in the views of the Sydney Opera House just hours after arriving in the country, while the news broke at home she and Prince Harry will be parents in the European spring of 2019

Meghan was reportedly wearing Australian designer Karen Gee's 'blessed dress' on the first day of the tour with her husband

Meghan was reportedly wearing Australian designer Karen Gee's 'blessed dress' on the first day of the tour with her husband

Meghan was reportedly wearing Australian designer Karen Gee's 'blessed dress' on the first day of the tour with her husband

The Duchess of Sussex appeared to be enjoying the beginning of the overseas tour with her husband who she wed in May as she laughed and joked with him on the lawn

The Duchess of Sussex appeared to be enjoying the beginning of the overseas tour with her husband who she wed in May as she laughed and joked with him on the lawn

The Duchess of Sussex appeared to be enjoying the beginning of the overseas tour with her husband who she wed in May as she laughed and joked with him on the lawn

Among the places on the couple's itinerary in the coming days are Fiji, Auckland, Rotorua, Wellington and Abel Tasman

Among the places on the couple's itinerary in the coming days are Fiji, Auckland, Rotorua, Wellington and Abel Tasman

Among the places on the couple's itinerary in the coming days are Fiji, Auckland, Rotorua, Wellington and Abel Tasman

Meghan looked resplendent in a figure-hugging white dress by Australian designer Karen Gee

Meghan looked resplendent in a figure-hugging white dress by Australian designer Karen Gee

Meghan and Harry at Admiralty House in Sydney

Meghan and Harry at Admiralty House in Sydney

Meghan looked resplendent in a figure-hugging white dress by Australian designer Karen Gee, while Harry opted for a smart navy suit and skinny tie

Meghan and Harry walked hand in hand through the gardens of Admiralty House during their first engagement since announcing their happy baby news

Meghan and Harry walked hand in hand through the gardens of Admiralty House during their first engagement since announcing their happy baby news

Meghan today in Australia

Meghan today in Australia

Earlier, Meghan and Harry were at Admiralty House, the official Sydney residence of the Governor-General of Australia, where they are staying for the first few days of their marathon 16-day Commonwealth trip

Admiralty House - where Meghan and Harry are pictured today - is located in the suburb of Kirribilli, on the northern foreshore of Sydney Harbour

Admiralty House - where Meghan and Harry are pictured today - is located in the suburb of Kirribilli, on the northern foreshore of Sydney Harbour

Meghan today at Admiralty House

Meghan today at Admiralty House

Admiralty House – where Meghan and Harry are pictured today – is located in the suburb of Kirribilli, on the northern foreshore of Sydney Harbour and enjoys spectacular views over the world famous shoreline

Meghan and Harry had a meeting with the Governor Sir Peter Crosgrove and his wife Lynn, Lady Crosgrove during their first engagement of the day.

They gave them a toy kangeroo and its Joey. Meghan exclaimed: 'Our first baby gift!

They were also given a pair of baby Uggs which Harry said were 'awesome'

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex couldn't hide their delight as they stepped out on the first official engagement of their tour to Australia this morning – hours after revealing their joyous baby news.

The mother and father-to be were at Admiralty House, the official Sydney residence of the Governor-General of Australia, where they are staying for the first few days of their marathon 16-day Commonwealth trip.

The couple were formally welcomed to Australia by his Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove and his wife, Lady Cosgrove, on the lawns of the historic building, which offers spectacular views across Sydney Harbour.

The couple were given presents of a kangaroo and her joey – 'our first baby gift!' Meghan exclaimed.

And Harry coed over a tiny pair of Ugg boots. 'These are awesome,' he said.

Also present were flag-bearing representatives from each of the eighteen countries who are participating in the Invictus Games Sydney 2018, Harry's inspirational competition for injured service personnel which he will formally open at the weekend.

The Duke and Duchess joined in on an official group photograph before an 'official call' with the Governor General and Lady Cosgrove, whom they met when they arrived from London the previous day.

Several congratulated the couple on their happy news, 'Thank you so much,' said Meghan. 'We are very excited.'

The dignitaries also presented Harry and Meghan with the Akubras – traditional wide-brimmed Australian hates – gifted to them on the occasion of their wedding in May.

Admiralty House is the official Sydney residence of the Governor-General of Australia, the Queen's official representative in the country of which she is still head of state.

It is located in the suburb of Kirribilli, on the northern foreshore of Sydney Harbour.

The couple met Governor-General Peter Cosgrove and his wife, Lady Cosgrove. They gave the couple a toy Kangaroo and its Joey, to which Meghan exclaimed: 'Our first baby gift!' Harry also looked delighted with a pair of baby Uggs, which were originally worn by surfers when they emerged from the sea before becoming fashionable

The couple met Governor-General Peter Cosgrove and his wife, Lady Cosgrove. They gave the couple a toy Kangaroo and its Joey, to which Meghan exclaimed: 'Our first baby gift!' Harry also looked delighted with a pair of baby Uggs, which were originally worn by surfers when they emerged from the sea before becoming fashionable

The couple met Governor-General Peter Cosgrove and his wife, Lady Cosgrove. They gave the couple a toy Kangaroo and its Joey, to which Meghan exclaimed: 'Our first baby gift!' Harry also looked delighted with a pair of baby Uggs, which were originally worn by surfers when they emerged from the sea before becoming fashionable

An amused Prince Harry inspected the small Joey inside the Kangaroo pouch as his pregnant wife the Duchess of Sussex held onto their first baby gift, just hours after the couple officially announced they are expecting their first child

An amused Prince Harry inspected the small Joey inside the Kangaroo pouch as his pregnant wife the Duchess of Sussex held onto their first baby gift, just hours after the couple officially announced they are expecting their first child

An amused Prince Harry inspected the small Joey inside the Kangaroo pouch as his pregnant wife the Duchess of Sussex held onto their first baby gift, just hours after the couple officially announced they are expecting their first child

The smiling Duchess of Sussex was beaming as she received the gift on the first day of what will be a sixteen-day tour around Australia and the South Pacific

The smiling Duchess of Sussex was beaming as she received the gift on the first day of what will be a sixteen-day tour around Australia and the South Pacific

The smiling Duchess of Sussex was beaming as she received the gift on the first day of what will be a sixteen-day tour around Australia and the South Pacific

Prince Harry appeared rather amused with the official gift for his unborn child - whose birth was reportedly announced to friends and family at Princess Eugenie's wedding, last Friday

Prince Harry appeared rather amused with the official gift for his unborn child - whose birth was reportedly announced to friends and family at Princess Eugenie's wedding, last Friday

Prince Harry appeared rather amused with the official gift for his unborn child – whose birth was reportedly announced to friends and family at Princess Eugenie's wedding, last Friday

The Duke and Duchess were also handed a pair of traditional Australian wife-brimmed Australian Akubras hats as a belated wedding gift

The Duke and Duchess were also handed a pair of traditional Australian wife-brimmed Australian Akubras hats as a belated wedding gift

The Duke and Duchess were also handed a pair of traditional Australian wife-brimmed Australian Akubras hats as a belated wedding gift

The couple sat down to talk with Governor General Sir Peter Cosgrove and and Lady Cosgrove at Admiralty House where they will be staying over the coming days. A reception dinner will take place at the residence to end the first day of their tour

The couple sat down to talk with Governor General Sir Peter Cosgrove and and Lady Cosgrove at Admiralty House where they will be staying over the coming days. A reception dinner will take place at the residence to end the first day of their tour

The couple sat down to talk with Governor General Sir Peter Cosgrove and and Lady Cosgrove at Admiralty House where they will be staying over the coming days. A reception dinner will take place at the residence to end the first day of their tour

Its name originated from the fact that it served as the residence for the Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Navy's Australia Squadron from 1885 to 1913 MF

The couple started by walking down the veranda to view the flags of each of the Invictus countries taking part. When congratulated by the media on their happy news, Harry smiled shyly and said 'thanks'.

They also accepted good wishes from dignitaries including the Premier of New South Wales, the Hon Gladys Berejiklan MP. 'Thank you, that's very kind,' said Meghan.

The couple posed for a photograph on the croquet lawn with the Governor General and his wife with the magnificent backdrop of Sydney Opera House behind them.

The duchess, who hasn't been to Australia before, marvelled at the view.

The foursome were then joined by the Invictus representatives for another group photograph and chatted with them for a few minutes before walking into the house to sign the visitor's book.

Harry sat down first, followed by Meghan, and the prince watched on proudly as his wife, a former calligrapher, signed with a flourish.

Inside the mansion's sitting room, the couple immediately spied a large cuddly kangaroo sitting on the table with, appropriately, a Joey in its pouch.

They laughed as they saw it, Meghan exclaiming: 'That's so cute, our first baby gift!'

'There you are, ' said Sir Peter, as Harry leant forward to examine the Joey.

'And this is your second,' the Governor-General continued, as his wife handed the prince a pair of tiny Ugg boots.

'Very Australian Ugg boots,' said Lady Cosgrove. 'These are awesome,' said Harry as he posed for the cameras holding them.

The couple were also handed a pair of traditional Australian wife-brimmed Australian Akubras hats as a belated wedding gift.

'When you go to Dubbo you'll see some of these,' said Sir Peter.

'Thank you so much,' said Meghan.

The four then sat down for a half hour official meeting.

'Your Royal Highnesses, welcome to Australia,' said Sir Peter, 'may we on behalf of all Australians congratulate you both on the announcement that you are expecting a baby. We are delighted, it's amazing, and I know that the people who are already excited to see you will just be enthralled by the fact of this wonderful news.'

After thanking him Harry said: 'Thank you very much for having us and letting us stay in your wonderful house. And thank you very much for organising the weather! Let's hope the rain stays off!'

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex couldn't hide their delight as they stepped out on the first official engagement of their tour to Australia this morning – hours after revealing their joyous baby news.

The mother and father-to be were at Admiralty House, the official Sydney residence of the Governor-General of Australia, where they are staying for the first few days of their marathon 16-day Commonwealth trip.

The couple were formally welcomed to Australia by his Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove and his wife, Lady Cosgrove, on the lawns of the historic building, which offers spectacular views across Sydney Harbour.

Also present were flag-bearing representatives from each of the eighteen countries who are participating in the Invictus Games Sydney 2018, Harry's inspirational competition for injured service personnel which he will formally open at the weekend.

