Presumed forced evacuation of Columbus Circle buildings, including CNN Newsroom


MANHATTAN – Several Columbus Circle buildings were evacuated on Wednesday after police responded to a suspicious package at CNN's Time Warner Center in New York, the network reported.

The pictorial alert was sent to locals after the interception of a suspicious package at Columbus Circle.

The package, which would likely contain a homemade bomb tube, was destined for former CIA director John Brennan, who appears on other television and cable TV channels, reports the news agency. Associated Press.

A mobile emergency alert from New York came out after 11am, alerting people from West 58th Street between Eighth Avenue and Columbus so that they would shelter while law enforcement officers manipulated a potentially explosive device.

The incident occurred when officials confirmed that other parcels had been sent to the home of former President Barack Obama, and to the home of Chappaqua, where the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, resides. , and her husband, former President Bill Clinton. The devices were all intercepted.

A law enforcement official said the devices meant for Obama and Clinton seemed rudimentary but functional and similar to those sent to the home of billionaire-investor and major Democratic donor George Soros, reported CNN.

Another law enforcement official told AP that the explosive discovered Monday in the Soros compound in New York City was also a homemade bomb.

The NYPD responded to the suspicious package at Columbus Circle just after 10 am

The CNN newsroom was evacuated as a precaution, according to CNN.

The evacuation took place when CNN reported the other parcels intercepted, and the moment was captured live on television.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders issued a statement on the incidents:

"We condemn the recent attempts at violent attacks against President Obama, President Clinton, Secretary Clinton and other public figures. These acts of terrorism are despicable and all those responsible will be held responsible to the fullest extent of the law. United States secret services and other law enforcement agencies are investigating and taking all appropriate measures to protect those at risk from such cowards. "

President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence also tweeted about the incidents:

On Monday, an explosive device was sent to the Soros' home in New York, officials said.

Soros, who has made a fortune in hedge funds, often makes donations to liberal causes and is vilified on the right, reports the AP.

Police respond to a suspicious package at Columbus Circle on October 24, 2018. (CNN)

Despite information received on Wednesday that a suspect package was also sent to Governor Andrew Cuomo, his office told PIX11 that no such parcels had been found.

According to CNN, it was initially reported that a pipe-pipe had been addressed to the White House and that it was being examined at the off-site treatment facility that treats White House mail.

CNN later returned with this report and said that a suspicious package had never been sent to the White House.

When the police responded to Columbus Circle, the NYPD urged New Yorkers to remain vigilant and report suspicious devices and activities to the department's anti-terrorism hotline at 1-888-NYC-SAFE (692-7233). ) or by email at [email protected].

Cuomo, Mayor Bill de Blasio and Police Commissioner James O'Neill will hold a briefing at Columbus Circle around 12:45 pm. Update this post for the latest information.

CNN was live from Columbus Circle:

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