Prince Harry and Meghan Markle pay tribute to a Fijian war hero


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle begin their 16-day tour of the Pacific. After a three-day stopover on the island of Fiji, the future parents traveled Thursday to the neighboring island of Tonga. But before that, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex unveiled the statue of a Fijian soldier, Talaiasi Labalaba, who was a war hero for his peers but whose name is probably unknown to most observers of royalty .

The former British colony of Fiji became independent in 1970, but is still part of the Commonwealth. Countless soldiers in Commonwealth countries such as Australia, New Zealand and Tonga – which are the other stages of the royal tour – have given their lives to fight on behalf of the Crown. But these troops came from countries far from the halls of power and were often people of color; Veterans of these forces have often received little recognition for their combat efforts.

The statue of Labalaba was unveiled in Nadi, a town on the main island of Fiji, Viti Levu, testifying to these efforts. Here's what you need to know about Labalaba's bravery.

Who was Talaiasi Labalaba?

Labalaba, nicknamed "Laba" by his peers, was a Fijian Special Flight Services (SAS) sergeant, a special forces unit of the British Army in charge of largely secretive operations.

Born in Fiji in 1942, he was killed in action at the Battle of Mirbat in 1972, when he was only 30 years old. Laba was known by his peers as a "nice giant," according to the BBC. He was one of eight Fijians to join the SAS elite and was known among them as being exceptional for his character and loyalty.

What is the Battle of Mirbat?

The Battle of Mirbat was a proxy Cold War conflict between clandestine British forces and pro-communist guerrillas in Oman. On July 19, 1972, at 6:00 am, hundreds of guerrillas ambushed a compound where SAS forces were stationed just outside the port of Mirbat. Although the British regiment had to leave later in the day, they suddenly found themselves fighting for their lives, assisted by only a few local fighters.

The nine-member regiment, of which Laba was a part, was assigned for a year to Mirbat as part of an operation dubbed "Operation Jaguar", tasked with protecting the Sultan of Oman from falling in front of rebels. communists known as the Popular Liberation Front of the occupied Arabian Gulf. The British were not openly involved in the conflict in Oman, but many issues were at stake in this state of strategic importance of the Gulf. Along with the Saudis, the Shah of Iran, India and Pakistan, the Crown is committed to preventing the Sultanate from submitting to the influence of the Union. Soviet.

Laba's colleagues may not have survived without his heroism in this crucial battle, where he continued to fight despite serious injuries that ultimately cost his life.

Why is Labalaba important?

Sgt. Labalaba is best known for its staff weighing 25 pounds. firearm for several hours, although this weapon usually required four to six men. His jaw had been hit and he was shot in the neck, according to the BBC. The SAS was poorly equipped and had little chance of defeating many unexpected enemies. Despite the incredible odds, Labalala's actions held the rebels long enough for reinforcements to arrive and repel them, saving the lives of many of his comrades.

His bravery earned him a posthumous mention on the agenda, a great honor in the United Kingdom and throughout the Commonwealth, although his comrades campaigned for him to receive the highest military distinction British: Victoria Cross. Labalaba is buried in St. Martin's Church in Hereford, England.

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