Pulmonary screening: Better to know than to drop | Health


Lung cancer is one of the most common types of cancer and historically one of the most deadly.

It is the second most common cancer in men and women and the leading cause of cancer death among men and women; However, since it is symptomatic only at an advanced stage, it often goes unnoticed and is difficult to treat.

But this is not necessarily the case. It's better to know than to give up.

Low-dose CT scans are very effective at detecting early lung cancer when treatment is most effective and the cure rate is high. The test is quick, easy and is performed in the radiology department of CMC, an accredited ACR facility.

Patients lie on a table while the CT scanner takes panoramic images of their chest. The entire test takes about 30 seconds and does not require a contrast matrix – so there is no needlestick. It's also safe. The exposure to radiation is about the same level as that encountered during a flight abroad.

The results of the scanner will always be read by a licensed radiologist and the results will be sent to your doctor. In the event that your scan reveals something suspicious, you may be referred to a specialist or sent for follow-up screening in a few months.

Lung cancer treatment options are more effective and varied than ever before, especially when they are detected early.

Chemotherapy, radiotherapy, tumor removal and surgery are all locally available and CMC's multidisciplinary approach ensures that your care is always well coordinated and comprehensive.

Low dose CT screening for lung cancer is not suitable for everyone. Talk to your doctor if you think you are at risk for lung cancer, especially if you have been smoking for a long time. Free annual screening is available for patients who are:

• current smokers or people who have quit smoking in the past 15 years;

• have at least 30 years of experience in the health field (1 year of manufacture = 1 company / day / year or fractions of it);

• Between 55 and 77 years old.

Smoking is by far the leading risk factor for lung cancer. Quitting smoking not only affects your risk of cancer, but also improves your overall health and that of the members of your household. It's a profound way to make a significant difference in the lives of many people.

Quitting smoking is not easy. Many resources are available to help or help a loved one along the way. CMC offers the American Lung Association's Freedom from Smoking program, as well as a course on hypnosis for stopping smoking.

On November 15, the Great American Smokeout's day, the CMC will also have a cigarette bin outside of the hospital. Just drive or walk and commit to quitting by throwing your unused cigarettes or other smoking materials into the collection bin.

Information on support services and our screening for low dose CT lung cancer will be available.

Dr. Robert Sprague, head of the CMC radiology department, works with radiology consultants in southern New Hampshire, Bedford.

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