Probiotics are not beneficial for young children with the stomach virus


Probiotics are often given to children with stomach viruses to relieve symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea. However, a new study has shown that commonly used probiotics are not effective at improving symptoms in young patients with gastroenteritis.

The study was led by the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and the findings were published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Gastroenteritis represents 1.7 million visits to pediatric emergency rooms and more than 70,000 hospitalizations each year.

The study involved nearly 1,000 children aged three months to four years old and provided evidence against the widespread and costly use of probiotics, live microorganisms meant to restore the balance of intestinal bacteria and strengthen the immune system.

Participants were eligible when they came to the emergency room with symptoms of gastroenteritis: loose stools, vomiting, diarrhea or other signs of acute intestinal infection. They also had not taken any probiotics in the previous two weeks.

"Probiotics have become an increasingly popular way of treating children with acute gastroenteritis, and some small studies have indicated that probiotics may be useful, but these studies have had a number of limitations. independent and conclusive evidence for or against the use of probiotics in infants and young children with acute gastroenteritis, "said author of the study David Schnadower.

A similar study done in Canada, also published in the same journal and co-authored by Schnadower, evaluated the efficacy of a different probiotic in children with gastroenteritis. The conclusions of this study reflect those of the American study.

"Probiotics have had no effect on children.It is best that parents save their money and use it to buy more fresh fruits and vegetables for their children," said Phillip I. Tarr , co-author of the American study.

There is no treatment for acute pediatric gastroenteritis other than the administration of fluids to prevent dehydration and sometimes medications to relieve nausea. The lack of options has prompted some doctors and parents to give probiotics to sick children.

Probiotics are generally considered safe. However, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate dietary supplements such as probiotics as strictly as prescription and over-the-counter medications.

Consumers around the world are spending billions of dollars each year on foods fortified with probiotics, as well as over the counter supplements in pill and powder form.

"Because of the popularity of probiotics, it was important to make sure their use was worth it, in which case probiotics did not provide any measurable benefit and therefore they are not worth it. the extra cost, "said Schnadower.

Half of the children in the study were randomly assigned to receive the probiotic LGG twice daily for five days, while the others took a similar placebo to similar taste and appearance. Otherwise, the children received standard clinical care.

Whether children take a placebo or a probiotic, their symptoms and recovery are almost identical. The data showed that diarrhea in both groups of children lasted about two days and that children missed an average of two days of childcare.

"We tested many different scenarios – comparing infants to young children, if the patient had taken antibiotics, if gastroenteritis was caused by a virus or bacteria and how long the diarrhea had occurred before We also had the probiotic independently tested for purity and strength.Every time we came to the same conclusion, "said Schnadower.

(This story has not been changed by Business Standard staff and is generated automatically from a syndicated feed.)

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