Puppies spread the Campylobacter epidemic in 18 states: what you need to know


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a report last week with details on a Campylobacter epidemic, you may have heard of it.

Between 2016 and 2018, 118 people in 18 states were infected. Twenty-four percent of them had to be hospitalized and, fortunately, everyone recovered. Source? Puppies from six different pet stores.

The outbreak investigation is over, but you should always keep in mind certain things to prevent an infection in the future. Here is everything you need to know about the problem.

What is Campylobacter?

Campylobacter is a bacterium that causes diarrheal disease in humans. Symptoms of infection include diarrhea (which is often bloody), abdominal cramps and fever. Additional symptoms may include nausea and vomiting. These symptoms usually begin within two days of exposure and last up to a week.

PHOTO: Puppies curl up on the grass in this photo.STOCK / Getty Images
Puppies curl up together on the grass in this stock photo.

Animals, even those that show no signs of the disease, can transmit the infection to humans. Chickens, in particular, are known to harbor infection, and undercooked poultry consumption is usually the way humans can get sick. Drinking milk from an infected cow is another way. And then there are also fruits, vegetables and water that come in contact with contaminated excrement from sick animals.

Dogs – most often puppies – can become sick with Campylobacter. Infections have been detected in dogs in the past, but this most recent outbreak is by far the most important we have seen.

How is Campylobacter diagnosed and treated?

If you have symptoms of CampylobacterDoctors can diagnose it by testing your stool.

There is no special treatment for Campylobacter the infection, but people should take the time to rest and hydrate – as for any diarrheal disease. Intravenous fluids can be given to those who can not keep food or water on their own.

In some cases, especially if the immune system is impaired, a doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

What is important about this epidemic?

The 2016-2018 Campylobacter the epidemic was the largest ever contracted in puppies. It emerged for the first time that the CDC was informed of six cases of Campylobacter Florida infections. The six people had gone to the same pet shop.

Thanks to this first index, state and local health departments have undertaken to collect more information, notably by sequencing the genome of certain strains of bacteria. Strains of Campylobacter Much like those found in an Ohio pet shop, they found.

PHOTO: The puppies run on the grass in this photo.STOCK / Getty Images
Puppies run on the grass in this photo.

Subsequent investigations across the country concluded that puppies from six stores – from various breeders, transporters and distributors – had transmitted the infection to people in 18 states. They could not find a single source of infection – only where it appeared.

Another thing that made this epidemic different is that the bacteria transmitted by these puppies were multi-resistant, which means that they did not respond to typical antibiotics. This can be a real problem for those who need treatment, because the usual arsenal of drugs is not.

The CDC found that 95% of the affected puppies had received antibiotics – an act likely to produce resistant germs – and reminded the public that antibiotics should only be given to animals under the supervision of a trained veterinarian.

What is my risk of infection?

Because the outbreak has lasted so long and has been transmitted from one dog to another, it is possible that this bacteria is still present, even if the outbreak is considered over. If you have a dog, good hygiene when cleaning, using gloves and washing your hands, for example, can help prevent the spread of this virus.

Amisha Ahuja is a resident in internal medicine at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital and a writer for the ABC News Medical Unit.

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