The city of Chesapeake, Virginia, has a prescription that prohibits anyone 13 years of age or older from harming or treating. (Photo: M_a_y_a, Getty Images / iStockphoto)

Teens can be fined or even jailed for playing tricks in a Virginia city.

No, you have not been redirected to an article on The Onion. It's real.

The city of Chesapeake has a prescription that prohibits anyone 13 years of age or older from harming or spoiling. If teens are disguised with a bag filled with free candies, they may be declared "guilty of a misdemeanor and incurring a fine of not less than $ 25 and not more than $ 100 or less than $ 25. a prison term of not more than six months ". or both."

Oh, and the Halloween fun will be over at 8 pm

MORE: In a city in Virginia, criminals over the age of 12 face prison

To be fair, the city said it did not intend to ask police officers to cheat.

Yet why is it a law? Families should have the freedom to decide when the fun era of sleight of hand is over.

According to an unscientific survey of 2,000 people today, parents are far from deciding on this ideal age. When asked, "How old is too old to deceive or treat?", 73% of respondents say they are between 12 and 17 years old. But these five years between the beginning and the end of adolescence mark a huge difference in the development of adolescents.

And after? If not, how can we crush the teen spirit? Prohibition of dance in Footloose style? 14 years of tax returns?

Teenagers who do silly things, if they respect the people around them, do no harm.

Do you know what they could do instead?

Vandalizing property. Go to parties with alcohol or illicit drugs. Heck, an already gloomy teenager sitting sadly at home, feeling like a missed opportunity is reason enough to let them get dressed and take candy.

But the main reason why teenagers should be allowed to cheat or treat in peace?

Teenagers do not need to grow faster than they already are.

Judging by the reaction of social media, many people agree.

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