A congressman from one district talks about marijuana during a lively debate at City Hall
Liz Holland, Salisbury Daily Times

Marijuana advocates provoked a disruption on Tuesday at Andy Harris Congressman Andy Harris' congressional office, and ended with two people charged with the crime.

Julia Nista, spokeswoman for Harris, said the protesters had attempted to force their way into the Harris' house after he had entered through a private door, injuring his wrist while he was walking. they tried to force the door.

Harris issued a statement following the incident:

"Today's aggression by protesters who do not share my point of view about the legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes illustrates the problem of political discourse today. We must all agree to hold a civilized debate in the event of disagreement. My parents have fled to communist East Europe where people with different political views have been harassed and punished, and this has no place in America. I reject recent comments from one of my colleagues in the House that has encouraged the harassment of political opponents, stating: "You go away, you create a crowd and you push them back, and you tell them that they are no longer welcome, nowhere. " Steve Scalise understands very well and tweeted today: "Assault someone because you disagree with him is NEVER acceptable."

At 12:15 pm, United States Capitol Police officers responded to reports of illegal protest activity outside Hall 1533 in the Longworth House Office Building. the police said.

When the police arrived, they were informed that the demonstrators were trying to enter the office. Two protesters were seen smearing and lighting marijuana cigarettes, the police said.

Two suspects were arrested and transported to the US Capitol Police Headquarters for treatment, the police said.

Kristin Furnish, 28, of Salisbury, Maryland, and Rachel Ramon Donlan, 46, of Washington, DC, were charged with 21 USC 844 (a) (possession), and DC code §48-911.01, the consumption of marijuana in a public area is prohibited. ; Prohibited depreciation, said the police.

The activists of DC Marijuana Justice and Maryland Marijuana Justice were frustrated by Harris' statements at a recent public meeting in Salisbury on August 10, where the Congressman continued to reiterate his opposition to the cannabis reform, according to a press release.

Harris is the US representative of Maryland's 1st Congressional District, which represents the entire East Coast and other areas of Maryland.

The lawyers planned a series of demonstrations Tuesday against Harris at 12 o'clock. at his Washington office, at 3 pm at his Salisbury, Maryland, office and 4:20 pm at his office in Bel Air, Maryland.

Defenders had planned to simulate opioid overdoses by laying down one person at a time, while others read funeral praises written by members of the organization for the loved ones victims. Opioids, according to a press release.

More: Harris answers questions about marijuana and wind energy at City Hall

A video of Periscope user Adam Eidinger shows protesters in front of Harris' office Tuesday trying to cross the door. A protester tries to open the door and is blocked by members of the office on the other side of the door and one in the hallway.

Eidinger's Periscope profile identifies him as the president of the DC cannabis campaign. He was also seen at Harris Town Hall on August 10 in Salisbury, directly questioning the US representative on marijuana.

"Citizens of Maryland and the Federal District of Columbia are fed up with Andy Harris turning a blind eye to a safe solution to the opioid crisis," said Kris Furnish, co-founder of Maryland Marijuana Justice, in a media alert Friday. "Marijuana is a proven alternative to opioids for pain management, but in Maryland, the number of opioid-related deaths has only increased since Mr. Harris was first elected in November." 2010. Congress members GOP led by Congressman Harris remain deliberately ignorant and hostile to cannabis reform. This must stop. "

Later, the video shows protesters lying on the ground, surrounded by forces of order in the hallway.

At 15:13, no protesters were seen at the Harris office in Salisbury.

Hayley Harding, a reporter for Delmarva Now, contributed to this story.

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