Preliminary tests of newly-found drug for Alzheimer's disease show promising results – Xinhua


LOS ANGELES, Oct. 27 (Xinhua) – Preliminary tests of a newly-found drug for Alzheimer's disease show promising results, a University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) research team leader told Xinhua on Saturday.

A drug called ALI6 has been tested in such primary neurons and researchers saw promising results, said Lin Jiang, a Chinese assistant professor of neurology.

"The next step is to test it in Alzheimer's disease model mouse," he said. It will take about one year. "After a successful animal test, we plan to move to a clinical trial."

One hallmark of Alzheimer's disease, a debilitating disorder marked by memory deficits and general cognitive decline, is a protein called b-amyloid accumulating in brain, which forms "plaques" and binds to single proteins on the surface of brain cells, causing widespread cell death .

ALI6 can block b-amyloid plaques from attaching to brain cells and thus prevent the extensive cell death, said UCLA news release on Monday, adding that the study was published in the journal Nature Chemistry.

Jiang worked with his team to identify the plate binding site of amyloid to its receptor by determining the three-dimensional structure. Then they used computer software to assist them in the drug selection process.

"We were searching for a molecule that could block the receptor like a shield, preventing b-amyloid from binding to and killing brain cells," Jiang was quoted by the release as saying.

In the search for a molecular molecule, the research team looked for more than 32 thousand molecules, and one drug, namely ALI6, which was found to be promising in cell-based experiments, according to the release.

Researchers who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, and who have been treated with Alzheimer's disease, and who have been treated with Alzheimer's disease.

"Not only is it non-toxic but it can also be taken from the bloodstream to the brain," said the release.

Alzheimer's disease affects about 48 million people worldwide, and the number is expected to increase with the aging population. There is no effective cure yet.

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