Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Rebuttal Refutation to Rahul Gandhi's Claims to Lok Sabha


  Modi against Rahul, Narendra Modi, Rahul Gandhi, Party of Bharatiya Janata, motion of censure, Lok Sabha, monsoon session, Congress, Rahul embraces Modi The point-to-point refutation of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the allegations of Rahul Gandhi to Lok Sabha

Congress President Rahul Gandhi stunned everyone when, just after delivering a fiery speech against the NDA's policies, he crossed the Lok Sabha's green shaft to the ground. Office of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to hug him. A few hours later, it was the Prime Minister's turn to answer the accusations made against his government by the opposition leaders. When he began his response, Rahul's gesture of surprise did nothing to soften the Prime Minister's counterattack. Modi exchanged Congress during his nearly 90-minute speech while he gave a pungent point-by-point refutation to each allegation by the Gandhi and Congressional leaders, particularly on the purchase of the goods. Fighter planes Rafale de France. Here we examine the Prime Minister's 10 responses to Rahul's allegations on several issues:

# Allegation 1: In his speech, Rahul Gandhi said that & # 39; the prime minister can not put the eyes on mine & # 39; Responding to this, the prime minister said, "He (Rahul) says that I can not see the eyes with him, yes, I can not do it because I am not a naamdar. a poor mother, I come from a low caste and poor background, I am not privileged like you.In the past too, those who tried to see their fate with them were not different, that Sardar Patel or Subhash Chandra Bose, all were expelled, they were humiliated

# Allegation 2: Catching up with the Doklam impasse between the Indians and China in June 2017, Rahul said that while the soldiers stood firm, the Prime Minister could not … He (PM) yielded under pressure from China

Modi replied, "One of the leaders talked about Doklam. The same leader, who believed the Chinese ambassador on our forces. Where did we arrive?

# Allegation 3: On Rafale, Rahul stated in his speech that the price per plane during the UPA scheme was Rs 520 crore but when the PM went to France and Because of "Some magical powers", the price per plane increased to Rs 1600 crore. He also accused the Defense Minister of telling lies about it and claimed that the French president had told him that there was no secret pact between New Delhi and Paris on l & # 39; case. House on the Rafale, both nations had to make statements. My call to Congress is please do not bring politics into national security.

  Modi vs Rahul, Narendra Modi, Rahul Gandhi, Bharatiya Janata Party, motion of censure, Lok Sabha, Monsoon Session, Congress, Rahul Hug Modi ** COMBO PHOTO ** New Delhi: In this combo of four In the photos, Congressman Rahul Gandhi is seen hugging Prime Minister Narendra Modi after his speech at the Lok Sabha on the motion of censure during the Parliament's monsoon session in New Delhi on Friday, July 20, 2018. (LSTV GRAB via PTI) (PTI7_20_2018_000276B)

#Allegation 4: At the Congressional Party describing the 2016 surgical strike as "jumla strike", Narendra Modi said: "We have seen how the leader of the The army was insulted by their leaders (Congress). You called a surge strike jumla, the country will not forgive you. You can abuse Modi but not strengths. Stop insulting the jawans of India. "

# Allegation 5: Congress Party targeting the government on the rise of the NPA problem and the poor health of banks, Prime Minister Modi said:" I want to talk to you about the NPA problem. Long before Internet Banking, the Congress Party invented Phone Banking and this caused the NPA mess. A phone call would get loans for their mates and the nation suffered. "

# Allegation 6: Referring to Rahul Gandhi hugging him and his flashing gesture, the Prime Minister said," The whole nation has seen what the eyes do. It's clear in front of everyone. In the morning, the vote was not over, the debate was not more than a member comes running me saying – Utho Utho Utho … What is his hurry to arrive in power? Let me tell this member that these are the people who elected us. That's how we came here. See who they are trying to gather. But they should know that we are here because we have the blessings of 125 Indian crores.

# Allegation 7: Responding to Rahul's "bhagidaar and not chowkidar" charge, Modi says, "Yes, I am a bhagidar in the poor's march for development, but not a "Saudagar" or "thekedar" as the Congress. "

# Allegation 8: The President of the Congress stated in his speech that the Prime Minister was taking advantage of his" entrepreneurial friends "while ignoring young people, farmers, Dalits and women

that, the prime minister replied: "There is a conspiracy to push the country towards violence. These are the people who made fun of Baba Ambedkar but who are now singing his praises. Anyone who has come before the dreams and aspirations of a family has been put aside.

# Allegation 9: Referring to TDP member Jayadev Galla, who spoke before him demanding special status to be conferred on Andhra Pradesh, Rahul Gandhi said his party was a victim of a weapon "Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee has created three states: Uttarakhand, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand after speaking to and agreeing with the people concerned.This has been done peacefully.These states are peaceful and prosperous. They contribute to the development of the nation.On the other hand, the Congress divided Andhra Pradesh behind closed doors and their conduct was shameful.Andhra Pradesh was divided for political gain. "

# Allegation 10: ] Rahul Gandhi said that young people believed the prime minister when he said that 2 crore jobs will be created each year. "But the government has only generated 4 lakh jobs." "China gives work to 50,000 people a day, the BJP to 450," he said.

The Prime Minister said, "The truth was flouted. Employment debate and opposition misled the country. The government has decided to publish monthly employment data and detailed data from the EPFO ​​to give weight to the argument. Between September 2017 and May 2018, 45 new lakh subscribers joined EPFO, of which 72% were under 28 years old. Taking together the EPF and NPS subscribers, more than 50 lakh jobs were created in nine months. This figure will reach 70 lakh for the full year. "

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