The Duke and Duchess joined in on an official group photograph before an 'official call' with the Governor General and Lady Cosgrove, whom they met when they arrived from London the previous day.

The dignitaries plans to present Harry and Meghan with the Akubras – traditional wide-brimmed Australian hates – gifted to them on the occasion of their wedding in May.

Admiralty house is the official Sydney residence of the Governor-General of Australia, the Queen's official representative in the country of which she is still head of state.

It is located in the suburb of Kirribilli, on the northern foreshore of Sydney Harbour.

Its name originated from the fact that it served as the residence for the Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Navy's Australia Squadron from 1885 to 1913

Feeling all white! Duchess of Sussex wears butterfly earrings that once belonged to Princess Diana as she shows off the hint of a bump in stylish £1,000 dress by Australian designer Karen Gee

All eyes were on the Duchess of Sussex, her wardrobe choice and that baby bump as she made her first appearance since announcing her pregnancy.

At the premiere outing of her Australian and Pacific tour with Prince Harry on Tuesday, Meghan Markle opted for an Australian-designed dress by Karen Gee which barely showed a hint of a 'bump'.

And just moments after Meghan was spotted in the $1,800 dress, interest in the 'Blessed' shift style caused the Karen Gee website to crash.

All eyes were on the Duchess of Sussex (pictured with Prince Harry) this morning, when she opted for an Australian-designed dress by Karen Gee

All eyes were on the Duchess of Sussex (pictured with Prince Harry) this morning, when she opted for an Australian-designed dress by Karen Gee

All eyes were on the Duchess of Sussex (pictured with Prince Harry) this morning, when she opted for an Australian-designed dress by Karen Gee

The $1,800 'Blessed' style seen on Meghan (pictured) features a scalloped neckline and falls just below the knee

The $1,800 'Blessed' style seen on Meghan (pictured) features a scalloped neckline and falls just below the knee

The $1,800 'Blessed' style seen on Meghan (pictured) features a scalloped neckline and falls just below the knee

Moments after Meghan was spotted in the $1,800 dress, interest in the 'Blessed' shift style caused the Karen Gee website to crash (pictured: the website)

Moments after Meghan was spotted in the $1,800 dress, interest in the 'Blessed' shift style caused the Karen Gee website to crash (pictured: the website)

Moments after Meghan was spotted in the $1,800 dress, interest in the 'Blessed' shift style caused the Karen Gee website to crash (pictured: the website)

A spokeswoman for the brand said: 'We're all like proud mothers right now. We're super excited'.

Karen Gee herself added: '[I’m] so proud, particularly because I am not a world recognised brand'.

The dress worn by the Duchess was an elegant ivory style that fell just below the knee and featured a 'simple, structured fit', as well as a 'sleek silhouette'.

It also retails in ink navy and black.

Meghan's blossoming bump was only just visible beneath the dress, which she paired with her trademark sleek blow dry and nude stilettos.

Sydney-based Karen Gee started her business five years ago, with products offering women the chance to customise dresses to their body shape.

Karen Gee reportedly sent several items to Kensington Palace for Meghan Markle (pictured) to consider

Karen Gee reportedly sent several items to Kensington Palace for Meghan Markle (pictured) to consider

But she was bound by a confidentiality agreement against releasing any information about it

But she was bound by a confidentiality agreement against releasing any information about it

Karen Gee reportedly sent several items to Kensington Palace for Meghan Markle to consider, but was bound by a confidentiality agreement against releasing any information about it

A favourite of local television presenters, her designs have quickly risen to fame in Australia.

However, the exposure of being chosen by the Duchess on a day when she created headlines worldwide with her pregnancy news meant the fashion brand saw demand soar.

Karen Gee reportedly revealed that she sent several pieces to Kensington Palace for consideration for the visit.

However, she was bound by a confidentiality agreement that she couldn't reveal any of the details.

Speaking to Seven News, she said: '[I’ve received] a lot of texts. Both from Sydney and from Queensland, because I'm originally from there. It's super exciting.'

She also highlighted that the exposure has drawn attention to the brand's 'vision and purpose'.

'For Meghan to choose Karen Gee on the first day of the tour is just super exciting.'

The Sydney-based designer is a favourite among homegrown celebrities, but Meghan opting for one of her styles is the kind of press designers can only dream of

The Sydney-based designer is a favourite among homegrown celebrities, but Meghan opting for one of her styles is the kind of press designers can only dream of

The Sydney-based designer is a favourite among homegrown celebrities, but Meghan opting for one of her styles is the kind of press designers can only dream of

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex couldn't hide their delight when they enjoyed their first engagement on the tour on Tuesday morning, hours after announcing the baby news

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex couldn't hide their delight when they enjoyed their first engagement on the tour on Tuesday morning, hours after announcing the baby news

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex couldn't hide their delight when they enjoyed their first engagement on the tour on Tuesday morning, hours after announcing the baby news

The 37-year-old royal was expected to wear a number of Australian designers during the local leg of the tour to Sydney, Melbourne and Fraser Island off the Queensland coast.

The brands considered most likely to be featured included Zimmermann, Camilla and Marc, Scanlan & Theodore, Dion Lee and Alex Perry.

Alongside this, Meghan wore butterfly earrings first worn by Princess Diana on the royal tour in Canada in 1986, as well as her gold bracelet.

The Princess of Wales was seen wearing the jewels during a trip to Canada with Prince Charles in May 1986.

The appearance occurred a year and a half after Diana gave birth to Prince Harry.

The 37-year-old royal is expected to wear a number of Australian designers during the Australian leg of the tour to Sydney, Melbourne and Fraser Island

The 37-year-old royal is expected to wear a number of Australian designers during the Australian leg of the tour to Sydney, Melbourne and Fraser Island

The 37-year-old royal is expected to wear a number of Australian designers during the Australian leg of the tour to Sydney, Melbourne and Fraser Island

Alongside this, Meghan wore butterfly earrings first worn by Princess Diana (pictured) on the royal tour in Canada in 1986, as well as her gold bracelet

Alongside this, Meghan wore butterfly earrings first worn by Princess Diana (pictured) on the royal tour in Canada in 1986, as well as her gold bracelet

Alongside this, Meghan wore butterfly earrings first worn by Princess Diana (pictured) on the royal tour in Canada in 1986, as well as her gold bracelet

For those who want to get a little of the Duchess' style for less than purchasing the genuine item, there were very similar white and ivory shift dresses available for under $100.

The Iconic had several options around the $70 mark, all of which featured the scalloped neckline worn by Meghan.

Alternatively, international website Boohoo was selling a simple white shift dress for just $15, while Showpo had an option for $70.

UK-based royal favourite, LK Bennett, also offers a sleeved white shift dress.

While Meghan's dress retails for an impressive $1,800, there are plenty of cheaper options you can get your hands on that look similar

While Meghan's dress retails for an impressive $1,800, there are plenty of cheaper options you can get your hands on that look similar

While Meghan's dress retails for an impressive $1,800, there are plenty of cheaper options you can get your hands on that look similar

The Iconic (pictured: one of their dresses) has several options around the $70 mark, all of which feature the scalloped neckline worn by Meghan

The Iconic (pictured: one of their dresses) has several options around the $70 mark, all of which feature the scalloped neckline worn by Meghan

The Iconic (pictured: one of their dresses) has several options around the $70 mark, all of which feature the scalloped neckline worn by Meghan

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex looked refreshed after their Monday rest day following the long flight to Australia, and began the official engagements of their tour just hours after revealing their joyous baby news.

The mother and father-to be began at Admiralty House, the harbour-side Sydney residence of the Governor-General of Australia, where they stayed on Monday night to begin their 16-day visit.

The couple were formally welcomed to Australia by the Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove and his wife, Lady Cosgrove, on the lawns of the historic building, which offered spectacular views across Sydney Harbour.

Alternatively, Showpo have an option for $70 (pictured)

Alternatively, Showpo have an option for $70 (pictured)

Boohoo have a simple white shift dress for just $15

Boohoo have a simple white shift dress for just $15

Alternatively, Boohoo are selling a simple white shift dress for just $15 (right), while Showpo have an option for $70 (left)

The royal couple arrived on Monday on a Qantas flight from London via Singapore, and touched down at Sydney Airport to be greeted by supporters (pictured on Monday)

The royal couple arrived on Monday on a Qantas flight from London via Singapore, and touched down at Sydney Airport to be greeted by supporters (pictured on Monday)

The royal couple arrived on Monday on a Qantas flight from London via Singapore, and touched down at Sydney Airport to be greeted by supporters (pictured on Monday)

From there, they visited Taronga Zoo to open a new science centre and meet some local wildlife, including koalas and echidnas.

They then took a boat for the short trip across the harbour to meet the public on forecourt of the Opera House.

The royal couple arrived on Monday on a Qantas A380 flight from London via Singapore.

Meghan, dressed in tight black pants and a coat bordered with black and burgundy, was smiling and holding records, while Harry was giving the spectators a thumbs up.

The couple was due to spend a week in Australia, the Duchess of Sussex's first ever trip to the country, before jetting to Fiji on October 23 where they will spend two days.

Le dimanche 28 octobre, ils traverseront la mer de Tasman en Nouvelle-Zélande, visitant Wellington, le parc national Abel Tasman, Auckland et Rotorua avant de rentrer chez eux le mercredi 31 octobre.

'Hey you can't give flowers that big to my wife!': The hilarious moment Prince Harry playfully scolds a royal fan for gifting a large bouquet to Meghan Markle at Taronga Zoo

Prince Harry has hilariously told off a crowd of Australian spectators at Taronga Zoo after a spectator handed Meghan Markle a large bouquet of flowers.

The gesture, which was caught on video, shows the very relaxed couple entering the Sydney sanctuary surrounded by police guard and their entourage.

A lavish floral gift was handed to the Duchess of Sussex, who looked stunning in a white Karen Gee midi dress on her first appearance since announcing their pregnancy.

