Prince Harry gets on the nerves of Meghan Markle with this habit


Prince Harry recently revealed an ecological obsession – turning off the lights all the time – during an appearance in a BBC documentary about his father, "Prince, Son and Heir: Charles at 70".

Harry said that he had learned that energy-saving habit from his father, Prince Charles, an "unbearable for turning off the lights."

"And that's something that obsesses me too," Harry said. His brother, Prince William, added, "I know that light switches cause me serious problems with OCD, which is terrible."

The Duchess of Sussex is not yet totally "obsessed" with the switches, according to Harry.

Prince William and Prince Harry probably fix the switches they would like to turn off.


Prince William and Prince Harry probably fix the switches they would like to turn off.

"Which is crazy because – I do not know if your wife [does this] – My wife will certainly: "Well, why turn off the lights? You know, it's dark. "I'm going," We only need one light, we do not need six, "Harry said.

"And all of a sudden, it becomes a habit and those little customary tweaks he's made, anyone can do it," Harry said, explaining how turning off the lights could have a big impact. "And I think that's one of the key lessons that he has taught us."

Prince Charles, a longtime environmentalist, recently spoke of the need to leave a better and cleaner world for his grandchildren at a meeting on plastic pollution in Ghana.

"I'm about to have another grandchild. I guess many of you may have grandchildren as well, or will do so soon, "Charles said, according to The Telegraph. "It seems foolish to bequeath to them this world completely polluted, damaged and destroyed."

"All grandchildren deserve a better future," he said.

The Prince of Wales attends a rural livelihoods event in Abuja, Nigeria, on the last day of his trip to West Africa with the

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The Prince of Wales attends a rural livelihood event in Abuja, Nigeria, on the last day of his trip to West Africa with the Duchess of Cornwall.

Kensington Palace announced in October that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were expecting their first child in the spring of 2019, another grandson of Prince Charles.

Due to her pregnancy, Meghan slightly reduced her duties during the couple's recent royal visit to Australia, New Zealand, Tonga and Fiji.

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