Prince William plans to bring peace to the Middle East – the front


(JTA) – British Prince William plans to send the Middle East a "just and lasting peace," his "project of a lifetime," reports a British tabloid, citing the source of Palace

. The visit had a profound effect on the duke, "The Mirror reported, citing what he calls a" high-ranking Palace source. "Prince William also holds the title of Duke of Cambridge.

The Journal reported Sunday that prior to his visit, the Prince received extensive information on "the labyrinthine policy that condemned previous attempts at peace to failure." At the end of the trip, he reportedly told his Collaborators: "It's the beginning of something new, I will always respect my commitments to the people I've met."

The tradition is that members of the royal family remain neutral rather than to enter the national or foreign political landscape, according to the Mirror.But William, according to the report, plans to use its global platform to help the region achieve peace.

During his three-day visit to Israel and the Pale Authority Stalin, William met with politicians, officials and high-ranking Israelis. walks, young people, children and refugees. He also spent two days in Jordan.

In a speech that he would have rewritten after visiting a refugee camp near Ramallah, the British consul told Palestinian guests: "My message tonight is that you have not been here. have not been forgotten … I hope that with my presence and understanding of the challenges you will face, the bonds of friendship and mutual respect between the Palestinian and British peoples will grow stronger. "[19659003HevisitedthesitesofJerusalemdevotedtothethreereligionsrespectsonthegraveofhisgreat-grandmotherPrincessAlicewhosavedaJewishfamilyduringtheHolocaust

The article says that he thought about the legacy of his mother, Princess Diana, who led the fight for the causes of AIDS in Britain, victims of antipersonnel mines in Angola and Indians with leprosy.

The article also quotes the royal source: "The visit had a profound effect on the Duke. The places he visited, the people he met and the stories he heard deeply moved him. "

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