Quest cat food, Steve's dog food recalled on salmonella problems


When Steve Real Food tested a sample of pet food that Washington state claimed to have salmonella and / or listeriosis, the tests were negative.

This is in line with the FDA's notice for Steve's reminder on Friday. The company has released a batch of Steve's Real Food Turducken Recipe dog food, 5-pound bags; Quest Emu Diet cat food, 2-pound bags; and Quest Beef Diet cat food, 2 pound bags.

"This recall is initiated after the Washington Department of Agriculture has notified the company when a sample has been taken and tested positive for Salmonella and / or L. mono," says the reporter. ; opinion. "The company did its own test, which resulted in a negative result for Salmonella and L. mono.

"However, because of their commitment to overall safety and quality, Steve Real Food is voluntarily recalling this product."

In addition, Steve's notes, no illness has been reported yet.

"L. Mono "is the abbreviation of Listeria monocytogenes or listeria, the bacterium causing listeriosis.

Lot No J155 of Turducken with a sell-by date of 4 June 2019; The B138 number of the Quest Emu diet and the number A138 of the Quest Beef diet, each with an expiry date of May 18, 2019, have been recalled. They must be returned to the retailer for a refund.

Customers with questions can call the company at 888-526-1900, from 11am to 6pm. Monday Friday.

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