The bouquet was HUGE! These were the flowers offered to the Duchess of Sussex

The bouquet was HUGE! These were the flowers offered to the Duchess of Sussex

The bouquet was HUGE! These were the flowers offered to the Duchess of Sussex

A lavish gift in the form of a floral arrangement was handed to Meghan, who looked stunning in a white Karen Gee midi dress on her first appearance since announcing their pregnancy

A lavish gift in the form of a floral arrangement was handed to Meghan, who looked stunning in a white Karen Gee midi dress on her first appearance since announcing their pregnancy

A lavish gift in the form of a floral arrangement was handed to Meghan, who looked stunning in a white Karen Gee midi dress on her first appearance since announcing their pregnancy

In the video, the Duke of Sussex, strides towards her in a navy suit and takes one look at the present before turning to the excited crowd waiting patiently behind the barricades.

Pointing a cheeky index finger at the press and onlookers, Prince Harry retorts: 'You can't give flowers that big to my wife, what is that all about?'

The crowd laughs as a glowing Meghan joins him, saying: 'Thank you for my flowers!'

Her husband, the Duke of Sussex, strides towards her in a navy suit and takes one look at the present before turning to the excited crowd waiting patiently behind the barricades

Her husband, the Duke of Sussex, strides towards her in a navy suit and takes one look at the present before turning to the excited crowd waiting patiently behind the barricades

Her husband, the Duke of Sussex, strides towards her in a navy suit and takes one look at the present before turning to the excited crowd waiting patiently behind the barricades

Her husband, the Duke of Sussex, strides towards her in a navy suit and takes one look at the present before turning to the excited crowd waiting patiently behind the barricades

Her husband, the Duke of Sussex, strides towards her in a navy suit and takes one look at the present before turning to the excited crowd waiting patiently behind the barricades

Pointing a cheeky index finger at the waiting press and patrons, Prince Harry retorts: 'You can't give flowers that big to my wife, what is that all about?'

Pointing a cheeky index finger at the waiting press and patrons, Prince Harry retorts: 'You can't give flowers that big to my wife, what is that all about?'

Pointing a cheeky index finger at the waiting press and patrons, Prince Harry retorts: 'You can't give flowers that big to my wife, what is that all about?'

It would appear she was unaware who had bought the gift for her, but it was Fitzy & Wippa show newsreader Matt De Groot.

Social media was awash with love for the very sweet footage, with some suggesting it was their 'favourite video of Harry ever'.

'You've got to love Harry,' another added.

It would appear she was unaware who had bought the gift for her, but it was Nova 96.9 newsreader Matt De Groot

It would appear she was unaware who had bought the gift for her, but it was Nova 96.9 newsreader Matt De Groot

It would appear she was unaware who had bought the gift for her, but it was Nova 96.9 newsreader Matt De Groot

The crowd laughs as a glowing Meghan joins him, saying: 'Thank you for my flowers!'

The crowd laughs as a glowing Meghan joins him, saying: 'Thank you for my flowers!'

The crowd laughs as a glowing Meghan joins him, saying: 'Thank you for my flowers!'

In a private moment away from the cameras, the couple were also given a baby kangaroo toy in celebration of their baby news

In a private moment away from the cameras, the couple were also given a baby kangaroo toy in celebration of their baby news

In a private moment away from the cameras, the couple were also given a baby kangaroo toy in celebration of their baby news

At Taronga Zoo, the couple were invited to stroke two koalas and their joeys, who were named Harry and Meghan in honour of the royal wedding in May.

The Duchess called the animals 'so, so sweet', shyly touching a koala named Ruby who sat sleepily on a lower branch in the small, open enclosure.

The Duke was more forthcoming, reaching to pet the koala with the encouragement of keepers, and admiring their healthy coats and quizzing keeper Suzie MacNamara about their diet and sleeping habits.

The couple were also shown wallabies and quokkas in their enclosures, leaning on the zoo's low fences to admire them and watch them being fed.

Accompanied by the premier of New South Wales Gladys Berejiklian, they spent around five minutes with the koalas, Ruby and Wattle, whose joeys were named Meghan and Harry as a wedding gift from the people of the region.

In a private moment away from the cameras, they couple were also given a stuffed toy version of the animal in celebration of their baby news.

'Oh my goodness, is this Daphne?' War widow, 98, reunites with Prince Harry for the THIRD time – as she shares a cuddle with him and says a baby is 'just what he needs'

Daphne Dunne has been reunited with Prince Harry as they shared a loving embrace on Tuesday outside the Sydney Opera House

Daphne Dunne has been reunited with Prince Harry as they shared a loving embrace on Tuesday outside the Sydney Opera House

Daphne Dunne has been reunited with Prince Harry as they shared a loving embrace on Tuesday outside the Sydney Opera House

She's the war widow who captured the hearts of millions of Australians after she stole a tender kiss from Prince Harry twice.

And it was a third time lucky for Daphne Dunne after she was again reunited with the 34-year-old royal when she met the Duke and Duchess of Sussex on Tuesday.

The now 98-year-old was eagerly waiting with a bouquet of flowers to greet the married couple outside the Sydney Opera House.

And much to her delight, Prince Harry spotted her in the crowd before he made his way over to share a loving hug.

'How are you? I'm going to get my wife to come over to say hello,' he said to Ms Dunne, before introducing his wife to her.

'Oh my goodness, is this Daphne? I'm so happy to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you – all good things,' Meghan said as the two women clasped hands.

Ms Dunne replied: 'It's wonderful, the two of you' as she congratulated the pair on their exciting baby news: 'Congratulations, it's just what Harry needs.

'He will be a marvellous dad. He won't let anything stand in his way and he will be so gentle and loving.'

During their heartwarming encounter, Prince Harry noticed something different about Ms Dunne.

'Have you dyed your hair a shade of pink?' he asked, to which she responded 'yes'.

The royal fan gifted the couple flowers, as Meghan thanked her, adding: 'Hopefully next time we see you, we'll have a little one with us.'

Daphne Dunne has been reunited with Prince Harry, and she got to meet wife Meghan Markle

Daphne Dunne has been reunited with Prince Harry, and she got to meet wife Meghan Markle

Daphne Dunne has been reunited with Prince Harry, and she got to meet wife Meghan Markle

A blast from the past: The pair reunited on Tuesday (right) after meeting in 2015 (left) and 2017

Ms Dunne (pictured) first met Prince Harry at the Opera House when he visited Sydney in 2015

Ms Dunne (pictured) first met Prince Harry at the Opera House when he visited Sydney in 2015

Ms Dunne (pictured) first met Prince Harry at the Opera House when he visited Sydney in 2015

Speaking to AAP following her meet-and-greet with Meghan, Ms Dunne said: 'She said she had heard all about me, she's so beautiful.'

Ms Dunne first met the Prince at the Sydney Opera House in 2015 where she nabbed a kiss on the cheek after he noticed the Victoria Cross she wore.

Two years later, the pair crossed paths again when they shared a kiss and hug after she waited to meet him in the pouring rain for seven hours with an esky full of beers.

Appearing on the Today show on Tuesday before the meeting, the super royal fan shared her excitement about the prospect of meeting Prince Harry for the third time.

'I'm quite excited. I don't think he has changed very much but I probably have. Seeing my age is going up, up, up,' she told reporter Sylvia Jeffreys.

'He's a natural. He just loves what he's doing but seems to fit in with everything he says. I'm very happy for him. I'm glad he's got a wife now and soon a bubba.'

Prince Harry introduced his wife to Ms Dunne, who waited to meet the couple with flowers

Prince Harry introduced his wife to Ms Dunne, who waited to meet the couple with flowers

Prince Harry introduced his wife to Ms Dunne, who waited to meet the couple with flowers

Meghan told Ms Dunne that she hopes the next time they meet again, she would see their baby

Meghan told Ms Dunne that she hopes the next time they meet again, she would see their baby

Meghan told Ms Dunne that she hopes the next time they meet again, she would see their baby

Beautiful moment! Ms Dunne was overjoyed when she got to see her Prince again on Tuesday

Beautiful moment! Ms Dunne was overjoyed when she got to see her Prince again on Tuesday

Beautiful moment! Ms Dunne was overjoyed when she got to see her Prince again on Tuesday

Speaking fondly about the Prince, Ms Dunne told Sunrise: 'Harry is just wonderful, you couldn't describe him any other way.

'I have to meet Meghan because she and Harry are really in love, you can see it coming out of their eyes and out of their hearts too.'

Weighing in on the baby joy, Ms Dunne said: 'I'm thrilled for them, especially Harry because I know how he wanted a baby, now he's got his wish.'

She added that Prince Harry will be a 'hands on' father when the baby arrives.

Reminiscing their heartwarming encounter, Ms Dunne told the Today show a selfless Prince Harry seemed unfazed when he braved the rain to talk to her in May 2015.

'He didn't worry about, he just continued on with what he was doing, which was talking to me,' she recalled.

'When he started to go, he gave me a kiss on the cheek. And when he came back later, he gave me another one because I was lopsided, and I had to have another kiss to put me right.'

When asked where the third kiss will go, Ms Dunne laughed as she responded: 'I don't know, I might not even get one.'

Ms Dunne was all smiles after Prince Harry spotted her from the crowd before he made his way over to share a loving hug on Tuesday

Ms Dunne was all smiles after Prince Harry spotted her from the crowd before he made his way over to share a loving hug on Tuesday

Ms Dunne was all smiles after Prince Harry spotted her from the crowd before he made his way over to share a loving hug on Tuesday

Last year in June, Ms Dunne grabbed a kiss from the royal after she braved the wet weather for seven hours in the rain.

Despite the torrential downpour, she told Daily Mail Australia at the time: 'He's worth waiting for – even in the pouring rain.'

And it wasn't the first time Ms Dunne met the 34-year-old.

During their first encounter by the Opera House in May 2015, she nabbed a kiss on the cheek after he noticed the Victoria Cross she wore.

Her first husband Albert Chowne was posthumously awarded the medal after he died in Papua New Guinea in 1945 during the Second World War.

'This time, I got a kiss on the opposite side, so it wouldn't be lopsided. 'He was lovely. He gave me a hug and a kiss and said it was great to see me,' she said.

'He was so pleased to see me and he worked out in his own mind that it's just gone two years [since we last met].

'He asked if I ever take my medals off and I said, "Yes, to go to bed".'

Asked if she offered him a beer from the ice box she had by her side, she said: 'No, he didn't have time and he was soaking wet.'

Pouring rain dampened the start of Harry's visit to Sydney to launch the countdown to the 2018 Invictus Games.

But Ms Dunne remained in high spirits all day, saying she had a special place in her heart for Harry due to his passion for veterans affairs.

'I think he does a lot for everyone, but he seems to dote on soldiers who have been injured,' she said.

