(Bloomberg) – Qualcomm Inc. says its fight against Apple Inc. over the price the chip maker can charge for the key patented technology used in iPhones and iPads is becoming expensive.
"They are trying to destroy our business," said Qualcomm's lawyer, Evan Chesler, during a hearing Friday in federal court in San Diego. They now have $ 7 billion behind royalties. The house is on fire and there is currently $ 7 billion in property damage. "
Qualcomm hopes that no fewer than 56 claims and counterclaims related to patents will be withdrawn from a lawsuit against Apple and its Asian manufacturers, considering that they are only the indirect sign of the more general dispute over licenses between companies. Apple, through its manufacturers, suspended the payment of royalties to Qualcomm last year and the clash of tech giants has degenerated into a hundred court proceedings around the world.
Apple claims that Qualcomm uses its intellectual property to compel customers to pay excessive royalties, while trying to avoid compliance with the validity of its patents. "You can not let Qualcomm get out of it," Apple's attorney Ruffin Cordell told the judge at Friday's hearing.
To contact the reporters on this story: Edvard Pettersson in Los Angeles at epettersson@bloomberg.net, Bill Callahan in San Diego at callahan@san.rr.com
To contact the editors responsible for this story: Elizabeth Wollman at ewollman@bloomberg.net, Peter Blumberg
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