Preview of "The Conners": ABC and producers lay the foundations of life after "Roseanne"


The morbid curiosity surely surrounds "The Conners", the zombie sitcom resurrected after the disappearance of "Roseanne", then relaunched without the controversial star of the series, Roseanne Barr. Whether or not the series has legs – instead of temporarily plugging the gap left by ABC – the producers and the network have apparently done their best to make the most of a bad situation.

One should not underestimate what "The Conners" is looking for, it's two world-class actors in John Goodman and Laurie Metcalf, in the role of Dan, the husband of the main character, and his sister Jackie. They take on more of the burden, as does Sara Gilbert as a Darlene girl, in what has become an even bigger set with grandchildren in the mix.

Nevertheless, it was always difficult with "Roseanne" to completely separate his mercurial star from his character. Similarly, efforts to explain his absence can only spark thoughts about the off-screen drama that triggered it.

Lecy Goranson, Laurie Metcalf, Sara Gilbert in The Conners & # 39;

In these circumstances, the scriptwriters have achieved a rather clever feat juggling comedy and drama, creating a larger problem for the character's departure and creating new scenarios for secondary actors. A later episode, starring Johnny Galecki of "The Big Bang Theory" in Darlene's old role as undefeated guest, provides further proof of the evolution of the series, as well as of some particularly fun elements involving Jackie, who tells her niece of her benefits in terms of finding a guy in their town include being "without diabetes".

It remains to be seen if "The Conners" would have emerged if ABC had not missed good options to replace the decisive success of last season, after Barr's regrettable tweets prompted the network to eliminate the rebirth. The way people will react to creative resolution will probably be tinged with the same division that accompanied that decision.

The message of the series, in the end, is that even in setbacks, life goes on, which is of course true. The argument in favor of a sitcom that would survive such a large change – besides the practical considerations of buying time for the network and strengthening its lineup – could be another subject.

"The Conners" will be presented on October 16th at 8pm. on ABC.

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