Protect More Than Your Skin With Conscious Sunscreen – Daily Utah Chronicle


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The sunscreen is an apparently small defense against the sun's UV rays and the potential effects that they have on our skin, but the truth is that sunscreen has a significant impact on more than us do not think so. From skin to coral reefs, sunscreen has changed the game for years.

This may seem obvious, but many people do not look further into sunscreen than the SPF on the front. There is actually two different types sunscreen: chemical sunscreens and physical sunscreens. Chemical sunscreens are made with a variety of chemicals, as its name suggests. Two of the most common chemicals in these sunscreens are oxybenzone and octinoxate, which have grim results on coral reefs, a recent study has found.

In 2015, The "Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology" found that oxybenzone and octinoxate were responsible for higher mortality rates in coral bleaching and genetic damage to corals and other marine organisms, with effects possible on fish, sea urchins and sea turtles. With such damaging results for the environment, it must do something for our skin, is not it?

Dermatologists do not worry about the effects of oxybenzone and octinoxate on the skin. In one Huffington Post According to Dr. Jody Levine, "According to the FDA, there are no definitive data demonstrating that these ingredients are harmful to health." The Environmental Working Group did, however, review studies conducted on many ingredients used in chemical sunscreens. . Although many ingredients did not have conclusive data or much information available about their effects, oxybenzone may be the reason why you are allergic to some sunscreens. Several tests carried out by the CDC have not been conducted in the long term, therefore, their results can not be considered definitive, but these tests have shown that oxybenzone can cause lower testosterone levels in adolescent boys and some men .

The negative effects on our coral reefs and the potential negative effects that these chemicals can have on people are sufficient to address the sunscreen chemical alternatives – a choice that the state of Hawaii makes in its together the bill of 2 May 2018 prohibiting the sale and distribution of chemical sunscreens containing oxybenzone and octinoxate should come into effect in January 2021. What kind of sun But does protection leave that behind?

Surprisingly, always sunscreen! Many brands have sunscreens that do not include oxybenzone or octinoxate. This summer, try sunscreens that are more respectful of the environment. Badger Balm, Sun Bum and Banana Boat all have products made without oxybenzone and octinoxate. Badger Baume is a complete line of all natural sunscreens, while Sun Bum centered their business around creating products that are good for people and the environment. Although Banana Boat as a company does not focus on being the most environmentally conscious, they have sunscreen for children – Banana Boat SPF 50 Sunscreen Lotion – made without oxybenzone and octinoxate. With such a high SPF, your skin and the environment will certainly thank you, children's sunscreen or not.

If you're a kid or an adult, wearing sunscreen is the best idea when you're spending time outdoors this summer! So take a look at the ingredients of your favorite sunscreen, because this little change can have a bigger effect than you think.

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@ ladyofth3lak3

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