During their first encounter by the Opera House in May 2015, she said he had been quick to notice the Victoria Cross she wore.

'He got close to me and he said, 'I know what that is,' she said at the time. And I said, 'Well, you should'.'

'She will make a great mom': Thomas Markle is 'excited' by the news of daughter Meghan's pregnancy and is desperate to play a role in the child's life as he is pictured out shopping for beers and chicken pot pies

Thomas Markle, the father of the Duchess of Sussex has said he believes she will be a 'great mom', according to a source.

The former Hollywood lighting director, 74, is reportedly delighted at the news and hoped to be able to play a role as a proud grandfather.

Senior Royals including the Queen, Prince Philip, Prince Charles, Camilla, Prince William and Kate were told last week.

Thomas Markle, the father of the Duchess of Sussex has said he believes she will be a 'great mom' - but his daughter did not tell him she is pregnant

Thomas Markle, the father of the Duchess of Sussex has said he believes she will be a 'great mom' - but his daughter did not tell him she is pregnant

Thomas Markle, the father of the Duchess of Sussex has said he believes she will be a 'great mom' – but his daughter did not tell him she is pregnant

Insiders have said Prince Harry is 'happier than he has ever been' as he and Meghan prepare to become parents next Spring

Insiders have said Prince Harry is 'happier than he has ever been' as he and Meghan prepare to become parents next Spring

Insiders have said Prince Harry is 'happier than he has ever been' as he and Meghan prepare to become parents next Spring

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex walk in the grounds of Admiralty House in Sydney on the first day of their visit to Australia

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex walk in the grounds of Admiralty House in Sydney on the first day of their visit to Australia

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex walk in the grounds of Admiralty House in Sydney on the first day of their visit to Australia

The announcement by Kensington Palace revealed that Meghan's mother Doria Ragland knew about the pregnancy and was said to be 'very happy'. Thomas was not mentioned.

'Thomas is absolutely delighted. He heard the news before it was made public and was overjoyed. He thinks Meghan will make a great mum as she is already so maternal,' said a source to The Sun.

Meghan is believed to have not spoken to her father since before her wedding to Prince Harry in May after Thomas backed out at the last minute due to ill health.

Her half-sister Samantha was pictured yesterday buying a congratulatory card for the couple.

She told The Sun she hoped the baby would bring the family closer together.

She said: 'I would hope that — for the sake of the baby, the family, the world and my dad — that leaving him out of the statement was not intentional.

'I hope my dad is included and at a proper time. If he is excluded, I won't be happy. It is in the best interests of the baby for my dad to be included.

'A baby changes everything and softens everyone. I would only hope that there would be some adjustment or some way of including him.'

Doria Ragland, pictured with her daughter in May, said she was 'very happy about this lovely news' and 'looks forward to welcoming her first grandchild'

Doria Ragland, pictured with her daughter in May, said she was 'very happy about this lovely news' and 'looks forward to welcoming her first grandchild'

Doria Ragland, pictured with her daughter in May, said she was 'very happy about this lovely news' and 'looks forward to welcoming her first grandchild'

Meghan is seen resting her head on Prince Harry's shoulder as the meet and greet came to an end on Tuesday afternoon

Meghan is seen resting her head on Prince Harry's shoulder as the meet and greet came to an end on Tuesday afternoon

Meghan is seen resting her head on Prince Harry's shoulder as the meet and greet came to an end on Tuesday afternoon

The royal couple are pictured coming down the steps of the iconic Sydney Opera House to speak with fans waiting outside

The royal couple are pictured coming down the steps of the iconic Sydney Opera House to speak with fans waiting outside

The royal couple are pictured coming down the steps of the iconic Sydney Opera House to speak with fans waiting outside

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex revealed the news of their pregnancy just days after telling the Queen at Princess Eugenie's wedding (above)

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex revealed the news of their pregnancy just days after telling the Queen at Princess Eugenie's wedding (above)

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex revealed the news of their pregnancy just days after telling the Queen at Princess Eugenie's wedding (above)

Thomas was spotted out and about buying groceries during which time the former Hollywood lighting director denied reports that he dabbled with using cocaine as he brought Meghan up.

'Never happened, no comment,' Thomas said when asked about the drug use reports.

Grandfather-to-be Thomas was spotted shopping alone for groceries as Meghan and Harry were breaking news of their pregnancy to the Royal Family who he has never met.

The Duchess of Sussex's father drove across the US border from his home in Rosarito, Mexico on Friday around the time his daughter and son-in-law were telling relatives at Princess Eugenie's wedding they were expecting their first child.

Thomas appeared to be in high spirits as he was pictured buying beers, pot pies and firewood from the grocery store in San Ysidro, California.

A store employee was spotted helping the 74-year-old wheel his shopping cart to his car and load his groceries into his trunk.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle meet Findlay Blue , four, and Dasha Gallagher, six,  after they officially opened the Taronga Institute of Science and Learning at Taronga Zoo in Sydney today

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle meet Findlay Blue , four, and Dasha Gallagher, six,  after they officially opened the Taronga Institute of Science and Learning at Taronga Zoo in Sydney today

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle meet Findlay Blue , four, and Dasha Gallagher, six, after they officially opened the Taronga Institute of Science and Learning at Taronga Zoo in Sydney today

Meghan's mother, meanwhile, released a statement expressing her joy about the news she is set to become a grandmother for the first time.

Doria Ragland said she was 'very happy about this lovely news' and 'looks forward to welcoming her first grandchild'.

Last month, Ragland was spotted taking baby-care classes in her hometown of Pasadena, California. There is a possibility she could move to London to help look after the child because Meghan may not want to hire a nanny.

Kensington Palace declined to comment on whether Meghan's father was told.

'Thomas sees this as a chance to fix the problems between him, Meghan and Harry. He is desperate to be there for his grandchild and wants to play an active role in their life', Thomas's other daughter and Meghan's half-sister Samantha said to The Sun.

'It just makes everything that happened over the last year disappear. I want Meghan to be happy and calm and have peace. Everybody needs to be positive.

'I would hope that — for the sake of the baby, the family, the world and my dad — that leaving him out of the statement was not intentional.

'I hope my dad is included and at a proper time. If he is excluded, I won't be happy. It is in the best interests of the baby for my dad to be included.

'A baby changes everything and softens everyone. I would only hope that there would be some adjustment or some way of including him.'

'At a proper time, there should be a sit-down wherein everyone can address this properly. Everything has to work itself out. I want to allow Meg and Harry to bring my dad into it in their own appropriate time because they very well should do. Although I can still say I love my sister, I wasn't happy with the way my father was being treated.

'But, you know, we're also seeing now that there was a lot going on — there may have been a lot of stress.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex revealed the news of their pregnancy just days after telling the Queen at Princess Eugenie's wedding.

Meghan, qui a épousé Harry il y a à peine cinq mois, a passé un scanner de 12 semaines et devrait être prête fin avril.

Kensington Palace made the announcement after the couple arrived in Sydney on Monday on the eve of their 16-day major tour which will take in Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga.

Kill him with politeness: Harry effortlessly bats away Australian serial prankster during walkabout… and for once the joker is lost for words

The last time Prince Harry was in Australia, radio prankster 'Intern' Pete Deppeler made a fool of himself by repeatedly yelling 'The floor is lava!' at the young royal.

And it appears the KIIS FM producer didn't fare much better on Tuesday when the Duke of Sussex returned to Sydney with his pregnant wife Meghan Markle.

Pete was stationed at the Opera House to cover the couple's official tour for the Kyle & Jackie O Show, but Harry refused to humour his attention-seeking antics.

A royal disaster! Prince Harry (pictured) was targeted by serial prankster 'Intern' Pete Deppeler during his Australian tour with wife Meghan Markle on Tuesday

A royal disaster! Prince Harry (pictured) was targeted by serial prankster 'Intern' Pete Deppeler during his Australian tour with wife Meghan Markle on Tuesday

A royal disaster! Prince Harry was targeted by serial prankster 'Intern' Pete Deppeler (pictured) during his Australian tour with wife Meghan Markle on Tuesday

A royal disaster! Prince Harry was targeted by serial prankster 'Intern' Pete Deppeler (pictured) during his Australian tour with wife Meghan Markle on Tuesday

A royal disaster! Prince Harry (left) was targeted by serial prankster 'Intern' Pete Deppeler (right) during his Australian tour with wife Meghan Markle on Tuesday

On Tuesday, footage of Pete's encounter with Meghan and Harry was posted to The Kyle & Jackie O Show's official Instagram account.

'Bit of royal mingling! Wait til you hear what Prince Harry said to crush Intern Pete's ego,' the caption teased.

But fans didn't have to wait long, as another video was soon uploaded that revealed Harry's dry-witted response.

'Hey Harry! Harry! Harry!' As Meghan and Harry arrived at the Sydney Opera House to meet their Australian fans, Intern Pete couldn't contain his excitement and began shouting at them

'Hey Harry! Harry! Harry!' As Meghan and Harry arrived at the Sydney Opera House to meet their Australian fans, Intern Pete couldn't contain his excitement and began shouting at them

'Hey Harry! Harry! Harry!' As Meghan and Harry arrived at the Sydney Opera House to meet their Australian fans, Intern Pete couldn't contain his excitement and began shouting at them

'Hey Harry! Harry! Harry!' As Meghan and Harry arrived at the Sydney Opera House to meet their Australian fans, Intern Pete couldn't contain his excitement and began shouting at them

'Hey Harry! Harry! Harry!' As Meghan and Harry arrived at the Sydney Opera House to meet their Australian fans, Intern Pete couldn't contain his excitement and began shouting at them

As Meghan and Harry approached the crowd of fans awaiting their arrival at the Opera House, Intern Pete couldn't contain his excitement.

'Hey Harry! Harry! Harry! I talk to you every year!' he breathlessly shouted.

But Harry didn't show a hint of recognition and instead politely responded: 'Very nice to meet you'.

Unfortunately, Pete didn't take the hint and awkwardly reminded the visiting royal that they had actually met 'a few times' before.

