President Trump will "act" to stop the caravan of migrants heading for the border, said Vice President Pence


As a migrant caravan heads to the US-Mexico border, Vice President Mike Pence does not rule out the possibility of closing the border before the mid-term elections, he told ABC News in a statement. an exclusive interview.

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When asked if President Trump was considering passing a decree aimed at stopping all immigration to the border, Mr. Pence said: "What we need to do is secure our border The president will take steps to do that, but we also need to reform our laws. "

PHOTO: ABC News Tara Palmeri meets with Vice President Mike Pence in New Mexico, October 26, 2018ABC News
ABC News & # 39; Tara Palmeri Speaks with Vice President Mike Pence in New Mexico, October 26, 2018

Without going into the details of the potential options, Pence mentioned the latest measure of President Trump: send the US military to the border.

According to reports, the president was considering even more drastic measures, such as blocking all Central American migrants and asylum seekers from the US border. The New York Times reports that the president will announce his plans in a speech Monday.

PHOTO: Young migrants rely on pieces of cardboard in Arriaga, Mexico, on October 26, 2018.Rodrigo Abd / AP
Young migrants rely on pieces of cardboard in Arriaga, Mexico, on October 26, 2018.

A senior White House official told ABC News that Trump was exploring these options, among other things.

When asked if the president would amend the current asylum laws, Mr. Pence said, "The laws of the United States will be in force, but honestly, we must change the laws."

PHOTO: ABC News Tara Palmeri meets with Vice President Mike Pence in New Mexico, October 26, 2018ABC News
ABC News & # 39; Tara Palmeri Speaks with Vice President Mike Pence in New Mexico, October 26, 2018

Immigration is a burning issue on the ballot before the mid-term. Pence is at the center of western New Mexico and Arizona, pushing for stronger border security.

When asked if the president would do more to close the border before the mid-term elections, Pence said, "The president will act, we will not allow this caravan of thousands of people to enter our country illegally. "

The caravan of about 6,000 US Central Migrants is currently about 1,000 miles from the US border.

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