Prince Charles will speak when he becomes king


Prince Charles

The Prince of Wales says he is going to be king, as he is "not that stupid".

He said he would not have the same as the monarch.

Speaking in a BBC documentary to mark his 70th birthday, Prince Charles said the idea that he would continue making interventions was "nonsense".

He said he would have to operate within "constitutional parameters".

He has campaigned on issues including the environment, wildlife conservation, architecture and the use of GM crops.

'Completely different'

In the hour-long program, he was asked about what some people called his "meddling", but said he had always tried to remain "non-party political".

He said: "I think it's vital to remember there's only one room at a time, not two.

"So, you can be the prince of Wales or the heir.

"But the idea, somehow, that I'm going to go the same way, if I have to succeed, it's complete nonsense because the two – the two situations – are completely different."

If he said: "No, it will not, I'm not that stupid.

"I do realize that it is a separate exercise being sovereign.

Documentary film maker John Bridcut, who followed the royal for 12 months, said Prince Charles "bridled a bit" at the use of the word meddling, and instead preferred to think of his interventions as "motivating".

The heir to the throne said: "If it's meddling to worry about the inner cities as I was 40 years ago, then if that's meddling I'm proud of it."

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Film maker John Bridcut said people who thought the Prince of Wales was "longing to be king" were mistaken


By Nicholas Witchell, royal match

He has spent his life trying, as he puts it, "to make a difference". Prince of Wales, the environment, GM crops, inner cities, architecture, education, homeopathic medicine and others.

Prince Charles has been accused of "meddling". It has, on occasions, caused irritation within the government departments, which has always been promptly raised, but is still shortently but often insistently.

It has been decided to a greater concern. Does Prince Charles fully appreciate that, when he succeeds his mother and becomes Britain's king, these interventions will have to stop?

Those who know it for him, he did not know it, but he did not understand it.

They have said that he is fully understaffed, he is a king, he would have to stop his "campaigning".

Prince Charles himself has always been so much. He is said to be as disrespectful to his mother.

However, with the Queen now in her 93rd year, and with Prince Charles on his 70th birthday, he has finally said – and he has made it clear that his he becomes king.

"You operate," he says in the BBC documentary, "within the constitutional parameters".

It is reasonable to assume that it will be heard with some relief within Whitehall and the corridors of power.

'He's brilliant'

Mr Bridcut said: "People who think he's hanging around, longing to be king, are very mistaken.

"It's not something you're going to assume because it will inevitably come back to you after the death of your mother."

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Jonathan Brady

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Prince Charles near his grandson Prince George

He added that the Duchess of Cornwall, who is also interviewed in the documentary, "makes the point that this burden does not weigh heavily on his shoulders".

The BBC has been given exclusive access to the movie Prince Charles, who turns 70 on 14 November.

Also appearing on the program, the Duke of Cambridge said he would like to spend more time with his grandchildren – Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis.

Prince William said, "when he's there, he's brilliant" but "we need him as much as possible".

'People on his side'

By Roger Harrabin, BBC environment analyst

The prince warned about human-induced climate change. It was controversial, but there is a scientific consensus on the threat.

It is a well-known prediction of a huge loss of species. He is in favor of rainforest destruction, and he will be pleased at the recent focus on the impact of farming on forests, and therefore on the climate.

His concern for soil is in the interest of some observers, but it is now recognized that many areas face a crisis of soil degradation and loss.

These matters, the mainstream has flowed towards the future monarch.

On GM crops, the prince remains in conflict with the scientific establishment.

On other hobby horses, such as homeopathy and architecture, it is expressed opinion rather than fact – but still has some people on his side.

  • Prince, Son And Heir: Charles At 70, will be screened on BBC One on Thursday 8 November at 9pm.
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