'I talk to you every year!' Harry didn't show a hint of recognition when Intern Pete (pictured) reminded him they'd met beforehand, and instead politely responded: 'Very nice to meet you'

'I talk to you every year!' Harry didn't show a hint of recognition when Intern Pete (pictured) reminded him they'd met beforehand, and instead politely responded: 'Very nice to meet you'

'I talk to you every year!' Harry didn't show a hint of recognition when Intern Pete (pictured) reminded him they'd met beforehand, and instead politely responded: 'Very nice to meet you'

'You behave today!' Meanwhile, In another clip shared to Kyle & Jackie O's Instagram page, NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian was shown scolding Intern Pete and warning him to 'behave'

'You behave today!' Meanwhile, In another clip shared to Kyle & Jackie O's Instagram page, NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian was shown scolding Intern Pete and warning him to 'behave'

'You behave today!' Meanwhile, In another clip shared to Kyle & Jackie O's Instagram page, NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian was shown scolding Intern Pete and warning him to 'behave'

'The floor is lava!' In June last year, Harry and Pete had another cringeworthy encounter when the radio personality attempted to introduce him to the childhood game Hot Lava

'The floor is lava!' In June last year, Harry and Pete had another cringeworthy encounter when the radio personality attempted to introduce him to the childhood game Hot Lava

'The floor is lava!' In June last year, Harry and Pete had another cringeworthy encounter when the radio personality attempted to introduce him to the childhood game Hot Lava

Meanwhile, In another clip shared to Kyle & Jackie O's Instagram page, NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian was shown scolding Intern Pete and warning him to 'behave'.

In June last year, Harry and Pete had another cringeworthy encounter when the radio personality attempted to introduce him to the childhood game Hot Lava.

The game requires players to escape the floor by climbing on a surface within five seconds of someone yelling 'the floor is lava'.

Harry awkwardly laughed as Pete repeatedly shouted 'The floor is lava!' at him from behind a barricade.

It was clear during the exchange that Harry had absolutely no idea what Intern Pete was talking about.

'I've longed for kids since I was very, very young': Heart-melting pictures that prove mischievous Harry was born to be a dad

Trust Harry to cheer us up on a grey and fractious news day. Come spring, all being well, he and Meghan will have a baby.

The Duchess no doubt will look wonderful cradling the child on the steps of the Lindo Wing, like her mother-in-law Diana and her sister-in-law Kate before her.

But let’s come clean, it’s actually Harry we’re delighted for, isn’t it?

For as these glorious pictures show, here is a boy who was born to be a dad.

Our Harry, the likely lad, the mischievous redhead who didn’t think much of school but relished Army life — ‘running down a ditch full of mud, firing bullets — it’s the way I am, I love it!’.

Father material: Prince Harry cuddles baby Jean Luc in a visit to the Queen Elizabeth II Children's Hospital in Bridgetown, Barbados

Father material: Prince Harry cuddles baby Jean Luc in a visit to the Queen Elizabeth II Children's Hospital in Bridgetown, Barbados

Father material: Prince Harry cuddles baby Jean Luc in a visit to the Queen Elizabeth II Children's Hospital in Bridgetown, Barbados

This is the larky young man who, when caught out starkers playing strip-billiards in Vegas, handsomely apologised and explained that it was just ‘a case of too much Army, and not enough prince’.

But this is also a man who soberly pledged himself to his charities and duties, and founded the Invictus Games to bring respect and fun to injured servicemen.

He’s our Harry. Few characters are more beguiling than a wild boy who gets into scrapes but does no real harm, then settles down to duty far more merry, open-hearted and tolerant of others than if he’d been a cautious prig all along.

Hearts have ached for Harry, too, as he opened up publicly about losing his mother: about walking behind her coffin, trying for years to blank out the sorrow, at last coming to terms.

Born to be a father: Prince Harry visits 8-year old Junior Maynard in the paediatric ward at the Queen Elizabeth II hospital in 2010

Born to be a father: Prince Harry visits 8-year old Junior Maynard in the paediatric ward at the Queen Elizabeth II hospital in 2010

Born to be a father: Prince Harry visits 8-year old Junior Maynard in the paediatric ward at the Queen Elizabeth II hospital in 2010

In 2016, when he was first with Meghan, he said he hoped Diana was looking down and approving of how he and his brother turned out.

He added, ‘I’m sure she’s waiting for me to have kids so she can be a grandmother again.’

Earlier, a bit wistfully after a few failed courtships, he had admitted: ‘I’ve longed for kids since I was very, very young. I’m waiting to find the right person, someone who’s willing to take on the job.’

He has shown us and told us enough about himself to make us rejoice in the idea of him having a family of his own.

Happy family: Harry lifts a three-year-old orphan called Lerato during a visit to Phelisanong Children's Home in Maseru, Lesotho

Happy family: Harry lifts a three-year-old orphan called Lerato during a visit to Phelisanong Children's Home in Maseru, Lesotho

Happy family: Harry lifts a three-year-old orphan called Lerato during a visit to Phelisanong Children's Home in Maseru, Lesotho

Not least because he should be good at it: one of the vital, underestimated qualities of good parenting is that you enjoy it.

A reluctant, distant or runaway dad is a sad thing to contemplate. Every woman approaching the joys and unending anxieties of motherhood is delighted to find a partner who is properly, keenly, up for it.

We want a man who is not nervous of babies, enjoys the wayward comedy of toddlers, and puts shy older children at their ease.

So just look at how Harry keeps proving all of those things day after day, trip after trip.

Helping hand: The 19-year-old prince plants a tree with young orphan Mutsu Potsane, 4, at the Mants'ase Children's Home   in Lesotho, southern Africa

Helping hand: The 19-year-old prince plants a tree with young orphan Mutsu Potsane, 4, at the Mants'ase Children's Home   in Lesotho, southern Africa

Helping hand: The 19-year-old prince plants a tree with young orphan Mutsu Potsane, 4, at the Mants'ase Children's Home in Lesotho, southern Africa

See him cradling seven-week-old Jean-Luc in Barbados, high-fiving a young girl in Africa’s Lesotho, swinging a laughing three-year-old round like everyone’s rumbustious favourite uncle.

See him lifting kids, upending them with squeals of glee, larking, pulling faces with an eight-year-old boy in hospital in Barbados, scooping up a young winner of a child bravery award (who had just asked him, ‘Where’s your crown?’) or holding hands and planting a tree with a four-year-old orphan in Lesotho.

Watch him make pretend-fierce faces at that little girl who kept stealing his popcorn in the stands at the Invictus Games. Brilliant.

These are not just photo-ops, children carefully selected for charm and whisked away if they misbehave.

His charities report it is hard to move Harry on, that he notices any shy or confused child in the background and includes them, that a malnourished or injured infant moves him to lean in with instinctive comfort.

Funny faces: Harry, patron of the Invictus Games Foundation, attends Sitting Volleyball competition at the games in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Funny faces: Harry, patron of the Invictus Games Foundation, attends Sitting Volleyball competition at the games in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Funny faces: Harry, patron of the Invictus Games Foundation, attends Sitting Volleyball competition at the games in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Babies and small children move us all to protectiveness, and toddler mischief makes almost everyone laugh. But there are a few good omens too for Harry’s future children as they get older.

Who can forget his admission about growing up in a royal world of formality. ‘To be honest,’ Harry said, ‘dinner conversations were the worst bit about being a child and listening to the boring people around me.’

This, one feels, will be the kind of father who, after decent politeness, lets his children unobtrusively sneak away from the table.

High five! Prince Harry plays a young child who is going through a programme for malnourishment during a visit to Mokhotlong, Lesotho

High five! Prince Harry plays a young child who is going through a programme for malnourishment during a visit to Mokhotlong, Lesotho

High five! Prince Harry plays a young child who is going through a programme for malnourishment during a visit to Mokhotlong, Lesotho

As for the teenagers, he should have enough fresh memories of his clubbing days both to give them advice, and to see right through any stratagems.

It is fashionable to pretend that mothers and fathers are not only equal parents but identical.

Certainly men can do traditionally female tasks with nappies and bottles (Harry seemed very adept bottle-feeding that baby rhino recently, even dropping a kiss on its horny face).

But there is often something refreshing and breezy about the male approach to childcare.

Prince Harry scoops up six-year-old Alex Burke from Manchester, winner of the Bravest Child Award, who had just asked 'where's your crown?'

Prince Harry scoops up six-year-old Alex Burke from Manchester, winner of the Bravest Child Award, who had just asked 'where's your crown?'

Prince Harry scoops up six-year-old Alex Burke from Manchester, winner of the Bravest Child Award, who had just asked 'where's your crown?'

As the poet and broadcaster Mike Rosen once said, you do all the mum things but you do them in a blokey way.

A woman with a young baby is tired, physically battered, exalted and proud, but also probably spends too much time half-crippled with anxiety.

Most of us fret about getting everything right and not only being a perfect mother but looking like one: not only must we make the baby contented but avoid criticism from in-laws, neighbours or Mumsnet bullies.

Fathers, on the other hand, are more likely to be just plain soppy with pride at having created this perfect creature. There’s no doubt Harry will be proud as Punch. And unlike many new dads, he won’t need much help or advice either.

He’ll be right in there, storming through, from nappies to Nintendo and beyond. Lucky baby.

Baby on board! Beaming Meghan and Harry set sail for their first official engagements in Australia including the Opera House and Sydney zoo – hours after revealing their baby joy

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex couldn't hide their delight as they stepped onto a boat to take a tour around Sydney Harbour this morning – hours after revealing their joyous baby news.

The beaming couple looked the epitome of cool as they stepped onto the boat, with Prince Harry lovingly holding onto his pregnant wife's hand as he helped her onto the vessel.

They enjoyed a packed day of engagements, which included being introduced to their koala namesakes and a 'stud' of a short-legged echidna, as they admired the 'so cute' wildlife of Taronga Zoo.

After the short tour, the Duke and Duchess went to unveil a plaque commentating the opening of a research centre.

Departing, the couple were treated to a ride in a gondola, giving spectacular views over Sydney Harbour and allowing a glimpse of other animal enclosures, including a curious baby elephant.

After the Duchess changed into flat shoes, they walked the short journey down a ramp and out of the zoo, catching a ferry – made private for the occasion – to the Sydney Opera House surrounded by armed security.

The royal couple were greeted by a sea of well-wishers at the Opera House, where they mingled with the crowd. Meghan shared a touching moment with one young girl, and said: 'Thank you all for the big welcome.'

