Puppies, what did you do now? Antibiotic-resistant infections in 118 people

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Did the puppies cause problems? (Photo: Getty Images)

How can those who are so cute cause so much diarrhea? It's campy.

Not campy like in "ha ha" but campy like in the nickname of Campylobacter jejuniin the United States, a bacterium that alone causes about 1.3 million diarrheal diseases each year, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It's a load of shit.

Now, the CDC describes in its Weekly Report on Morbidity and Mortality (MMWR) a Campylobacter jejuni epidemic that affected at least 118 people in 18 states from January 5, 2016 to February 4, 2018, more than a hundred people who had 2 to 10 days of abdominal cramps and pain, nausea, vomiting, fever and bloody diarrhea. Bloody diarrhea means real blood in diarrhea and it's not a person from the UK who curses the presence of diarrhea.

Oh, and where does this diarrhea come from? Of the 118 people declared to have Campylobacter jejuni infections, 101 (95%) had been in contact with pet puppies. Yes, puppies. Oh, puppies, do not look at me with those puppy eyes. Look at what you did.

You, the puppies, have apparently caused 26 hospitalizations (no deaths, however). You have also spread a strain of Campylobacter jejuni that is resistant to many commonly used antibiotics, including those of the macrolide and quinolone classes. These include azithromycin, ciprofloxacin, clindamycin, erythromycin, nalidixic acid, telithromycin and tetracycline. Bad, bad puppies.

How many unnecessary antibiotics do pets receive? (Photo: Getty Images)

However, puppies are ultimately not to blame for this outbreak. Almost all (142 of 149 or 95%) puppies studied had received at least one antibiotic treatment. And, of course, the puppies did not go to the vets and said, "I have a sore throat, can you give me antibiotics? Oh and by the way, wow!"

No, the concern here is that people have been able to overuse and over treat puppies with antibiotics. More than half (78 or 55%) of the 142 puppies studied had received antibiotics only for prophylaxis. Prophylaxis involves administering antibiotics to puppies only to prevent infections and to treat nothing. Ugh.

More than one-third (54 or 38%) had received antibiotics for prophylaxis and treatment of an ailment. Only 2 or 1% had received fair treatment. In addition, a number of puppies had received broad-spectrum antibiotics or those capable of killing a wide variety of bacteria, such as tetracyclines, quinolones, aminoglycosides and chloramphenicol. Double trash

Unless it's really necessary, you usually want to avoid using broad-spectrum antibiotics because it can be like using a nuclear warhead when something less drastic may be enough. Broad-spectrum antibiotics can eliminate both good and bad bacteria, allowing surviving and more resistant bacterial strains to reproduce and take over.

the MMWR The report refers to Company A, a national pet chain based in Ohio, Campylobacter jejuni trigger. Company A is probably not the real name of the company as it would be a strange name for a national pet shop chain. So, the MMWR report the authors (led by Martha P. Montgomery, MD, Ohio Department of Health and CDC Epidemic Intelligence Service) conceal the true identity of the company. However, as I wrote previously for Forbes, a CDC report had named Petland as a source of Campylobacter jejuni release So suppose what you would like from the information contained in this CDC report.

This outbreak shows the urgent need to look more closely at the prescription of pet antibiotics, as recommended by this video from the British Veterinary Association:

The spread of antibiotic resistance in bacteria is a major and growing problem. We lack antibiotics to treat infections. Remember the days when simple skin infections and urinary tract infections were very likely to kill you? Probably not, thanks to antibiotics. But treating antibiotics like sweets and not having enough new antibiotics under development has left us on the edge of the real disaster.

Concern over this disaster has led to programs to limit antibiotics prescribed by doctors. But human doctors are not the only culprits. As the MMWR The report shows that veterinarians and other people who can give antibiotics to pets are victims of abuse and abuse of antibiotics. Antibiotics should not be routinely administered as prophylaxis (ie, to prevent infections) to anyone with 2 legs, 4 legs or more. This is an important oversight because what the puppy gets, you can also do it.

Campylobacter jejuni Bacteria are an important cause of intestinal enteritis, food poisoning and diarrhea. It is usually transmitted in contaminated milk or through contact with infected domestic animals. (Photo: Getty Images)

Obtain antibiotic resistance Campylobacter jejuni the infection may be, dare we say it, "ruff". While the vast majority of healthy people recover completely without the need for antibiotics, in rare cases you may develop arthritis or Guillain-Barré syndrome, a condition that can result in paralysis. People with weaker immune systems, such as infants, people aged 65 and over, pregnant or chronically ill women, may be at higher risk for complications Campylobacter infection.

But since you should not treat the routine Campylobacter jejuni Antibiotic infections, the biggest concern is that the misuse of antibiotics and overuse in pets can lead to even more dangerous and antibiotic-resistant bacteria, the type that can cause more harm or even kill you.


