PT Alan Waterman: The truth about the role of calories in weight loss


If you have recently listened to the news, you have certainly heard of some of the controversial changes within one of the most popular diet product brands in the UK.

Slimming World, a cornerstone of the UK's food industry for nearly 50 years and more than half a million members, has recently announced that the value of its "free" foods would now be synonymous with value upset by many of its members.

For those who do not know, the "free" foods of Slimming World are those that the diet can consume in unlimited quantities, such as pasta, rice and certain types of fruits / vegetables. to consume certain foods are limited to five to 15 a day, depending on how quickly you want to lose weight.

Recent changes have prevented dieters from consuming unlimited amounts of these "free" foods to which they were allowed until now.

When we look at weight loss, despite what you may have heard, the most basic thing to achieve for weight loss is to consume fewer calories than we burn.

This goes against what many teach, but the truth is that it's not about how many carbohydrates we eat, when we decide to eat or how many meals we eat that we consume. the loss does this by succeeding in helping us to create a caloric deficit.

In trying to create the caloric deficit we need to lose weight, limiting the amount of nutrients we can consume will help us do that, but our ad libitum approach to eating certain types of foods is completely detrimental to the body. 'importance. the role of calories, because no food is free in terms of calories.

This leaves us gaps in our knowledge of how to lose weight and maintain this weight loss; the need to create a calorie deficit is a relatively simple theory to understand, but it becomes more confusing when we start to rely on a system that does not recognize calories.

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Belfast Telegraph Digital

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