Scroll down for video.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex wave to thousands of royal fans who turned out in Sydney for day two of their Australian tour

The royal couple looked the epitome of cool as they stepped onto the boat, with Prince Harry lovingly holding his wife's hand and helping her onboard

The royal couple looked the epitome of cool as they stepped onto the boat, with Prince Harry lovingly holding his wife's hand and helping her onboard

The royal couple looked the epitome of cool as they stepped onto the boat, with Prince Harry lovingly holding his wife's hand and helping her onboard

Crew members on board the vessel await the arrival of the parents-to-be, before taking them on a trip across Sydney Harbour

Crew members on board the vessel await the arrival of the parents-to-be, before taking them on a trip across Sydney Harbour

Crew members on board the vessel await the arrival of the parents-to-be, before taking them on a trip across Sydney Harbour

The Duke and Duchess looked effortlessly chic as they strode towards the boat in Sydney Harbour

The Duke and Duchess looked effortlessly chic as they strode towards the boat in Sydney Harbour

The Duke and Duchess looked effortlessly chic as they strode towards the boat in Sydney Harbour

The royal couple were greeted by a sea of well-wishers at the Opera House, where they mingled with the crowd

After their zoo visit, the couple strolled down a walkway towards Sydney Harbour to take a boat towards from the Man O'War Steps, the landing point for British and Australian fleets for 150 years

After their zoo visit, the couple strolled down a walkway towards Sydney Harbour to take a boat towards from the Man O'War Steps, the landing point for British and Australian fleets for 150 years

After their zoo visit, the couple strolled down a walkway towards Sydney Harbour to take a boat towards from the Man O'War Steps, the landing point for British and Australian fleets for 150 years

At Taronga Zoo, the couple were invited to stroke two koalas and their joeys, who were named Harry and Meghan in honour of the royal wedding in May.

The Duchess called the animals 'so, so sweet', shyly touching a koala named Ruby who sat sleepily on a lower branch in the small, open enclosure.

The Duke was more forthcoming, reaching to pet the koala with the encouragement of keepers, and admiring their healthy coats and quizzing keeper Suzie MacNamara about their diet and sleeping habits.

The couple were also shown wallabies and quokkas in their enclosures, leaning on the zoo's low fences to admire them and watch them being fed.

Accompanied by the premier of New South Wales Gladys Berejiklian, they spent around five minutes with the koalas, Ruby and Wattle, whose joeys were named Meghan and Harry as a wedding gift from the people of the region.

In a private moment away from the cameras, they couple were also given a stuffed toy version of the animal in celebration of their baby news.

In a research laboratory at the zoo, they were also introduced to Lynx, a short-legged echidna being studied

Dr Phoebe Meagher, research and pathology coordinator, told the couple that the animal is the 'star' of their recent project, which helps tackle the illegal wildlife trade.

Showing them the ID tags, Michelle Shaw, wildlife nutritionist, said he is a breeding male, joking: 'He's kind of a stud, he's had two babies.'

The Duke seemed concerned about the animal's wellbeing in a room full of cameras, asking of its nose: 'The snot, is that a good thing or stress?'

'It's ok, he's drooling out of excitement,' the scientists told him. 'And he's just been fed.'

After being invited to pet the echidna, the Duchess tentatively stroked its spines, which are used to track the animals and monitor their diet.

The scientific research will allow those tackling the illegal wildlife trade to better pinpoint where animals are coming from.

'Oh well done,' said the Duchess, hearing about the research of the four female scientists. 'Congratulations, that's really impressive.'

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex stepped out in Australia today for the first day of engagements during their tour - which coincided with Meghan announcing she was pregnant. Meghan was seen wearing Diana's butterfly earrings and bracelet as she and Harry made their way down to the Man O'War steps to take a boat across Sydney Harbour

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex stepped out in Australia today for the first day of engagements during their tour - which coincided with Meghan announcing she was pregnant. Meghan was seen wearing Diana's butterfly earrings and bracelet as she and Harry made their way down to the Man O'War steps to take a boat across Sydney Harbour

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex stepped out in Australia today for the first day of engagements during their tour – which coincided with Meghan announcing she was pregnant. Meghan was seen wearing Diana's butterfly earrings and bracelet as she and Harry made their way down to the Man O'War steps to take a boat across Sydney Harbour

The royals climbed aboard a water transfer - Admiral Hudson flying the White ensign of the Royal Australian Navy - after the visit to Taronga Zoo for a 20 minute crossing of the harbour to the Sydney Opera house

The royals climbed aboard a water transfer - Admiral Hudson flying the White ensign of the Royal Australian Navy - after the visit to Taronga Zoo for a 20 minute crossing of the harbour to the Sydney Opera house

The royals climbed aboard a water transfer – Admiral Hudson flying the White ensign of the Royal Australian Navy – after the visit to Taronga Zoo for a 20 minute crossing of the harbour to the Sydney Opera house

The Duke and Duchess met four-year-old Findlay Blue and six-year-old Dasha Gallagher as they officially opened the Taronga Institute of Science and Learning

The Duke and Duchess met four-year-old Findlay Blue and six-year-old Dasha Gallagher as they officially opened the Taronga Institute of Science and Learning

The Duke and Duchess met four-year-old Findlay Blue and six-year-old Dasha Gallagher as they officially opened the Taronga Institute of Science and Learning

The resident koala looked distinctly unimpressed by the royal visitors, who were at the zoo to open its new institute of Science and Learning

The resident koala looked distinctly unimpressed by the royal visitors, who were at the zoo to open its new institute of Science and Learning

The resident koala looked distinctly unimpressed by the royal visitors, who were at the zoo to open its new institute of Science and Learning

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex met up with war widow Daphne Dunne, who Harry has met on two previous occasions

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex met up with war widow Daphne Dunne, who Harry has met on two previous occasions

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex met up with war widow Daphne Dunne, who Harry has met on two previous occasions

The royal couple beamed as they received a bouquet of flowers from some children after opening Taronga Zoo's Institute of Science and Learning

Meghan looked delighted to meet with royal watchers outside the Sydney Opera House, despite it being a blustery afternoon

Meghan looked delighted to meet with royal watchers outside the Sydney Opera House, despite it being a blustery afternoon

Meghan looked delighted to meet with royal watchers outside the Sydney Opera House, despite it being a blustery afternoon

Harry and Meghan also met Lynx, a short legged echinda. The couple asked if he was drooling because he's stressed, and are told no, he's 'excited to see them'

Meghan and Harry walked hand in hand through the gardens of Admiralty House during their first engagement since announcing their happy baby news

Meghan and Harry walked hand in hand through the gardens of Admiralty House during their first engagement since announcing their happy baby news

Meghan today in Australia

Meghan today in Australia

Earlier, Meghan and Harry were at Admiralty House, the official Sydney residence of the Governor-General of Australia, where they are staying for the first few days of their marathon 16-day Commonwealth trip

The couple met Governor-General Peter Cosgrove and his wife, Lady Cosgrove. They gave the couple a toy Kangaroo and its Joey, to which Meghan exclaimed: 'Our first baby gift!' Harry also looked delighted with a pair of baby Uggs, which were originally worn by surfers when they emerged from the sea before becoming fashionable

The couple met Governor-General Peter Cosgrove and his wife, Lady Cosgrove. They gave the couple a toy Kangaroo and its Joey, to which Meghan exclaimed: 'Our first baby gift!' Harry also looked delighted with a pair of baby Uggs, which were originally worn by surfers when they emerged from the sea before becoming fashionable

The couple met Governor-General Peter Cosgrove and his wife, Lady Cosgrove. They gave the couple a toy Kangaroo and its Joey, to which Meghan exclaimed: 'Our first baby gift!' Harry also looked delighted with a pair of baby Uggs, which were originally worn by surfers when they emerged from the sea before becoming fashionable

Masked police snipers are seen setting up on the roof of the Sydney Opera House as they prepare for the arrival of the royal couple

Masked police snipers are seen setting up on the roof of the Sydney Opera House as they prepare for the arrival of the royal couple

Masked police snipers are seen setting up on the roof of the Sydney Opera House as they prepare for the arrival of the royal couple

Admiralty House - where Meghan and Harry are pictured today - is located in the suburb of Kirribilli, on the northern foreshore of Sydney Harbour

Admiralty House - where Meghan and Harry are pictured today - is located in the suburb of Kirribilli, on the northern foreshore of Sydney Harbour

Meghan today at Admiralty House

Meghan today at Admiralty House

Admiralty House – where Meghan and Harry are pictured today – is located in the suburb of Kirribilli, on the northern foreshore of Sydney Harbour and enjoys spectacular views over the world famous shoreline

Meghan and Harry who married in St George's Chapel in Windsor Castle in May of this year were hand in hand when they met with Australia's Governor General Peter Cosgrove and wife Lynne Cosgrove at Admiralty House

Meghan and Harry who married in St George's Chapel in Windsor Castle in May of this year were hand in hand when they met with Australia's Governor General Peter Cosgrove and wife Lynne Cosgrove at Admiralty House

Meghan and Harry who married in St George's Chapel in Windsor Castle in May of this year were hand in hand when they met with Australia's Governor General Peter Cosgrove and wife Lynne Cosgrove at Admiralty House

  The couple were formally welcomed to Australia by his Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove and his wife, Lady Cosgrove, on the lawns of the historic building, which offers spectacular views across Sydney Harbour

  The couple were formally welcomed to Australia by his Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove and his wife, Lady Cosgrove, on the lawns of the historic building, which offers spectacular views across Sydney Harbour

The couple were formally welcomed to Australia by his Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove and his wife, Lady Cosgrove, on the lawns of the historic building, which offers spectacular views across Sydney Harbour

Harry ditched the tie, while Meghan donned a beige trench coat as the pair visited Sydney's Taronga Zoo on Tuesday morning

Pregnant Meghan took in the views of the Sydney Opera House just hours after arriving in the country, while the news broke at home she and Prince Harry will be parents in the Spring of 2019

Pregnant Meghan took in the views of the Sydney Opera House just hours after arriving in the country, while the news broke at home she and Prince Harry will be parents in the Spring of 2019

Pregnant Meghan took in the views of the Sydney Opera House just hours after arriving in the country, while the news broke at home she and Prince Harry will be parents in the Spring of 2019

Among the places on the couple's itinerary in the coming days are Fiji, Auckland, Rotorua, Wellington and Abel Tasman

