Prince Harry asking Prince Charles to walk Meghan Markle Down Alley


Prince Harry speaks of the poignant moment when he asked his father to walk Meghan Markle in the alley during their royal wedding in May.

Harry, 34, has approached Prince Charles, who is celebrating his 70th birthday next week, after Meghan's father, Thomas Markle, was unable to attend the wedding at Windsor Castle.

In the documentary, Prince, son and heir: Charles at age 70, which airs on BBC One on Thursday, Harry says, "I asked him and I think he knew it was going to happen and he immediately said," Yes, of course, I'll do what Megan needs and i am here to support you. & # 39; "

"For him, it's a fantastic opportunity to get involved and benefit from this support, and you know he's our father, so of course he'll be there for us."

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While Charles was driving Meghan alongside Harry at the historic ceremony in St. George's Chapel, the prince turned to his father and said, "Thanks, dad."

Charles's wife, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, could not see what was said between her son and father at the altar, but she later watched it on television.

"I think it was very touching, sitting where I was, you could not hear what he said.But after watching it on TV, I … I think it was a very … it was a nice gesture, "she says.

At the moment of emotion, Harry adds, "You have to say thank you. Because it's my dad, that does not mean that I can go somehow: "Okay, that's all, I'll leave here."

Then he said, "Uh, no, that's what I meant, but hey … and I'm very grateful to him for doing that."

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Regarding the time when Charles took Meghan's mother, Doria Ragland, by the arm to go to a private room to sign the marriage registry, Camilla said, "Many people, seeing my husband take the mother Bride by hand to sign the register, it's something that moved everyone.

"That's what he does behind the scenes that people do not know. I do not think people realize how nice he is.

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