Prosecutors say they are ready to condemn Michael Flynn, Trump's former national security adviser


Prosecutors said Monday that they are ready for a federal judge to condemn former Trump National Security Advisor Michael Flynn in a sign that Special Investigator Robert Mueller's investigation is getting closer to the line. arrival.

In a joint filing with Mr. Flynn's lawyers, Mr. Mueller's office asked a federal judge in Washington, DC, to set Mr. Flynn's sentence for November 28 or the next seven business days. announced until the end of the mid-term elections of 6 November.

In one of the previous cases brought by Mr. Mueller's office, Mr. Flynn pleaded guilty last December to lying to investigators about his appeals with the Moscow ambassador a month before the investiture of Mr. Trump.

With regard to the investigation in Russia, the word "Collusion" is often used. But there is not much clarity about what this really means. Is it illegal? Is this a ground of impeachment? We asked a law professor to explain. Photo Illustration: Drew Evans / The Wall Street Journal.

At the time, prosecutors said Flynn was cooperating to continue the investigation of Russia's efforts to interfere in the 2016 elections and any connection with the Trump campaign, and delayed the conviction. from Mr Flynn.

Mr. Flynn was released from prison while awaiting his conviction, and discussed his entry into a lobbying company. He probably faces less than six months in jail, with the possibility of receiving only probation.

The announcement came a few days after Paul Manafort, former Trump campaign chairman, pleaded guilty to conspiracy against the United States and obstructing justice because of his private consulting work in Ukraine at the beginning. Mr. Manafort also agreed on Friday to cooperate with Mr. Mueller's investigation.

At the time of the filing, Mr. Flynn's attorneys and lawyers asked the judge to have them file sentencing notices no later than two weeks before sentencing. This request would also mean that Mr. Mueller's office would not detail how Mr. Flynn helped his investigation before the November elections.

Write to Aruna Viswanatha at [email protected]

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