Prime your brain for success during sleep


Learning to sleep properly can help you align your biochemistry with the purpose of your soul.

7 2018

6 min read

Opinions expressed by Contractor the contributors are theirs.

The following extract is from Ben AngelThe book of Unstoppable: A 90 Day Plan to Turn Your Mind and Body into Success. Buy it now from Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | IndieBound

It's time to dive deeply to align your body and mind with this unstoppable version of yourself. To achieve this harmonious alignment, the first step is to sleep for consolidation, rest and rejuvenation.

Lack of sleep causes a number of health problems that can worsen over time and affect our mood. Too little sleep disturbs our emotions and our ability to make rational decisions. Likewise, excessive fatigue can lead to stress and irritability and engage the "decision fatigue" long before it is triggered normally.

We each have a unique circadian rhythm. It's a rhythm of about 24 hours that shifts the background of our daily life and sets the tone for our mind and body. By following our natural patterns as much as possible, we feel more rested and experience greater mental clarity.

So, how to improve the quality of your sleep and recharge your battery to be ready for the day to come? The following list contains suggestions for sleeping well at night (without taking any drugs):

1. Block the unwanted light.

Avoid using your electronic devices before going to bed because they emit a blue light that inhibits the production of the hormone melatonin, which regulates your sleep / wake cycle. This reduction makes it more difficult to fall asleep. Every time you look at the blue light from a screen, you send your brain a signal that the sun is up. Most new phones now come with an integrated "blue light filter". Make sure this unit turns on automatically at about the same time as the sun goes down. Secondly, make sure you have plenty of natural light during the day – this will help you produce more melatonin at night to help you sleep.

2. Block social media.

You knew that it was coming! The addictive nature of social media can drag us into a news feed and not let us out for hours. Your use of social media can cause you stress before going to bed. Plan at least one to two hours before sleeping so your mind will calm down. Blockers of social media apps are available for Android and iOS. After a week, you will realize how many times a day you check your phone and how much better you feel once the pattern is interrupted. Social media can also lead to decision fatigue. Reduce it and feel that your state of mind is clear.

3. Reduce stimulants.

Many people drink caffeinated beverages such as coffee, soft drinks or tea at the end of the day, disrupting sleep patterns. Caffeine has a long half-life, which means your body will treat it for hours later. Some of us metabolize caffeine more slowly, which could result in side effects much later in the day. Also check with your doctor to see if any of the medications you are taking can upset your sleep or have a stimulating effect, such as a medication for asthma. This could be corrected by taking the medication in the morning rather than later in the day. A doctor will advise you on your specific needs.

4. Stick to a routine.

Give priority to your sleep. It is vital and crucial for optimal cognitive functions that allow you to concentrate for long periods of time. There is no specific time when you should go to bed; it depends on you and your unique circadian rhythm. If you've ever wondered why you're tired or hungry at the same time each day, it's your circadian rhythm at work. It is best to follow these internal clocks and do what is right for us. The simple fact that ultra-success has a habit of getting up at 5 o'clock does not mean that you should do it too. In fact, it could completely disrupt your natural rhythm and throw your life in disarray.

5. Lower the temperature and increase your deep sleep.

Research has shown that the optimal room temperature for sleep is 60-68 ° F. My initial increase in deep sleep correlated with my failure in the height of the Canadian winter. It started to go down again after I returned home to Florida, where there is not much winter.

6. Melatonin supplement (with moderation).

Melatonin, an increasingly popular supplement inducing sleep, is accompanied by a warning. Taken by millions of Americans each year, it is only recommended for short-term use (a few months or less). Melatonin can also increase blood sugar levels. Therefore, people with diabetes or prediabetes should avoid taking it. This should be done sparingly, as more research needs to be done. I rarely use it, for example when I try to recover from jet lag and reset my circadian rhythm to a different time zone. For this reason, I would suggest not using the cheapest brand.

7. Solve vitamin deficiencies.

The three main vitamins are vitamins A, B6 and D. Vitamin D3 deficiencies are associated with sleep disorders, B6 deficiency has been associated with sleep disturbances and vitamin A is a major contributor to maintaining and maintaining circadian rhythm.

Without quality sleep, remembering essential facts, staying focused and regulating your emotions becomes almost impossible. Sleep plays a fundamental role for our brain to function at its best. Quality sleep is essential for our brains to remember and learn in order to adapt to the changing world around us.

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