Pvt Detox Centers Use HIV Testing | Chandigarh News


Chandigarh: In an effort to quickly detect HIV-infected drug users through proper testing and testing, the Punjab government has decided to open integrated counseling and testing centers in private drug rehabilitation centers. . The government plans to implement them in public-private partnership (PPP) mode.

According to data from the recently published National Health Profile-2018, 26,841 people living with HIV / AIDS (PLHIV) are present. The state has 12 antiretroviral treatment centers where people infected with HIV receive treatment. There are approximately 84 detoxification centers in different parts of the states, including 53 approved private centers. While most government drug rehab centers already have integrated counseling and testing centers, private centers operate without this facility.

Dr Manpreet Chhatwal, additional project director of the Punjab National Aids Control Society, said the integrated counseling and testing centers would be opened in private rehabilitation centers in PPP mode. as in the case of hepatitis C. As directed by the Department of Health, staff assigned to these centers for HIV and hepatitis C will be screened appropriately using HIV / AIDS kits. screening provided by the National AIDS Organization and the National Health Mission.

The government will sign a memorandum of understanding with the private drug rehabilitation centers for which the process will be launched by the Punjab AIDS Society. All HIV-positive people will be referred to the nearest antiretroviral treatment centers for further treatment and the list will be communicated each month to the nearest government centers through private detox centers. Anyone suffering from hepatitis C will be referred to district hospitals and government medical colleges for treatment.

In cases where public health centers do not have integrated counseling and testing centers, existing staff, including the laboratory technician and nurses, will be trained by the Punjab National Aids Control Society and the Ministry of Health. office of civilian surgeons. also made available.

Punjab Health Minister Brahm Mohindra said the rapid detection would help provide the necessary care and treatment to people infected with HIV and hepatitis C. "We want to make sure that counseling centers and screening are available at all rehab centers, "Mohindra said.

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