Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have hugged a little boy and it's the cutest thing you'll see today – Video


During the first royal tour of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, there were many adorable moments. We are only the second day. To greet the biggest fan of Prince Harry (who has planted a big one) to meet the koalas at Sydney's Taronga Zoo, there have been several scenes that are heart-warming. But there is one in particular that has shattered my heart; Prince Harry and Meghan Markle hugging a boy in Dubbo, an agricultural town hit by intense drought.

After landing at Dubbo, Harry and Markle were greeted by a number of school children, including a five-year-old boy named Luke Vincent. Daily mail. Vincent, who has Down syndrome, was asked to present bouquets of flowers to the royal family. However, when the time came, he took an adorable step further and hugged Markle, which completely surprised him and made him smile. He then walked over to Harry and stalled him as well before tapping him playfully on his head and stroking his beard. I know.

Now, there's now a video of Harry and Markles, cute cuddles to Dubbo and a warning: it's going to make you smolder at once. Nick Dole, an ABC reporter, on Twitter, filmed the sweet moment. You can watch it here:

Vincent is a student at Buninyong Public School and many students came to greet the Duchess and the Duke, each with their own story. Anne Van Dartel, the director, explained why Vincent was so in love with Prince Harry's hair and that added an extra layer to an already adorable experience.

She says: "He had a hug from Meghan, then Harry leaned over to talk to him and Luke did not give him the choice.Luke's favorite person in the world is Santa, who has a beard He rubbed his beard. "

This is true. Luke looked Harry in the eye and all he could see was Saint Nick. I start a petition; I want Prince Harry to dress up in Santa Claus costume and meet Luke again on December 25th. The world is going through a difficult time right now, we deserve it.

Chris Jackson / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images

Dubbo, in particular, deserved a slice of happiness with the arrival of the Duke and Duchess, as the community suffered from intense drought. Van Dartel called the visit "a real moral boost" for the city and they certainly left a lasting impression on the schoolchildren who demanded their visit. In fact, Harry eventually made a connection with a student from another school because they had a lot in common.

James Fogg, an eleven-year-old from Eumungerie Public School, told the Daily mail that he talked to Harry about his dream of becoming a helicopter pilot. Fogg was definitely talking to the man about the situation because Harry had served in Afghanistan as an Apache helicopter shooter co-pilot and had officially obtained the title of Apache helicopter commander in 2012. His brother, Prince William, was also equipped with helicopters for air ambulance pilot army, although he suspended his uniform last year. Harry would have said, "Good choice, good man."

But Harry was not the only one to have found something in common with a younger fan, because the day before, Markle and he finally broke the protocol after meeting a girl. While greeting the public at the Sydney Opera House, Harry noticed a young girl wearing a t-shirt with the title "Girls Can Do Anything," which he said would please the heart of his wife, a woman fiercely fierce. In a video posted on Instagram by @harry_meghan_updates, he asked the girl if she would like to meet Markle and he signaled to the Duchess to come say hello.

according to PEOPLEit is against royal regulation that the royals take selfies with the public. However, Prince Harry flouted these rules when he asked her if she wanted to take a picture with Markle. The tables were turned as he picked up the fan phone and took a picture of the little girl with Markle.

"We think it looks a little like you," commented one in the crowd at Markle.

"I was about to say the same thing," exclaimed the Duchess before adding, "and I love your shirt."

Too cute. If these few fan meetings are enough, I have the feeling that Markle and Harry are going to be pretty awesome parents when their little one arrives next spring.

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