Private funeral was organized for Stan Lee, according to the company, new commemorations are planned


LOS ANGELES – A small private funeral was held to mourn the Marvel Comics brand mogul, Stan Lee, and his company is preparing new projects to commemorate it. "Stan has always been adamant that he does not want a big public funeral and, as such, his family has held a private, in-camera ceremony in accordance with his last wishes," said Lee POW's company. Entertainment said in a statement to the Associated Press on Friday.

War prisoner! Entertainment has set up a memorial wall on Lee's website where friends, colleagues and fans can share their thoughts, prayers and tributes to Lee. Messages from other creators and artists will then be posted on Lee's social media pages.

The company said new memorial plans were in preparation and that it hoped to be able to provide more details soon.

"Stan's greatness makes it a monumental task," the statement said.

The 95-year-old was declared dead after being rushed to a Los Angeles hospital on Monday. No cause of death has been given. Last July, Joan, Lee's wife, died at the age of 93. The couple had been married for 69 years and had a daughter, Joan.

He has co-created the incredible Hulk, Spiderman, The Fantastic Four and many other heroes from the comic and cinematic world of Marvel. He was himself a hero for fans who frantically for his movie cameos and public appearances, remaining Marvel's ambassador until the end of his life.

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