Questions and Answers about Alzheimer's Disease: How to prepare for emergencies or disasters by taking care of a person with dementia? | Health and fitness


Preparation is the ideal word and especially important during this active hurricane season. You can now create an emergency preparedness kit, which would be the first steps in coordinating an effective disaster plan for you and your loved one.

A good emergency preparedness kit includes: a bottle of water (at least three days of reserve / 1 gallon per day per person); breakfast, energy bars and foods that do not require cooking; personal hygiene items; prescription lenses / spare contacts; at least two weeks of medication and medical supplies; assisted living and batteries; additional identification, including identification bracelet; recent photo of a person with Alzheimer's or dementia; photocopies of important documents, such as medical history, bank / credit card numbers, cards / insurance policies; wills and power of attorney; cell phone charged with extra batteries, flashlight; minimum of three days cash; house and car keys and spare keys; map of evacuation routes; comfort items such as a blanket and a pillow; various entertainment items such as books, games, music CDs or iPods; and pet supplies if necessary.

Keep all your valuables and personal papers in plastic bags or waterproof containers. It is also useful to place all important information on a portable player for easy transportation during the disaster. Always carry your mobile phone and charger with you.

In the event of a disaster, make sure that you and your loved one are in a safe place and that you inform your family and friends of your location and contact information. If you are the primary caregiver, it is beneficial to ask another family member to have all the important personal and medical information of your loved one.

During an emergency or disaster, it can be difficult to prioritize or keep things in perspective and stay calm and reassuring. Keep in mind the insecurity of your loved one and his inability to express his fears or worries, or even his understanding of what is going on. Your loved one could capture your emotions and become more confused, disoriented and anxious.

In case of disaster, observe the environment of your loved one. It is not advisable to watch the TV coverage of the event or listen to the radio. In fact, all household members should limit television coverage because studies have shown that endless surveillance can result in post-traumatic stress disorder. You will need to constantly reassure and comfort your loved one, by providing some kind of activity to divert his attention from the events. In addition, as much as possible, maintain the routine and structure as it will be calmer when schedules are respected.

Make sure to take care of yourself. Stay in touch with others as much as possible and rely on them for help. Try to feed yourself while you are caring for your loved one to make difficult and difficult moments less stressful and more peaceful.

For more detailed disaster procedures, including advice and care management strategies, contact the Alzheimer's Department for a copy of the organization's Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Handbook. .

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