Among the places on the couple's itinerary in the coming days are Fiji, Auckland, Rotorua, Wellington and Abel Tasman

Among the places on the couple's itinerary in the coming days are Fiji, Auckland, Rotorua, Wellington and Abel Tasman

The Duke and Duchess spent several minutes chatting with the Governor-General on the lawn before Meghan, who has now been to Australia before, admired the view

The Duke and Duchess spent several minutes chatting with the Governor-General on the lawn before Meghan, who has now been to Australia before, admired the view

The Duke and Duchess spent several minutes chatting with the Governor-General on the lawn before Meghan, who has now been to Australia before, admired the view

Meghan was reportedly wearing Australian designer Karen Gee's 'blessed dress' on the first day of the tour with her husband

Meghan was reportedly wearing Australian designer Karen Gee's 'blessed dress' on the first day of the tour with her husband

Meghan was reportedly wearing Australian designer Karen Gee's 'blessed dress' on the first day of the tour with her husband

Meghan looked resplendent in a figure-hugging white dress by Australian designer Karen Gee

Meghan looked resplendent in a figure-hugging white dress by Australian designer Karen Gee

Meghan and Harry at Admiralty House in Sydney

Meghan and Harry at Admiralty House in Sydney

Meghan looked resplendent in a figure-hugging white dress by Australian designer Karen Gee, while Harry opted for a smart navy suit and skinny tie

The Duchess of Sussex appeared to be enjoying the beginning of the overseas tour with her husband who she wed in May as she laughed and joked with him on the lawn

The Duchess of Sussex appeared to be enjoying the beginning of the overseas tour with her husband who she wed in May as she laughed and joked with him on the lawn

The Duchess of Sussex appeared to be enjoying the beginning of the overseas tour with her husband who she wed in May as she laughed and joked with him on the lawn

The couple's visit to Australia and the South Pacific coincides with the start of the Invictus Games which is being held in Sydney this year. Prince Harry founded the competition for wounded soldiers and veterans to improve their quality of life after the armed forces. Eighteen nations will take place in the Games from October 20 until October 27

The couple's visit to Australia and the South Pacific coincides with the start of the Invictus Games which is being held in Sydney this year. Prince Harry founded the competition for wounded soldiers and veterans to improve their quality of life after the armed forces. Eighteen nations will take place in the Games from October 20 until October 27

The couple's visit to Australia and the South Pacific coincides with the start of the Invictus Games which is being held in Sydney this year. Prince Harry founded the competition for wounded soldiers and veterans to improve their quality of life after the armed forces. Eighteen nations will take place in the Games from October 20 until October 27

Crowds gathered in Australia to catch a glimpse of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex on their royal tour as they made their way from the harbour area to Taronga Zoo

Crowds gathered in Australia to catch a glimpse of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex on their royal tour as they made their way from the harbour area to Taronga Zoo

Crowds gathered in Australia to catch a glimpse of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex on their royal tour as they made their way from the harbour area to Taronga Zoo

Sydney's streets were lined with police as the British royal couple made their way from Admiralty House to Taronga Zoo on Tuesday. The couple have been in meetings since they landed in Sydney where the time is ten hours ahead of the UK

Sydney's streets were lined with police as the British royal couple made their way from Admiralty House to Taronga Zoo on Tuesday. The couple have been in meetings since they landed in Sydney where the time is ten hours ahead of the UK

Sydney's streets were lined with police as the British royal couple made their way from Admiralty House to Taronga Zoo on Tuesday. The couple have been in meetings since they landed in Sydney where the time is ten hours ahead of the UK

Police were also out on the water of Sydney Harbour as part of a massive security operation to ensure Meghan and Harry's safety

Police were also out on the water of Sydney Harbour as part of a massive security operation to ensure Meghan and Harry's safety

Police were also out on the water of Sydney Harbour as part of a massive security operation to ensure Meghan and Harry's safety

Earlier, the mother and father-to be were at Admiralty House, the official Sydney residence of the Governor-General of Australia, where they are staying for the first few days of their marathon 16-day Commonwealth trip.

The couple were given presents of a kangaroo and her joey – 'our first baby gift!' Meghan exclaimed. And Harry coed over a tiny pair of Ugg boots. 'These are awesome,' he said.

Also present were flag-bearing representatives from each of the eighteen countries who are participating in the Invictus Games Sydney 2018, Harry's inspirational competition for injured service personnel which he will formally open at the weekend.

The Duke and Duchess joined in on an official group photograph before an 'official call' with the Governor General and Lady Cosgrove, whom they met when they arrived from London the previous day.

Several congratulated them on their happy news, 'Thank you so much,' said Meghan. 'We are very excited.'

The dignitaries also presented Harry and Meghan with the Akubras – traditional wide-brimmed Australian hats – gifted to them on the occasion of their wedding in May.

Admiralty house is the official Sydney residence of the Governor-General of Australia, the Queen's official representative in the country of which she is still head of state.

It is located in the suburb of Kirribilli, on the northern foreshore of Sydney Harbour.

Its name originated from the fact that it served as the residence for the Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Navy's Australia Squadron from 1885 to 1913 MF.

The couple started by walking down the veranda to view the flags of each of the Invictus countries taking part. When congratulated by the media on their happy news, Harry smiled shyly and said 'thanks'.

They also accepted good wishes from dignitaries including the Premier of New South Wales, the Hon Gladys Berejiklian MP.

'Thank you, that's very kind,' said Meghan. The couple posed for a photograph on the croquet lawn with the Governor General and his wife with the magnificent backdrop of Sydney Opera House behind them.

The duchess, who hasn't been to Australia before, marvelled at the view. The foursome were then joined by the Invictus representatives for another group photograph and chatted with them for a few minutes before walking into the house to sign the visitor's book.

Harry sat down first, followed by Meghan, and the prince watched on proudly as his wife, a former calligrapher, signed with a flourish.

The couple sat down to talk with Governor General Sir Peter Cosgrove and and Lady Cosgrove at Admiralty House where they will be staying over the coming days. A reception dinner will take place at the residence to end the first day of their tour

The couple sat down to talk with Governor General Sir Peter Cosgrove and and Lady Cosgrove at Admiralty House where they will be staying over the coming days. A reception dinner will take place at the residence to end the first day of their tour

The couple sat down to talk with Governor General Sir Peter Cosgrove and and Lady Cosgrove at Admiralty House where they will be staying over the coming days. A reception dinner will take place at the residence to end the first day of their tour

Inside Admiralty House's sitting room, Meghan was handed a cuddly kangaroo with a Joey in its pouch, and Harry a pair of tiny Ugg boots

Inside Admiralty House's sitting room, Meghan was handed a cuddly kangaroo with a Joey in its pouch, and Harry a pair of tiny Ugg boots

Inside Admiralty House's sitting room, Meghan was handed a cuddly kangaroo with a Joey in its pouch, and Harry a pair of tiny Ugg boots

Prince Harry appeared rather amused with the official gift for his unborn child - whose birth was reportedly announced to friends and family at Princess Eugenie's wedding, last Friday

Prince Harry appeared rather amused with the official gift for his unborn child - whose birth was reportedly announced to friends and family at Princess Eugenie's wedding, last Friday

Prince Harry appeared rather amused with the official gift for his unborn child – whose birth was reportedly announced to friends and family at Princess Eugenie's wedding, last Friday

The smiling Duchess of Sussex was beaming as she received the gift on the first day of what will be a sixteen-day tour around Australia and the South Pacific

The smiling Duchess of Sussex was beaming as she received the gift on the first day of what will be a sixteen-day tour around Australia and the South Pacific

The smiling Duchess of Sussex was beaming as she received the gift on the first day of what will be a sixteen-day tour around Australia and the South Pacific

The Duke and Duchess were also handed a pair of traditional Australian wife-brimmed Australian Akubras hats as a belated wedding gift

The Duke and Duchess were also handed a pair of traditional Australian wife-brimmed Australian Akubras hats as a belated wedding gift

The Duke and Duchess were also handed a pair of traditional Australian wife-brimmed Australian Akubras hats as a belated wedding gift

An amused Prince Harry inspected the small Joey inside the Kangaroo pouch as his pregnant wife the Duchess of Sussex held onto their first baby gift, just hours after the couple officially announced they are expecting their first child

An amused Prince Harry inspected the small Joey inside the Kangaroo pouch as his pregnant wife the Duchess of Sussex held onto their first baby gift, just hours after the couple officially announced they are expecting their first child

An amused Prince Harry inspected the small Joey inside the Kangaroo pouch as his pregnant wife the Duchess of Sussex held onto their first baby gift, just hours after the couple officially announced they are expecting their first child

Meghan was clutching two purple folders as she stepped off the plane in Sydney on Monday morning, while Prince Harry wore a grey jumper over a smart shirt

Meghan was clutching two purple folders as she stepped off the plane in Sydney on Monday morning, while Prince Harry wore a grey jumper over a smart shirt

Meghan was clutching two purple folders as she stepped off the plane in Sydney on Monday morning, while Prince Harry wore a grey jumper over a smart shirt

The itinerary of the royal couple's tour of Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga, the first major overseas trip since they were married in late May

The itinerary of the royal couple's tour of Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga, the first major overseas trip since they were married in late May

The itinerary of the royal couple's tour of Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga, the first major overseas trip since they were married in late May

Inside the mansion's sitting room, the couple immediately spied a large cuddly kangaroo sitting on the table with, appropriately, a Joey in its pouch.

They laughed as they saw it, Meghan exclaiming: 'That's so cute, our first baby gift!' 'There you are, ' said Sir Peter, as Harry leant forward to examine the Joey. 'And this is your second,' the Governor-General continued, as his wife handed the prince a pair of tiny Ugg boots.

'Very Australian Ugg boots,' said Lady Cosgrove. 'These are awesome,' said Harry as he posed for the cameras holding them. The couple were also handed a pair of traditional Australian wife-brimmed Australian Akubras hats as a belated wedding gift.

'When you go to Dubbo you'll see some of these,' said Sir Peter. 'Thank you so much,' said Meghan. The four then sat down for a half hour official meeting. 'Your Royal Highnesses, welcome to Australia,' said Sir Peter, 'may we on behalf of all Australians congratulate you both on the announcement that you are expecting a baby.

We are delighted, it's amazing, and I know that the people who are already excited to see you will just be enthralled by the fact of this wonderful news.'