Did the puppies cause problems? (Photo: Getty Images)

How can those who are so cute cause so much diarrhea? It's campy.

Not campy like in "ha ha" but campy like in the nickname of Campylobacter jejuniin the United States, a bacterium that alone causes about 1.3 million diarrheal diseases each year, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It's a load of shit.

Now, the CDC describes in its Weekly Report on Morbidity and Mortality (MMWR) a Campylobacter jejuni epidemic that affected at least 118 people in 18 states from January 5, 2016 to February 4, 2018, more than a hundred people who had 2 to 10 days of abdominal cramps and pain, nausea, vomiting, fever and bloody diarrhea. Bloody diarrhea means real blood in diarrhea and it's not a person from the UK who curses the presence of diarrhea.

Oh, and where does this diarrhea come from? Of the 118 people declared to have Campylobacter jejuni infections, 101 (95%) had been in contact with pet puppies. Yes, puppies. Oh, puppies, do not look at me with those puppy eyes. Look at what you did.

You, the puppies, have apparently caused 26 hospitalizations (no deaths, however). You have also spread a strain of Campylobacter jejuni that is resistant to many commonly used antibiotics, including those of the macrolide and quinolone classes. These include azithromycin, ciprofloxacin, clindamycin, erythromycin, nalidixic acid, telithromycin and tetracycline. Bad, bad puppies.

How many unnecessary antibiotics do pets receive? (Photo: Getty Images)

However, puppies are ultimately not to blame for this outbreak. Almost all (142 of 149 or 95%) puppies studied had received at least one antibiotic treatment. And, of course, the puppies did not go to the vets and said, "I have a sore throat, can you give me antibiotics? Oh and by the way, wow!"

No, the concern here is that people have been able to overuse and over treat puppies with antibiotics. More than half (78 or 55%) of the 142 puppies studied had received antibiotics only for prophylaxis. Prophylaxis involves administering antibiotics to puppies only to prevent infections and to treat nothing. Ugh.

More than one-third (54 or 38%) had received antibiotics for prophylaxis and treatment of an ailment. Only 2 or 1% had received fair treatment. In addition, a number of puppies had received broad-spectrum antibiotics or those capable of killing a wide variety of bacteria, such as tetracyclines, quinolones, aminoglycosides and chloramphenicol. Double trash

Unless it's really necessary, you usually want to avoid using broad-spectrum antibiotics because it can be like using a nuclear warhead when something less drastic may be enough. Broad-spectrum antibiotics can eliminate both good and bad bacteria, allowing surviving and more resistant bacterial strains to reproduce and take over.

the MMWR The report refers to Company A, a national pet chain based in Ohio, Campylobacter jejuni trigger. Company A is probably not the real name of the company as it would be a strange name for a national pet shop chain. So, the MMWR report the authors (led by Martha P. Montgomery, MD, Ohio Department of Health and CDC Epidemic Intelligence Service) conceal the true identity of the company. However, as I wrote previously for Forbes, a CDC report had named Petland as a source of Campylobacter jejuni release So suppose what you would like from the information contained in this CDC report.

This outbreak shows the urgent need to look more closely at the prescription of pet antibiotics, as recommended by this video from the British Veterinary Association:

The spread of antibiotic resistance in bacteria is a major and growing problem. We lack antibiotics to treat infections. Remember the days when simple skin infections and urinary tract infections were very likely to kill you? Probably not, thanks to antibiotics. But treating antibiotics like sweets and not having enough new antibiotics under development has left us on the edge of the real disaster.

Concern over this disaster has led to programs to limit antibiotics prescribed by doctors. But human doctors are not the only culprits. As the MMWR The report shows that veterinarians and other people who can give antibiotics to pets are victims of abuse and abuse of antibiotics. Antibiotics should not be routinely administered as prophylaxis (ie, to prevent infections) to anyone with 2 legs, 4 legs or more. This is an important oversight because what the puppy gets, you can also do it.

Campylobacter jejuni Bacteria are an important cause of intestinal enteritis, food poisoning and diarrhea. It is usually transmitted in contaminated milk or through contact with infected domestic animals. (Photo: Getty Images)

Obtain antibiotic resistance Campylobacter jejuni the infection may be, dare we say it, "ruff". While the vast majority of healthy people recover completely without the need for antibiotics, in rare cases you may develop arthritis or Guillain-Barré syndrome, a condition that can result in paralysis. People with weaker immune systems, such as infants, people aged 65 and over, pregnant or chronically ill women, may be at higher risk for complications Campylobacter infection.

But since you should not treat the routine Campylobacter jejuni Antibiotic infections, the biggest concern is that the misuse of antibiotics and overuse in pets can lead to even more dangerous and antibiotic-resistant bacteria, the type that can cause more harm or even kill you.

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