Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in Fiji on day 9


After a hectic day, the Royals now have a rare afternoon.

Their day was marked by Prince Harry depositing a wreath of flowers at the Suva war memorial, in ceremonial uniform, before meeting with veterans.

He was then joined by Meghan during his visit to the University of the South Pacific.

She delivered her first speech of the tour, which was highly praised.

The Duchess spoke of working to register at the university and stressed how important it is for women and children to receive the education they deserve.

They broke up and Meghan went to tea at the British High Commissioners' residence, including a cooking demonstration with coconuts.

She then visited a United Nations project at the Suva Market. However, the 15-minute visit was cut short by crowd control concerns by Kensington Palace.

Meanwhile, Harry planted a tree to launch the Fijian part of the Queen's Canopy project, using the same shovel as his grandmother had used to plant a tree on the island in 1953 .

It is a network of conservation projects across the Commonwealth.

He also met the 86-year-old Fijian Litiana Vulaca, who served tea to the queen during her visit in 1953.

They will not be seen for the rest of the day and have probably returned to their historic hotel, the Grand Pacific.

Tomorrow, they will travel to the Fijian city of Nadi to unveil a statue, before leaving for the Tongan nation.

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