Prison guards find $ 17.8 million worth of cocaine in banana shipment data


It was a fruitful morning for two prison guards who discovered monkey cases when they discovered $ 17.8 million worth of cocaine hidden in a shipment of bananas donated to the Texas penitentiary system.

Sgt. Reynolds and Sgt. The Santellanes of the Scott Unit left Friday morning to pick up two pallets of already ripe fruit – 45 boxes filled with bananas – from the Ports of America to Freeport.

When they arrived to take charge, they found that one of the boxes seemed different from the others.

Reynolds tore off the thongs and fumbled until he uncovered a bundle hidden under the bananas. Inside, there was a white powdery substance.

US Customs came to help and identified the substance as cocaine.

After cleaning all the boxes, the agents found a total of 540 coke packages, valued at nearly $ 18 million.

The Administration of the fight against drugs and customs and border protection are both investigating, according to a press release. But, it seems, the aggressor has already separated.

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