After thanking him Harry said: 'Thank you very much for having us and letting us stay in your wonderful house. And thank you very much for organising the weather! Let's hope the rain stays off!'

Ready for battle! The UK's 72-strong Invictus Games squad takes off to join Harry and Meghan in Sydney for the competition

Dozens of sick and wounded ex-forces personnel are on their way to Sydney to compete for their country in the annual Invictus Games.

Competing against 17 other nations the 72-strong UK team will battle for medals in eleven sports across Greater Sydney, including at Sydney Olympic Park and on and around Sydney Harbour.

Those selected for the squad include veterans and wounded, injured and sick (WIS) military personnel.

British Airways give the UK's Invictus Games Sydney 2018 squad a special send off at Heathrow as they head to Sydney

British Airways give the UK's Invictus Games Sydney 2018 squad a special send off at Heathrow as they head to Sydney

British Airways give the UK's Invictus Games Sydney 2018 squad a special send off at Heathrow as they head to Sydney

The team will be in Australia at the same time as Prince Harry, founder of the games.

The Duke of Sussex arrive with his pregnant wife Meghan, earlier on Monday.

Captain of Team UK, Mark 'Dot' Perkins said: 'Today is the culmination of months of careful preparation by all 72 competitors and the many staff, friends and family who have supported us. The next two weeks will demonstrate the unique power of sport to support recovery. Team UK are ready, raring to go and enjoying the camaraderie which the Armed Forces is famous for.'

The opening ceremony will be on October 20 at the Sydney Opera House with the games taking place over seven days.

The UK's squad was selected from 451 applicants. The selection process takes into account the benefit a person will get from competing.

Team UK has been delivered through a partnership of Help for Heroes, The Royal British Legion and the Ministry of Defence.

The Invictus squad for 2018 is made up of veterans and injured military personnel, with the competitors selected from 451 applicants

The Invictus squad for 2018 is made up of veterans and injured military personnel, with the competitors selected from 451 applicants

The Invictus squad for 2018 is made up of veterans and injured military personnel, with the competitors selected from 451 applicants

Defence Secretary, Gavin Williamson wished the team well.

He said: 'I wish all of our UK competitors the best of luck in Australia. The word 'Invictus' means unconquered and perfectly embodies the fighting spirit of our Armed Forces and ex-service personnel. Meeting many Invictus competitors this year I learnt how sport is spurring on recovery.

'Our Armed Forces have a world-class attitude and I am sure they will make their mark.'

The royal couple arrived on Monday on a Qantas A380 flight from London via Singapore, and touched down at Sydney Airport to be greeted by hundreds of supporters.

Meghan, dressed in tight black pants and a coat bordered with black and burgundy, was smiling and holding records, while Harry was giving the spectators a thumbs up.

The couple is due to spend a week in Australia, the Duchess of Sussex's first ever trip Down Under, before jetting to Fiji on October 23 where they will spend two days.

Le dimanche 28 octobre, ils traverseront la mer de Tasman en Nouvelle-Zélande, visitant Wellington, le parc national Abel Tasman, Auckland et Rotorua avant de rentrer chez eux le mercredi 31 octobre.

The announcement of the pregnancy confirmed weeks of speculation from royal watchers about why Meghan was not joining Harry on his Sydney Harbour Bridge climb set for Friday.

Sydney's weather is expected to be drizzly and cool on today, with showers forecast for most of the week.

This won't be the first time Harry has had to brave the rain in Sydney. Last year, he made a quick visit to take a look at the preparations for the Invictus Games, where he charmed his fans in a torrential rain.

The tour coincides with the games, which start in Sydney on Saturday. The sporting event, created by Harry in 2014, offers sick and injured members and veterans the opportunity to participate in sports such as wheelchair basketball.

Harry and Meghan will attend the games' opening and closing ceremonies. In all, they have 76 commitments over 16 days in Australia, Fiji, Tonga and New Zealand.

The royal couple's visit comes six months after Harry's father, Prince Charles, made his 16th official visit to Australia, primarily to open the 21st Commonwealth Games at Gold Coast city in Queensland.

'He couldn't be happier': Prince Harry is an 'emotional wreck but in a good way' say insiders after he and Meghan announce they're expecting the baby 'he's wanted for a long time'

By Rebecca English

Prince Harry is 'happier than he has ever been' as he and Meghan prepare to become parents next spring.

He has been an 'emotional wreck – but in a good way!' since discovering the Duchess of Sussex is pregnant, one source said last night.

'It is something he has wanted for a long time and he couldn't be happier. He is so protective of her,' the source added.

The news was announced by Kensington Palace yesterday after the smiling couple arrived in Sydney for the start of a gruelling 16-day tour of Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga.

Meghan walking out of Sydney Airport on Monday ahead of the news of her pregnancy announced a day later

Meghan walking out of Sydney Airport on Monday ahead of the news of her pregnancy announced a day later

Meghan walking out of Sydney Airport on Monday ahead of the news of her pregnancy announced a day later

They insisted on going ahead with the trip in spite of Foreign Office advice to pregnant women about the risk of the Zika virus. There is no vaccination to prevent infection by the virus, which causes foetuses to develop severe deformities, but the couple will still travel to Fiji and Tonga next week,

Last night it emerged:

  • Meghan's mother Doria Ragland was among the first to know – likely told in person when she visited London last month.
  • Miss Ragland was 'very happy about this lovely news' and 'looks forward to welcoming her first grandchild'.
  • Meghan's estranged father Thomas Markle is 'absolutely delighted' and told her by letter: 'You will make a great mother'. Kensington Palace refused to comment on whether Meghan had told her father directly.
  • The baby will be seventh in line to the throne and likely be titled Earl of Dumbarton or Lady (first name) Mountbatten-Windsor unless the Queen bestows prince or princess on them.
  • Moments after the baby announcement, Sarah Ferguson began tweeting a series of pictures from her daughter Princess Eugenie's wedding day last Friday – leading some to question if she felt upstaged.

Meghan, 37, has 'just' had her 12-week scan, the Mail understands. It means she is already in her second trimester, when the risk of miscarriage is deemed to lessen considerably.

The couple excitedly told the rest of the Royal Family last Friday when they saw them at Princess Eugenie's wedding.

The joyous news sets the seal on a whirlwind year for Harry, 34, who in recent years has made no secret of his desire to settle down and start a family.

It is only 12 months since the couple stepped out together in public for the first time, when they appeared together at the Invictus Games in Toronto. At the time, Meghan was still living full-time in Canada, although preparing to move to London, and the couple were not even engaged.

After Harry popped the question at the end of last year, they married in May and just two months later, towards the end of July, conceived their first child.

In mid-July, Harry and Meghan were on a 'mini-moon' royal tour to Dublin, their first trip together as a married couple. And on August 4, they were partying at the wedding of Harry's best friend Charlie Van Straubenzee.

Yesterday a Kensington Palace spokesman said the Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of Wales, Duchess of Cornwall and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were all 'delighted for the couple'.

'They were able to share their happy news with the Royal Family in person at Friday's wedding,' said an aide, which may have accounted for their low-key appearance at the nuptials.

A friend added: 'They didn't make a grand announcement but had conversations with their family and friends and told them their news.'

Meghan is said to be in 'good health' and has not had to cancel any public appearances because of her pregnancy, unlike the Duchess of Cambridge who sadly suffered from hyperemesis gravidarum, a several form of pregnancy-related sickness.

Her pregnancy is likely to be monitored closely, however, as by the age of 35 any woman expecting a baby is technically classed by doctors as a 'geriatric mother'.

The couple's tour of Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga will be highly demanding. It includes opening the prince's inspirational Invictus Games for injured service personnel in Sydney later this week.

Harry and Meghan have insisted their trip to the two most remote South Pacific islands will go ahead despite the risk of Zika there, which can cause abnormalities in foetuses. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office advises pregnant women to avoid 'all but essential travel' there.

Kensington Palace announced via Twitter on Monday that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are expecting a baby in the spring

Kensington Palace announced via Twitter on Monday that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are expecting a baby in the spring

Kensington Palace announced via Twitter on Monday that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are expecting a baby in the spring

A source told the Mail last night: 'It's early days but everything seem to be progressing well and there won't be changes to the Duchess's diary. She has a busy tour ahead of her.'

It is believed one of the first to know about the pregnancy was Meghan's mother, whom friends suspect she told in person when she came to visit her in London last month.

In a statement issued through Kensington Palace – no less – Miss Ragland said she was 'very happy about this lovely news' and 'looks forward to welcoming her first grandchild'.

Speculation has raged in recent months that the yoga teacher and geriatric therapist would move to London permanently to support her daughter – and now her grandchild too.

It emerged she gave up her full-time role as a social worker in May, then last month she was spotted taking baby-care classes in Pasadena, California, with reports in some international media claiming it was because Meghan does not want to hire a nanny.

But senior royal aides played down any suggestion Miss Ragland would move to London, with one telling the Mail: 'This is just not true.' Another added: 'Meghan is very close to her mother and they see each other as much as they possibly can. Once the baby is born, of course Doria will be keen to visit her grandchild frequently. But she has her own life and home in LA, with her dogs, and it will continue that way.'

Meghan's father, Thomas Markle, from whom she is estranged after a series of hugely public embarrassments, is believed to have been informed by Miss Ragland 'a little while ago', said a friend, and is 'absolutely overjoyed' at the news.

Last year, asked if they had plans to try for a baby, Harry replied: 'Not currently, no,' garnering a laugh from his then wife to be. 'Of course, one step at a time and hopefully we'll start a family in the near future,' he added.

Around the time she met the prince, in the spring of 2016, Meghan gave an interview to Best Health Canada when she said becoming a mother was 'on her bucket list', adding: 'I can't wait to start a family, but in due time.'

In its statement yesterday, Kensington Palace said: 'Their Royal Highness the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are very pleased to announce that the Duchess of Sussex is expecting a baby in the spring of 2019.

'Their Royal Highnesses have appreciated all of the support they have received from people around the world since their wedding in May and are delighted to be able to share this happy news with the public.'

The couple's new baby will be seventh in line to the throne but will not be a prince or princess because of rules brought in by George V. Instead, a son would be styled the Earl of Dumbarton, one of Harry's lesser titles, and a daughter Lady (first name) Mountbatten-Windsor.

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