Queen Elizabeth II, has died, leaving the 92-year-old with her favorite stumpy, snappy pooches to trot by her side.

British media reports in The Daily Mail, The Express and The Telegraph, among others, said that Whisper, who was 12, died on Saturday at Windsor Castle, leaving the queen bereft of her loyal corgis, the endearing breed Pembroke Welsh Corgi Pup, Susan, a gift from her father, King George VI.

But the queen is not entirely without canine companions: There are two dorgis left, Vulcan and Candy, products of the corgi-dachshund mix created when one of the queen's loved ones, Princess Margaret.

Buckingham Palace TODAY seeking confirmation, but the palace almost never says anything about the queen's private life, including her dogs.

Queen Elizabeth II arrives at King's Cross railway station in London in October 1969. (Photo: STF, AFP / Getty Images)

According to the Daily Mail's royally-plugged in columnist, Billy Richard, Whisper was adopted by the queen in 2016 after the death of his owner, Bill Fenwick, to train gamekeeper at Sandringham, the royal estate in Norfolk. Kay said the queen was deeply saddened by Whisper's death.

"Fenwick's late wife Nancy was known as the keeper of the Queen's corgis and always looked after the royal farts when her Majesty was away on tours," Kay reported. "Her offer to take in Whisper was seen as returning the favor.

"Buckingham Palace." Buckingham Palace. "

Back in April, Kay, a longtime royal correspondent for the Mail, also broke the news that Willow, a 14th-generation descendant of the queen's first dog, was a victim of cancer-related illness. That, too, left the queen bereaved.

They often put their dogs when they put Queen Elizabeth II, as in November 2002 when the New Zealand All Blacks rugby team visited her at Buckingham Palace. (Photo: KIRSTY WIGGLESWORTH / AFP / GETTY IMAGES)

The queen's devotion to her dogs (and horses) is one of the most recognizable features of the world, and especially her long association with the distinctive corgi breed.

Short, plump, yappy and snappy, packs of them would be everywhere in the various palaces, hopping in and out of royal Bentleys and Rolls, and being carried up by plane.

That image of the world at London Olympics in London, when it agreed to appear in a video spoof with Daniel "James Bond" Craig: Three of her corgis, Monty, Holly and Willow, were in the video, too, trotting by her side.

Monty's performance was particularly memorable: He greeted Craig as Bond, and then he went to work for the camera. Then 13, Monty died a few months later in September 2012.

In 2015, The Telegraph reported that the queen had stopped breeding corgis (she was so famous for her horse-breeding skills) because she was getting on (she was then 89) and did not want to leave .

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When she could, the queen fed her dogs herself and took them for walks. Her children and grandchildren were known to be somewhat less enamored of the corgis: Prince William said in an interview that their barking was too noisy.

Queen Elizabeth II is escorted by Daniel Craig (James Bond) left, a palace butler and one of her corgis in a spoof for the opening of the London Olympics 2012. (Photo: NBC)

"I do not know how she copes with it, but it's very important to her," William said in a 2012 ITV documentary. "I would just question the noise!"

Prince Harry, during an interview after announcing his commitment to Meghan Markle, pointed out that when they were going to tea with the queen, he loved them Markle instantly while he was having to put up with years of suspicious barking.

"For the last 33 years, I've been barked at. This one walks in, and absolutely nothing! "He said. "Just wagging tails."


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