Prince Charles has just received an electric car – and this is not a Tesla


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The British Royal Family Connects: Prince Charles will receive the keys this week for a Jaguar I-Pace, the automaker's first all-electric model. The heir to the throne would also have tested a Tesla, but eventually opted for the British brand – which already comes with three Royal Warrants – in a blue shade of the custom-made Loire.

The I-Pace has just embarked on showcases in key markets including Europe, the United States and Asia, and marks the beginning of a wave of new electric vehicles long-range battery. transport by emission.

Daimler officially entered the market on Tuesday with the launch of its new Mercedes-Benz EQC model.

The EQC is part of a nearly $ 13 billion project that will see Mercedes launch a brand new sub-brand, EQ, while opting for the all-electric propulsion of the urban brand Daimler Smart. Dieter Zetsche, CEO of Daimler, said at a hearing in Stockholm, where the EQC was unveiled, that the company "is doing everything … about electric cars".

Daimler and Jaguar Land Rover are not alone. These days, it's hard to find a car maker, luxury or mainstream, that does not invest much in battery-car technology. Next month, Audi will present its fully electric e-tron counterpart to its popular Q5 sport utility vehicle. Volkswagen is launching its own electric sub-brand, Id., As has already done BMW; while General Motors will add two more models next year alongside the Chevrolet Bolt EV in showrooms. All of these Goliaths seem to be aiming at David's California-based company Tesla.

"We consider that the medium-long-term industry context is difficult for Tesla's products," said David Tamberrino, an analyst at Goldman Sachs, in a research note. is catching up, "added Tamberrino, especially since he will not have any additional products until 2020.

"We view the medium-to-long-term industry context as a challenge for Tesla's products," said an automotive analyst.

Like most European automakers, Daimler was long skeptical about electrification, be it in the form of hybrids, plug-ins or battery-powered electric vehicles. But the scandal of diesel emissions, which has already cost Volkswagen nearly $ 30 billion, has helped change perceptions.

The same is true for the increasingly stringent global rules on emissions and mileage, which will require more and more emphasis on electrified transmissions. Some markets, including India and Norway, plan to ban all internal combustion engines, and others could follow. This includes China, the largest car market in the world. Although a total ban is still under discussion, recently enacted regulations will result in a rapid increase in model-based sales.

The Daimler urban minicar brand has already developed a plan to become all-electric. And Mercedes will soon offer a choice of electrified options for almost all existing products, even its high-performance AMG range. There will be 10 all-electric offers for its new EQ sub-brand by 2022, including the EQC and the smaller EQA model that will follow barely a year later.

"With the EQC – the first fully electric SUV from Mercedes-Benz – we switch the switch," said Zetsche, at the start of the EQC in Stockholm. "The electric drive is a major component of the mobility of the future. We therefore invest more than ten billion euros in expanding our portfolio of EQ models and more than one billion euros in global battery production.

Like Tesla, Mercedes adopts a skateboard-type platform for its all-electric models that mount the batteries, engines and essential electronic components under the floor. This reduces the center of gravity and improves the handling of the vehicle. It also offers room for a larger battery that extends its reach without crampons to passengers and cargo space.

The EQC will be much faster than the BEVs of the previous generation, reaching 60 in about 4.9 seconds, reaching 112 mph and traveling 200 miles per charge. Motorists will be able to charge the batteries at 80% capacity in about 40 minutes – or at home for the night.

The range and performance of next-generation BEVs is expected to be an important selling point, particularly for luxury buyers, "said David Sullivan, Senior Analyst at AutoPacific. Dietmar Exner, CEO of Mercedes-Benz USA, told NBC News that the electric crossover would be "surprisingly affordable," suggesting it could reach the $ 30,000- $ 40,000 high range for base models .

This could pose a real challenge to Tesla, especially since he should not even unveil his own compact SUV model until next March, according to CEO Elon Musk, with the start of the production in 2020. And considering that Musk hinted at a new plant According to observers, this date may be quite optimistic, given the delays in production of Tesla.

But Goldman Sachs' Tamberrino is not the only bearish analyst in Tesla. In fact, a number of his colleagues began to question the company's situation, particularly in light of the recent wave that saw CEO Musk say he wanted to take Tesla privately, then a few more weeks. later.

While Tesla has a unique and loyal customer base that other manufacturers can only dream of, competition from all sides means that California could face real challenges.

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