Prince Harry reveals that his pregnancy "wreaks havoc" as the Duchess of Sussex withdraws from the Invictus Games event


The Duke of Sussex urged his pregnant wife to slow down after feeling tired after opening the Opening Ceremony of the Invictus Games by nearly two hours, royal sources said.

Meghan, the pregnant Duchess of Sussex, joined Prince Harry at a reception in central Sydney after missing a cycling event earlier in the day on Sunday.

Harry confided to some competitors of Invictus that his wife "was resting at home, pregnancy has consequences," according to the MailOnline.

The Sussex are currently halfway through a grueling 16-day trek through Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga, with 76 events on the program.

Meghan joins Harry for a lunch after leaving to go solo in the morning (AFP/ Getty Images)

The expectant mother chose to rest after a late night on the forecourt of the Sydney Opera House, after an electrical storm delayed the Games launching ceremony.

A source said, "She's not sick, just tired."

Harry meets the Australian Invictus Competitors at the games during his solo engagement Sunday (AP)

At the reception, where they met competitors Invictus and other guests in a crowded restaurant, the Duchess seemed lively and engaged.

The source said they were expecting to return to Admiralty House, where the couple resides, at 9 pm last night. However, the opening being delayed by a storm, they did not return before 10:45.

Harry and Meghan look at an artist at a reception given by the Prime Minister at lunch time (REUTERS)

"We must try to calm her down. We must make sure that it is well paced and not overdo it.

"She had a very late night last night.

"She wants to do everything, but Prince Harry encourages her to calm down.

Meghan will slightly reduce his busy schedule for a few days (Getty Images)

"We want to make sure she's getting enough rest at the beginning and end of the day.

"If the night was very late due to unforeseen circumstances, we have to adapt to that."

Kensington Palace has confirmed that Meghan, 37 – and pregnant about 12 weeks – will limit her schedule after consulting her husband, Prince Harry.

Harry and Meghan meet kids from Kookaburra Kids at Pavilion Restaurant in Sydney (PA)

The announcement that the royal couple was expecting a first child was revealed at the beginning of the tour in four countries.

The palace and the duchess decided, after a busy schedule, to slightly reduce the duchess's program for the next two days, in anticipation of the last week and a half of the tour.

"The Duke will be attending the cycling as planned this morning and the Duchess will join him for the commitments this afternoon. The Duke will continue the commitments on Fraser Island as planned, "the statement said.

The Duke of Sussex reacts as Australian Invictus Games Athlete Benjamin Yeomans ask him to sign a pair of swimsuits (PA)

The couple flies to Fraser Island today in Queensland before heading to Fiji, Tonga to Sydney and finally New Zealand.

"She feels good but is resting," said one source.

According to sources, Meghan does not feel sick, but the palace is trying to calm her down given the number of upcoming engagements.

Harry laughs after Yeomans puts the trunks on his head (PA)

The royal couple must undertake a total of 76 engagements during the 16-day tour.

It is unlikely that Meghan will participate in many fights on Fraser Island because of the terrain.

At Sunday's Invictus event, Prince Harry received a pair of parakeet runners and quickly put them on his jeans.

Meghan during the JLR Drive Day on Saturday (credit too long, see legend)

They were introduced to the Duke of Sussex when a disabled sports presenter and two members of the Australian Invictus Games team visited him at Admiralty House, the governor general's residence where the couple live in Sydney.

Dylan Alcott, host of ABC's daily game summary, had a private chat with Harry, along with team members Matt Model and co-captain Nicole Bradley.

Alcott, a three-time Paralympic gold medalist in wheelchair tennis and wheelchair basketball, said, "We gave him a gift. One of the athletes, Matt, gave him a pair of parakeet feeders. And he pulled them over his jeans. It looks awesome.

Harry and Meghan sail on Sydney Harbor the first day of the Invictus Games (AFP/ Getty Images)

He said, "Should I put them? "We said," One hundred percent. "So he put them … well on him."

Alcott, who was speaking at a reception hosted by Prime Minister Scott Morrison at a Sydney Botanic Gardens restaurant, added, "I just met the Duchess and he [Harry] he said [Dylan] is to blame for the photo. I said, "Hey, sorry!"

Speaking of parakeet couriers, he added, "I think it has worked wonders for him. It looked good. He should make it official! I think the duchess will love them. But who knows? Maybe not."

Meghan look at the sailing test of Invictus Sunday games (REUTERS)

"I had already met the Duchess at Wimbledon. I am the # 1 wheelchair tennis player in the world. I said, "We met at Wimbledon," she said. "I remember meeting you at Wimbledon. I felt stifled enough that she remembered it.

He added, "Sit on the lawn and simply discuss with him some really important issues, such as disability integration, PTSD – he has a lot standardized for that people to feel at ease. As a person who has had a disability all my life, it has meant a lot to me to be able to say thank you. It's such a good guy.

Meghan joined Harry for later engagements Sunday. The couple attended a reception at Pavilion Restaurant in the Invictus competition area, their family and friends, hosted by Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

At the reception, the couple met with children from Kookaburra Kids, an organization that helps children living in families affected by mental health issues.

Lachlan Williams, 10, of Sydney, said, "He asked who of our parents belonged to the army and we raised their hands to say yes.

"Afterwards, I told them, 'My teacher says she loves you.' They laughed."

The couple had a busy Saturday, starting with the expansion of the Anzac Memorial in Hyde Park, and then on Cockatoo Island to attend the Jaguar Land Rover Driving Challenge as part of Invictus.

In the evening, the couple attended a reception for the Games and attended the opening ceremony.

They will then travel to Fraser Island, off the coast of Queensland, for scheduled engagements on Monday, including a visit to McKenzie Lake and a walk in Kingfisher Bay.

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