Private school that placed students in homerooms by the end-of-race policy


A West Village elite private school that separates homeroom students by race for the past year will end the policy amidst the fury of parents who have recently learned about it.

This past school year, Little Red School students at home who identify as colored students in two middle school classes have been placed together in homerooms, said director Phil Kassen in a letter to the school community dated June 27th.

Parents revolted months, according to the New York Post, which first reported the story. Some parents claimed that the school segregated classes longer than the 2017-2018 school year.

"My daughter who is 11 years old said," Wow, it's crazy. They talk about separation by color, "said one of the parents at the exit. "And I thought how outdated it is? It's back. It's almost like segregation now."

School tuition is d & # 39; 39, about $ 45,485 a year, and a number of celebrity children attend,

In his letter, Kassen says that the policy "arose after a lot of conversations with the faculty and was prompted by a conversation with a number of recent graduates, reflecting on their experience at LREI and suggesting that we create greater opportunities for connection and support. "

The policy was intended to better support our color students, He said the school had planned to continue his new policy this fall, but eventually decided not to do it.

"I think it's vital to note that our groupings n & # 39; 39 were not created to take away rights or opportunities from anyone it would be. "In the coming months, we will continue to look for ways to ensure that the LREI experience is accessible to all. of our students and create a dialogue that strengthens our diverse community in which all voices are heard, "he added.

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